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Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #160 on: September 26, 2015, 09:29:54 AM »
After downloading and installing the latest version of ERA whenever I finish making a character I get a rather annoying message after clicking save.
Damn! It seems the last version... has a bug when you assign hobby ranks to skill categories...
If you only add hobby ranks to skills it seems to work fine, but if you choose categories, the character can't be created.

Your post allowed me to test it, find it, and fix it. So the next version will not have the issue.
In the meantime, I'd suggest not adding hobby ranks to categories, then add them manually to the character after creation using the Character Sheet Module.

Let me know if that allows you to continue with the process.

Thanks for reporting the issue!

Offline Silmeril

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #161 on: September 29, 2015, 06:53:29 PM »
Is there a way to add Training Packages during character creation? I don't see the option anywhere.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #162 on: September 30, 2015, 07:26:45 AM »
Is there a way to add Training Packages during character creation? I don't see the option anywhere.
The current version supports purchasing Training Packages, but you must manually assign the ranks.

While leveling up in the Character Sheet Module, in the Skills tab, in the upper right corner, next to the number of remaining development points, there's a "Spend Pack" button.

When you click it, it will ask for a name and number of DPs. This will automatically consume the DP indicated, and add the name to the Development Packs box in the Information tab of the Character Sheet module.

You must then manually assign the ranks and add any items obtained to the campaign inventory.

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #163 on: September 30, 2015, 08:20:21 PM »
Ok. That's what I ended up doing. I'm still plying around with this software trying to figure it out. The Youtube tutorials were somewhat helpful, but I still have a lot to figure out. Thank you for the response.

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #164 on: October 18, 2015, 02:15:54 PM »
The latest version, available now through RPGNow, includes the fix to allow assigning hobby ranks to skill categories.

It is also required for support of the new Shadow World packages we just released...

Offline Soulcleave

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #165 on: October 18, 2015, 09:00:00 PM »
Yes, it is true.  I am a figment of my Imagination.

Offline Nexus Game Theory

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #166 on: November 14, 2015, 11:09:26 AM »

I looked around at the various software options for Rolemaster and I really appreciated the level of support you showed on the forums.  That heavily influenced my decision to buy.  I went through the demo and tested some features and made the leap of faith and purchased the 3 main modules for RMC.  Since then, me and my players have noticed several issues when trying to use the software.

First, overall we love your software and here are some specific things we like, it makes is SO much easier to make a character than when building it by hand.  I really appreciated a lot of the little touches you added to the process.  Handling all the stat rolls and potentials was well done.  Kudo’s to you!  I found your document that highlights if and how to implement all the Character Law options.  That pdf was super helpful in understand what options you supported and how your software works.  I love the filters you had at the top for skill development to show skills that were “developed”  that made levels after the first couple super easy.

In using it however, we found some things that were either not clear, difficult to use or we couldn’t make work at all.  I and several of my players do software development and really like rolemaster, so I understand how tough this can be sometimes and where things might be much hard to implement than is obvious to an outsider.

Numbered below for your convenience in replying.

