Odd question about high gravity adaptation talents

Started by Radimon, December 30, 2019, 02:14:35 AM

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I was going back through the HARP SF book, and noticed high gravity adaptation makes mention of having a short, squatty build. Does this actually change the character's height by some amount or percentage? Among the other modifications, the character incurs a loss of presence modifier (because the guys at ICE feel short people are less pleasant, I guess?). If that's the case, what happens if you mix it with the giantism talent, which increases height by 50%? Does the presence mod go away, assuming you get back up to at least normal height for your race (a pretty safe bet, probably)?
Murphy's Law says 'Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.'

I think Murphy was an incurable optimist.


I don't use HARPSF as a space opera setting, so this isn't an issue in my games but I'd say your solution sounds good. I think the penalty is because the person would be, essentially, a mutant of their species and is likely regarded differently by others of their species. That's my guess.


Scientifically, beings of higher gravity worlds would be shorter. As your character is not a native, hence "adaptation", this is because of the pressure mutating their body to something that yes, appears "mutant" to others of the species.