The Grimm Lands (HARP 2e)

Started by Ebon Hearted Soul, September 03, 2020, 01:58:14 AM

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Ebon Hearted Soul

Greetings I am working on a setting for two upcoming HARP 2e online campaigns once my situation stabilizes. I will be blogging about it but I will also post updates here as I develop the setting and work on my maps. Here is the initial draft of my design notes:

"The Grimm Lands are a wilderness dotted with pockets of civilization from the northern remnants of the Old Empire. There are nine realms that make up what is called the Free Lands of the North, they are a collection of petty kingdoms, principalities, duchies and city states. Three of the realms are bastions of the Elves, Dwarfs and Orcs; while the rest are human realms. The Grimm Lands are located around a series of inner seas that split much of the northern continent nearly in two. The region is mountainous and cloaked in primal forests.

They have long harsh cold winters and long mild summers which leads to healthy growing season for crops in the region. Travel is dangerous because of the monster haunted seas and wilderness that separates the various realms. Most trade is done via coast hugging ships, heavily defended caravans or the sporadic airships. Various wonders dot the region from sky islands, floating oddities and four distinct mountains. Ruins dot the region comprised of he remains of the lost cities of the Old Imperial North.

Once a year during the height of summer a pod of giant sky whales pass over the region on the continuous journey around the world feeding off the light of the sun. Another wonder is the turtle "island" that wanders the seas in search of food – the various sea monsters that plague these waters. Also common to the region are sky sharks and sky rays that hunt the skies between the sky islands feeding on birds, small flying monsters and attack the occasional airship if they get too close.

The Elfin realm of Elfhome is a vast and ancient forest bisected by two large lakes and their connecting water ways. Humans are forbidden entry into their forest vastness, only Gryx and Halflings can pass through their lands. The only Elves found beyond the borders of Elfhome are the rare exiles, occasional emissary, a merchant that is allowed to trade with the outlying realms and the wagon dwelling Moon Elves (Mónanælf-folc). The High or Noble Elves of Elfhome are called Héahælf-folc in their language.

The Orc realm of Land of the Black Sun (Sol Niger Terra) lies upon the desolate Dragon Peninsula in the southeast of the region. It is home to dragons that plague eastern region. They strangely do not molest the Orcs or their raiding ships, which is a mystery to all who live in this region. The Black Sun on a blood red banner is a warning of Orcish raids to even the bravest pirate.   Yet even the ships of the Black Sun do not dare to venture forth into the deep waters of the various seas, for even they fall prey to the denizens of the deep.

The Dwarf realm of Earnhof (Eagle Hall) beneath the Earnbeorg (Eagle Mountain) is home to the dying Dwarfs of the region. The Dwarfs of Earnhof are a dour and very intolerant folk. They rarely trade with the outside world, only trading with Gnomes that travel across the region to buy Dwarf made spirits and learn the secrets of Dwarf metalcraft. The only Dwarfs encountered nowadays are patrols or exiles from Earnhof that dwell among either Human or Gnomish communities."
We are all dying in slow motion - Nameless, faceless & Hopeless
- Carnifex "Six Feet Closer to Hell"