1- I was able to run the server on my computer and have several other players connect with the laptops to make characters.  That worked fine, but when I or anybody used a tablet, it would stop on the profession selection and never show any professions.  Can you please fix it so that it works on tablets?
2- Bug: When on the stats screen and you made lots of rolls, then the last roll on the screen cannot be selected, you have to make extra rolls so you can then choose the bottom roll.
3- On backgrounds, I would have really have liked to have been able to randomise on the background charts like you are supposed to without getting the books out.  Can you add the background randomization charts?
4- Bug? Getting back to the main app screen.  There is no button when in character creation to easily start over at the main app screen.
5- If you skip backgrounds or languages when making the character, how do you get back to those later?
6- When leveling skills, there is no way to tell in the interface which skills are primary or secondary.  Ways that could be easier include:  Filters at the top, like you already have for other scenarios, making Primary skills bold or a larger font, making secondary italicized etc.  That would make spending skills much easier especially if you are using the optional secondary skills percent which we do.
7- A way to see what you spent on which skills for a level.  A historical tab on the character sheet that shows what was spent when and for how much for each level,  That way you can go back and fix errors or see if there was a bug in the costs or just remember what you did for development.
8- When leveling, have a randomizer for leveling the potentials.  You are already using a randomizer elsewhere, just had a little plus sign on the potentials roll popup screen?
9- Spell Law optional rules, you have effectively turned on a number of them, even though some are optional, please include in your Optional PDF document how or if you are handling Spell Law optional rules.  For additional examples, see 10 and 11
10- SL Option 10.7 we don’t use the helmet ESF spell failure rules, but that is turned by default when adding armor to a character.   How do we turn off those penalties
11- SL Option 2.2 non random spells lists is turned on by default, which is fine we use that.  However we always thought the no more than 5 lists developed was total over all levels and after that it doubled, it looks like you are only doubling if they develop more than 5 lists in a single level, does anyone know the rules on that for sure?
12- Please or please make it easier to apply Body Development, I found somewhere on the forums where you are supposed to add that to the Specials column but that is not intuitive.  Maybe add a button over by the Hits section of the character, that creates a popup that shows each Body development ranks and the rolls.  Then at least it is obvious you are supposed to do something and also shows you what you did previously.  If you rolled it already or not. 
13- Also if doing 12 above, please add a randomizer for hits based on race and indicated the body development die.
14- Armor penalties to quickness DB, on page 40 of Arms Law it says this penalty is canceled by Str mod (after encumbrance), but this rule doesn’t appear to be applied properly
15- Adding DB, it is not clear how to use this.  How do I add a shield with a different DB for missile from melee?  What is the number before vs after the slash supposed to represent?  Can this be made more clear in the app?
16- We really wanted to use the inventory module as part of character creation per character.  Clearly all the equipment is loaded into the app for the campaign module, we just wanted to let each character spend and equip their character from their Character Sheet.  This would also make it easier to check encumbrance per character.  How can we use Inventory per character?
17- Foraging module: It only shows 2 herbs, since I add the paid Character Law expansion, I expected the character law herbs to be in the Adventuring module.
18- Adventuring module:  Desperately needs documentation.  The one video showing only the RMFRP with no audio and only text bubbles is not enough.  We struggled so badly with it we just plain couldn’t use it for our first session.  Can you provide step by step documentation on how to use this module with RMC?  Each of the major steps, eg regular adventuring, starting combat, initiative, attacking someone, casting a spell at someone?
19- Adventuring desperately needs a way for the GM to set up the monsters/NPC in the system before the session starts.  What is the best way to do this?  How do I add the npcs for a module to the adventuring module so when the players are there, I can just go forward without a lot of data entry with the players sitting in front of me?
20- I want to use the 3 professions from Combat Companion, how do I do this?

Looking forward to your response!

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #167 on: November 14, 2015, 02:05:12 PM »
Nexus Game Theory:
You might want to give him some info on the Tablets such as make model, OS etc so he has something to test or try out.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #168 on: November 14, 2015, 02:47:28 PM »
Sure!  iOS, iPad 2 and iPad 4 both tested with Safari and Chrome

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #169 on: November 15, 2015, 05:47:06 PM »
I really appreciate the kind words! I'm glad to know your group has found ERA to be a good tool.
As time permits, I intend to add more features and improve on those already included.

