Hello! And my to do list

Started by Tolen, September 01, 2010, 03:01:02 PM

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September 01, 2010, 03:01:02 PM Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 10:24:45 AM by Tolen
Wow, that didn't take long, thanks!

I'll start some new topics shortly, but this is where I'll post my list of things I need.
I have a small list of things to come up with to make this work for RMFRP:

Scan in the maps, get new ones made (maybe a more professional appearance),
New Races:
     Murovai: Cat-people.  the Idivya from the Races and Cultures book could work, with a couple of tweaks
     Eldain:  Ancient, ultra-powerful elven sorcerers
     Using the rules from the Channeling Companion, create specific priests for the gods of Arrylon.
     A gunfighter type
     a Bounty Hunter
     4 types of bard (I'll  make a specific post about them later).
     Deadseeker: an undead hunter
     Destrier: Elven cavalry with an extreme prejudice and chaotic outlook
     Amethyst Knight
     Causeway Arms: sort of a garrison type soldier.
Training packages (the causeway arms might work best as just a training package).

Adolescent ranks table:  I want to instead of reflect the terrain they grew up in, reflect the country they grew up in.  People from the wastelands are different from people from Caladyn who are different from Bruhn, and so on.

I've checked out the rules from  "10 million ways to die" and "weapons Law: Firearms", and I wish there were more tables for variations on older style blackpowder weapons: flintlocks, matchlocks, things like that.

Then the gnomes are known for invention, so a set of rules that would let people create new machines would be nice.  I never got very far on this section in previous games.

Of course, I also need to get my history and background up.

So there you are, I will try to keep current on my posting and not let this project fall by the wayside.  Any help I get will be greatly appreciated.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Oh, I just remembered something else I need to stat up.

The Empty are people who, for some unknown reason, are just not affected by magic.  All magic simply fails to have any effect on them.  On the flip side, they cannot use magic, even in the form of magic items.

The Hungry are people who for some reason absorb magic.  They drain the power from magic items, and spells cast at them heal them as opposed to harm.  The worst of these are known as the Ravenous, because they are vampire-like and seem to need to absorb magic to survive.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Hi, back from the Rolemaster forum :)

I'll pitch in making a world map for you, using CC2/ 3, if you'd like and can get me some material and info. I'm more of a generalist GM, who enjoys map making. I'll use lots of resolution (yes even in CC2/ 3 that is necessary) so you can develop area maps from them.

Hopefully we can lift your world to a good level. IMHO the thing that really makes or breaks a world are its maps.
Game On!


 In the back of AL WL:FA there is a table that has conversions of black powder weapons to its AE value.  You can also look up on the web the K.E. or ft/s value of a weapon and compute its AE value.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


That seems like an awful lot of work, to be honest.  I already have plenty of things to do as it is.  Besides, with the expense of outfitting a unit of muskets or rifles, it isn't something that happened a lot.
I just had hoped to find more than one or two attack tables.  The two from WL:F will work fine as is.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Ok, with the pantheon typed up, I'm making my way through my notes pretty efficiently.  I still have some information about a few organizations to post, plus some notes about currency, and then some history.

Once I've gotten all that typed up so that everyone has an idea of what the setting is like, we can set to building TP's and professions.  I figure it doesn't do any good to try to work out the details based on just a two or three line description of what I'm going to be doing.

the sad part is that as I type this stuff up, I'm beginning to see just how much I lost in the move...(almost ten years ago).  At least, I have the old maps and the timeline, plus a few anecdotes here and there, and I'll be able to start reconstructing a player's guide of sorts.

A question:  I have some hand-drawn maps, should I put them in the vault?  Or should I find some other place to keep them, and provide links?

P.S. My supervisor at work is on vacation, and I'm the only other one there trained for my job, so I have a ten day stretch ahead of me.  My posts will slow down for a while. (yuck!)
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Quote from: VladD on September 01, 2010, 03:58:10 PM
Hi, back from the Rolemaster forum :)

I'll pitch in making a world map for you, using CC2/ 3, if you'd like and can get me some material and info. I'm more of a generalist GM, who enjoys map making. I'll use lots of resolution (yes even in CC2/ 3 that is necessary) so you can develop area maps from them.

Hopefully we can lift your world to a good level. IMHO the thing that really makes or breaks a world are its maps.

Ok, I appreciate the offer.  But you should know I use Linux, and I don't have CC2.  Can you export them into a format I can view?
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


  Page 137 of WL:FA has a table at the bottom, if you use the numbers from the early to late 1500's you should have ME tables 2,3,4,5,7,8 and 9.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Ah, ok, that's pretty easy then.  Thanks.
This will be the first RM campaign I've run with firearms, so I haven't actually read EVERY book I have on the subject yet.  (I suppose I really ought to do that soon...)
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Quote from: Tolen on September 03, 2010, 09:54:24 AM
Ah, ok, that's pretty easy then.  Thanks.
This will be the first RM campaign I've run with firearms, so I haven't actually read EVERY book I have on the subject yet.  (I suppose I really ought to do that soon...)

No problem I am just trying to make your game easier. And if I have info that might I will I will post it if you do not mind.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Hey that's fine.  That's why I came asking for help.

Just a quick note for anyone who cares: I'm starting a ten day stretch at work, so from this point forward, my posting might become erratic.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Quote from: Tolen on September 03, 2010, 09:25:29 AM

Ok, I appreciate the offer.  But you should know I use Linux, and I don't have CC2.  Can you export them into a format I can view?

Sure any pixel format: BMP, JPG, PNG or there is DWG/ DFX (AutoCAD), or EMF, one of the few working vector formats with color and fills.

I am not sure if there is a vault section for uploading maps... if there is; then its no problem uploading them, if there isn't: find some place else.

Good luck with the 10 day stretch of work
Game On!


So As I go through all of the material I already have, I'm starting to recognize holes the histories.  In particular, I'll need to establish the events of the Daemoniad, and the Days of Strife.

For the most part, the campaign was usually run as a non-elven campaign.  This because the elves are the bad guys here, and the prejudices tend to run too deeply.

We have plenty of places for urban campaigns, dungeon crawls, wilderness adventures, and even a few potential epic quests.  And I only have details for about a third of the planet (and mostly Audun and Amara).  Once I get through this long stretch, I'm going to get my maps scanned in and posted somewhere.  that way you all can see the places that are being named in the work I'm putting up so far.

The good news is that most of the printed material I have to retype is actually from more than one revision, so this big stack I have sitting here contains a lot of repetition, which I won't need to duplicate.  Then I can start filling holes and working out rules-specific details.

Having said all of that, I know that not everyone likes RMFRP, so can I count on someone to help make RMC stats for anything I draft up?  I'm far less familiar with that version of rolemaster.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.

Bryn Talus

It so happens that I, lonely traveler from afar, have some notes that might help in this [familiar sounding] endeavor. I'll be in touch...


Bryn!  It will be good to work together again, old friend.  We shall have tip mugs at the tavern for this.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


All that's really left to get this setting to the point where I can start modifying it for rolemaster is get the atlas entries done up.  Medelliana, Duranor, and the Audun Wastes are going to be pretty easy to do, but Amara and Nithallion have a lot of cultures to cover.  Plus, there are events I'd like to work up to fill out the histories a bit.

Now, I've misplaced a lot of the notes for those missing sections.  But now that Bryn is here, together we'll do our best to rebuild the missing pieces.

Once we get the conversion work done, I intend to create a campaign book with all of this info in it.  I want it to be as polished a product as we can manage, but that's still a ways off.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.