Land of Aecyr-Grene

Started by Cormac Doyle, November 30, 2005, 03:44:14 AM

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Cormac Doyle

From the balmy southern Duchy of Iscebethel to the cold northern duchy of Northumbethel, the kingdom of Coryn presents a widely varied campaign setting.

Occupied by a strange mixture of Dynndh clans, Provencarean feudal nobility and the Aetheleode former nobility and populous (all human), the kingdom is sliding into a sate of internicine warfare as news of the King's demise filters out from the central Duchies.

Read more about it at my website ...



Hey, excellent. Good post. This saves a lot of time searching the old forums.
Get Real, Get Rolemaster!
Be Sharp, Play HARP!

Cormac Doyle

November 30, 2005, 07:13:52 PM #2 Last Edit: June 10, 2006, 01:09:33 PM by Cormac Doyle
OK - for anyone who's interested ...

I've posted some additional campaign logs at



I thinks its funny - I normally aim for "serious" when were playing, but the guys got the "giddies", so I ran with it


Cormac Doyle

May 12, 2006, 08:28:50 PM #3 Last Edit: June 10, 2006, 01:11:36 PM by Cormac Doyle
New Section:

Optional HARP & Rolemaster Material ...


This will be a mirror of my Guildcompanion articles.

At the moment - it's just the Werewolf and Tattoo articles ... but I'll be adding the others ...



Cormac, the above links (except the one to the homepage) are broken. Of course the campaign logs and RM/HARP material is accesible from your homepage, so it's not a big deal.

By the way, a beautiful piece of work. The long hours put into it really shine.


Cormac Doyle

Sorry - did a bit of a "Reorgansiation" ... hopefully the links are now correct.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

I don't really have as much time as I would liek to spend on it - I have lots of plans ... just no time to execute them :(
