Superior armor

Started by thedoctor, March 16, 2019, 09:11:33 PM

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We're looking at my PC getting better equipment.  The rules about better armor seem to be different than scanners and weapons, but there is no clear rules on how to price those bonuses.


I just started reading through HARP myself. What I gather is that the same rules for upgraded equipment apply to armor as other equipment (pg 140), i.e. the cost is equal to [base_cost] * [item_bonus], i.e. +5 armor would cost 5x as much as regular one. And you can apply bonuses for both design and manufacturing quality/material. HARP SF also determines different stages of technological development for equipment/technologies: mostly early, mature and advanced, but those only factor in on the movement penalties in case of armor, but also the max bonus for for both design and quality bonuses. It's not overly clear, but what I gather is that if your setting has Advanced level technology, e.g. combat armor, then you could in theory apply a max +50 bonus for a total cost of 50x i.e. 100 000 credits. That is, if GM permits. In addition, there's the combining equipment rules in pg 104, which allows you to bundle a bunch of gear in one. E.g. if you wanted a high tech combat suit with all kinds of gadgets, then the rules would permit combining them together.