Now let's answer all those topics!
1 - The character creation module was not developed with the intention of using it from a tablet or a cellphone, since there is a lot to do on each step, with lots of input required on some of them. Anyway, it should be usable.
I think your browser may be shrinking the selection (like those used for race and profession) into a single line widget. Have you tried clicking on it? I tried the module on a small resolution device, and after clicking on what looks like a button with an arrow on the right, got a full screen list of the options to choose from.
2 - I checked the bug you mention and it's there, so I will try to fix that in the next version.
3 - If I understand correctly you want each background option to know its corresponding number from the random table. I am not sure how to approach this since they may be found in different tables. And it would also complicate things when applying the same idea to RMFRP.
Adding the option to randomly pick on from the filtered list shown is easier. Let me know if that would be enough.
4 - The character creation module does not have any button to restart nor to go to the module selection screen. I never added them, but I promise to consider the issue for following versions.
5 - The character creation module has previous and next buttons during the whole process. If you mean how to edit backgrounds or languages after creating the character, you need to manually change things in the character sheet module. For languages you just add the skills, then adjust the number of ranks using the edit skill mode. Background options are simply added to the character notes, so you open another tab in your browser, move to the background step and copy the description from there.
6 - Secondary skills work in a special way because they do not exist in RMFRP nor RMU. They are handled in the simplest way, and up to now that only means considering them for DP expenditure during level up. I will try to improve it in future versions, so that you can at least have a filter, or see them in bold, or both. Thanks for the suggestion.
7 - This is kind of there already. Every time you level up a character, and click on the finish button, a special XML log file is created. It details the rolls obtained for stat gains, any training package purchased, and the detail of the ranks purchased for the different skills. You can find it in the directory holding the character XML files (normally /ERA/RMC/Characters/). You can just open them with any XML file reader or Internet Browser, even Internet Explorer will offer a nice enough view of it.
8 - Adding more random roll buttons is on my to-do list. It just keeps getting pushed down by other requirements and bug fixing, but I will get to it.
9 - I haven't had that much feedback from the RMC Character Law optional rules document back when I created it, so I never got around to doing the others. Now that I know there is interest in it, at least for your group, I will put it on the to-do list.
10 - There is no setting to turn it off, but you can achieve that effect in your group by manually adjusting the ESF. Find the references to helmets on the XML files in "/ERA/RMC/Configuration/ArmorTypes/". This is considered "advanced customization", so try it out and if in doubt let me know about it in the advanced customization thread for ERA.
11 - I always took it to mean 5 lists developed in the same level. This rules is supposed to be based on a similar one in RMFRP, where professions clearly state their cost as: First 5 lists developed in a given level, 6th - 10th lists developed in a given level, ...
12 - The behavior of body development for RMC is really different to how everything else is handled in Rolemaster. Adding a box like you suggest would of course make sense if using the rule, but it would require some changes on how that part of the application work. I can't promise to add it in the next immediate version, but I will keep the request in mind and do something about it as soon as possible.
13 - That would require, apart from the hit die box, adding the information of hit die (and maximum hits?) to the races, and also a random for it. It might get added in future versions one step at a time.
14 - You are right. This rule is quite obscure and also does not seem to apply in RMFRP. I will consider this a bug and try to get it working for the next version.
15 - The DB numbers are [Base DB/Maximum DB]. Base included QU and Armor DB bonus. Maximum is the base DB plus all the defenses you create for the character. You can add as many defenses as you want, since they will not apply automatically. They are there just to help the GM when the character gets attacked. For a shield with different possibilities, add 2 defenses, indicating something like "Shield (Melee)" and "Shield (Ranged)" with their corresponding values. When resolving an attack, the GM must choose which defenses apply, and the total DB is computed. Let me know if that makes it clear enough. This may be difficult to understand since I tried to use as little space as possible for it. If you find it confusing I could try uploading a tutorial video for how to handle defense.
16 - Inventory and Encumbrance is handled from the GM point of view. This ended up like that since in my experience the players don't want to be bothered that much with it. I will consider your request for future versions.
17 - The foraging module is not as finished as I would like, so I was delaying the files with the complete herb list until I had time to complete the missing features. If possible, I will try to improve this for the next version.
18 - Just as with the optional rules document, the tutorial videos available where just the first attempts of trying to provide assistance in using the application, and I was waiting for feedback before continuing. I will start preparing some tutorial videos for the adventuring module, but it may be a while until they appear online.
19 - The way I handle adventures is to prepare characters for the enemies just as you would for the players, skipping some steps and manually editing the skills and stats to the desired values. Then you can add them to the adventure in just a second, and if you load a character more than once, ERA will automatically add a [#number] to it. So you can add 4 zombies and it will read Zombie, Zombie#2, Zombie#3, Zombie#4.
Anyway, the next big feature that I am working on is the Creature Module. With it you will be able to quickly create enemies and add them to a special database to be used during your adventures.
20 - I want to use the 3 professions from Combat Companion, how do I do this?
You must add 3 files, one for each profession, to the "/ERA/RMC/Configuration/Professions/" directory. You should check the questions about custom professions in the advanced customization thread, and post there if you need any further assistance. Sadly, because of the legal status of the Combat Companion, ICE can't offer it as a package for ERA.

Thanks for all of your suggestions, observations and encouragement. This month, and most likely next one as well, have a lot of my time already accounted for, so I don't think a new version will be available before the end of the year.
I will try to focus first on the bugs you've found, and also on any improvements that do not require major changes, so that you can make the most of the application as soon as possible.

Offline Nexus Game Theory

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #170 on: November 15, 2015, 10:20:29 PM »
More responses to your points later when I can get a chance to respond more fully...

I just wanted to quickly say thank you for responding so promptly and going through all our points.  We really like your product and your responsiveness on these forums was a major factor in my decision to purchase all 3 core paid modules.  You continued effort and improvements are noticed and I really appreciate your dedication to making this work for rolemaster.

