In need of serious help with Combat Armor

Started by DavidKlecker, November 15, 2023, 08:45:00 AM

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I do not entirely understand how armor works in Sci Fi and need a little clarification.

Question 1: I assume that any suit can be integrated into any armor?
Question 2: I assume that I can have both kinetic and ablative enhancements added to any suit and/or armor?
Question 3: I assume that when I integrate a suit to Armor I add both values for DB, MP, CP and IV?
Question 4: I assume if I have armor with an integrated suit AND kinetic enhancements I add all values for DB, MP, CP, and IV together?

For Example: Full Combat Armor with Lesser Kinetic Enhancement
+90+40 for DB
-160+-60 for Unfitted Max Penalty
+10PP + 3PP for casting penalty
+5+5 for IV

If someone wants Combat Armor with an integrated space suit, and Kinetic and ablative Add on? My guess is you don't want to mix kinetic and ablative together as Kinetic seems to be a one hit and its done kind of deal unless I am mistaken.

Thank you!


I'm in a bit of a rush because I slept later than I intended, so I'm not going to be quoting page numbers.
Q1 No, only certain armors can be integrations.
Q2 Yes, for the SF armors. As I have run a SF/Fantasy combo, I would rule that certain armors, such as maille cannot have either enhancement.

Your example is missing some information.
Ablative DB applies only to damage from Blaster, Laser, and Plasma, though I personally would allow Heat as well, and only applies to the total DB if that is the kind of damage received. Likewise, Kinetic DB only applies to projectile damage, and thus is only part of the total DB when the damage comes from a projectile source. Remember also that when kinetically enhanced armor takes the appropriate hit it hard locks the wearer's facing for one round.

Q3 and Q4. This is a hard call. Martial Law would say to take the elements of the enhancement and multiply them by the enhancement's IV, then add adjusted parameters together before applying them to the base armor. However, SF seems to want to keep it simpler, at least in terms of DB and Armor Penalty. So consider this an "I don't know" answer.


An expansion on my answer to question 1. On page 105 of HARP SF, only Hazmat Suits and Spacesuits can be integrated into other armor types. Dazzle and Sonic Neutralizers may be integrated into helmets, your helmet may also have Heads Up Display integrated.

To expand on my ideas for SF/Fantasy armors and SF enhancements, I would add that only metal armors can have kinetic enhancement, and certainly not any of the special metals after black and white alloy as those metals are considered master craftwork and enchanted and thus unable to be improved upon.


Kinetic enhancement is permanent, Ablative is 10 Hit.


One thing I should add, is that I determine whether ablative or kinetic is fitted based on whether the actual armor is rather than separately.

Given further consideration, ablative and kinetic are direct enhancements, so they directly add their MP and CP values.