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #171 on: November 16, 2015, 10:26:20 PM »
Additional Comments:
3- actually, if there was just a button on the background options tab to popup the 5 tables that would be really helpful.  The point is, I wouldn't have to go dig through the books to find the random tables for background options.  According to the basic ideas on those tables, you use your option to pick which table, but then role on that table.
6- Our group would recommend this as a very high priority for RMC users
7- I see what you mean, and that can be very inconvenient for many users to try to figure out especially if they are not the host.  I envisioned just an extra tab at the bottom of the Character Sheet title history that just lists out what things were done for each level.
8- Adding randomizer buttons where needed would really enhance the overall quality of life when making characters
9- Thank you so much!  In many cases I think that your are already handling many of the optional rules, this way people know you are doing it :D
10- I like your config popup at the start of the app, like where you set the secondary skills percentage, it would be really nice if there was just a bunch of check boxes for optional rules you can turn off or on.  Or even text from optional rules PDF telling people how to do it or not handled, then your app handles the optional rules documentation and you don't need a separate PDF.
11- I think your interpretation is probably right.  Thanks for clarifying!
12- I know what you mean about how it is different than most other actions in rolemaster.  I am not sure what you mean by using the rule? I am referring to basic rules for Body Development, no optional rules.  I really like how your app does all the extra math.  The trick is that by basic rules, every time you add a rank of body development you are supposed to role a d8/d10, based on race and keep adding it in.  I would consider this a top priority since this is a core mechanics of the rules.  At least find a way to communicate to users how to handle Body Development.  Eg a help popup right by the Hits section on the character sheet?
14- Thanks!
15 - Ahh, I see what you mean about adventuring.  However they DO add all together automatically for the DB figure on the character sheet.  So if I add both versions of shields, then my DB has both included on the sheet.   If they are optional then maybe they shouldn't automatically add to the sheet DB?  Or some way to show some DB adds as optional vs added?
16- We found this to be a big barrier to making characters.  While finding loot later is not as big a deal, for initial character creation in most groups I play with it is a BIG deal to have the gear easy to select.  Especially since you have the file data already there, it seems a simple pick and add to character sheet Inventory tab would be possible as a minimum viable version.
18- For reference purposes a quick written guide is way better than a video.  You have help buttons in your character creator, just adding some extra "quick steps" documentation to the app would help a lot, covering basic actions on what steps to follow.
19- I would LOVE the creature module!
20- If I built the files, would I be able to share them here on the forums so other users of your app could use them as well?

Offline njharman

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #172 on: November 23, 2015, 11:50:53 PM »
Having issues with ERA-RMC under Linux. 18Oct2015 download. Only Character law

1. After character creation, hit save. Character is saved but all stats are 0. I definitely picked stats and potentials. Other stuff such as background option text is saved. [This also happened before adding Character Law]. I can manually enter stats on character sheet and they persist. It's only from creation -> char sheet they do not transfer.

2. Created a Warrior Monk. MA skills are AWL.  Is that cause I don't have Arms Law module?


Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #173 on: November 24, 2015, 05:57:56 AM »
My responses to Nexus Game Theory and njharman, in order:

3- actually, if there was just a button on the background options tab to popup the 5 tables that would be really helpful.  The point is, I wouldn't have to go dig through the books to find the random tables for background options.  According to the basic ideas on those tables, you use your option to pick which table, but then role on that table.
I will have to see how to combine that with the fact that not all tables might be installed. Thanks for the suggestion.

7- I see what you mean, and that can be very inconvenient for many users to try to figure out especially if they are not the host.  I envisioned just an extra tab at the bottom of the Character Sheet title history that just lists out what things were done for each level.
That sounds interesting, I might do it that way.

15 - Ahh, I see what you mean about adventuring.  However they DO add all together automatically for the DB figure on the character sheet.  So if I add both versions of shields, then my DB has both included on the sheet.   If they are optional then maybe they shouldn't automatically add to the sheet DB?  Or some way to show some DB adds as optional vs added?
I think you are right, I will test some alternatives and improve it.

16- We found this to be a big barrier to making characters.  While finding loot later is not as big a deal, for initial character creation in most groups I play with it is a BIG deal to have the gear easy to select.  Especially since you have the file data already there, it seems a simple pick and add to character sheet Inventory tab would be possible as a minimum viable version.
Inventory is currently managed as part of the campaign in ERA. Changing it so that a character, outside of an adventure, has its own inventory, is a big change in the system. I might get around to changing it to work that way, but it will take a while.

20- If I built the files, would I be able to share them here on the forums so other users of your app could use them as well?
Sadly, it can't be done. I love Combat Companion, and my current group are really happy with its combat styles. But, from what I understand, the current status of the IP of that book implies that no one can publish (profit or not) its contents.
Also, I think publishing files with the costs and bonuses of professions from any of the books would also be against ICE policy on its IP.

1. After character creation, hit save. Character is saved but all stats are 0. I definitely picked stats and potentials. Other stuff such as background option text is saved. [This also happened before adding Character Law]. I can manually enter stats on character sheet and they persist. It's only from creation -> char sheet they do not transfer.
Which browser are you using?
I know in the past when this issue appeared it was because the stats where not sticking when assigning them.
Just in case, check the stats tutorial video around this point.
Let me know if that helps, if not I will try to test it with the same browser you are using, don't forget to post the exact version.

2. Created a Warrior Monk. MA skills are AWL.  Is that cause I don't have Arms Law module?
Not having the Arms Law module means you don't have the attack tables for Strikes and Sweeps, but you should be able to create the character despite that. The only limitation will be when using the adventuring module.

The skills are not missing, it's just that they are not created automatically.
You must add the skills manually, to the categories:
Martial Arts · Martial Arts Strikes and Martial Arts · Martial Arts Sweeps and Throws
There is a tutorial video for an older version showing how to add skills at this point.

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #174 on: November 24, 2015, 11:24:47 AM »
I was thinking of getting ERA for myself and my players, but I was first wondering: is there a way to print the character sheet? If so, do you have a screenshot of what a printed character sheet would look like?
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

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Offline Nexus Game Theory

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #175 on: November 24, 2015, 01:13:43 PM »
At njharman

I think I made the same mistake.  You have to drag the stat numbers from the left side of the sheet to the right side of the sheet.  The first time I used the app I reordered them on the left, but never dragged them to the right.   So effectively, they were not assigned. 

At Voriig Kye
Side note, we figured out how to get iOS browser versions working with professions and races, but there is no way to drag and drop in the app when using a tablet browser iOS version which kills the stat assigning section and assigning weapon skill costs.

AT Hurin
Yes, it prints.  The print button creates a local HTML file which any browser can open and then print.  Typically 2 or 3 pages.  Looks like and is easy to use for tabletop play.  We have been doing that for several sessions now.

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #176 on: November 24, 2015, 01:49:07 PM »
Because of your awesome support on this list I went ahead and bought the other two (arms/spell) modules last night. Thanks for the answers. That video answered it. I rearranged stats on left, but never dragged them over to the right.

Should probably go watch rest of videos before asking... The adventuring "app"; In general are there no facilities to make the dice rolls? You must enter hand rolled dice? I would like to see "roll" button for stat gains and everywhere (attacks, crits, casting, etc) in the adventure module.

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #177 on: November 24, 2015, 05:05:48 PM »
I'm very glad it prints. Would anyone be able to post a screenshot of the first page or two? I made my own Character Sheet and would like to know if the ERA one looks better or if my players would be better off sticking with mine.

Thanks to anyone who can do this!
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #178 on: November 25, 2015, 05:43:52 AM »
Should probably go watch rest of videos before asking... The adventuring "app"; In general are there no facilities to make the dice rolls? You must enter hand rolled dice? I would like to see "roll" button for stat gains and everywhere (attacks, crits, casting, etc) in the adventure module.
The only automatic dice roll so far are those in the stat generation step during RMC character creation. So yours is one more request for that feature. I guess I should better get started with it. I'll try to have more random rolls for the next version  ;)

I'm very glad it prints. Would anyone be able to post a screenshot of the first page or two? I made my own Character Sheet and would like to know if the ERA one looks better or if my players would be better off sticking with mine.
Here I've uploaded an HTML file from a character. Since a lot is managed from the adventuring module, and the players can access all their skills, spells, inventory and status from the character status module while playing, the printed character has remained quite simple all these years. What is your group opinion on having character information on their smartphones/tablets during play?

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Re: ERA for Rolemaster - Creating characters and managing adventures
« Reply #179 on: November 25, 2015, 10:34:56 AM »
Thanks Voriig! It helps to see what the character sheet would look like. I'll definitely be getting it when RMU is published!

'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle