Psionics Question -

Started by joel.lovell, January 22, 2019, 11:13:28 AM

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Rule states: "If the Psi Discipline uses the Physical Attack mode (e.g. psychokinetic bolts), the attacking character must have an unobstructed line of sight to the target(s), e.g. you can't blast an enemy who is inside a tank from the outside."

So if the target is taking 'cover' behind a cardboard box, your Psionic could not unleash his Psychokinetic bolt? What if he targeted the cardboard box? :)


Yeah, this sort of thing can reach the level of the absurd (taking cover behind a glass door, for example). Personally, I would say to use a slight bit of common sense. Inside a tank? No dice. Behind a cardboard box? Fire at will! (including a +10 bonus if the guy's name - or nickname - is Will!)
Murphy's Law says 'Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.'

I think Murphy was an incurable optimist.


I really don't think it's absurd. Your foe is behind a glass door and you can see him? Your attack hits the door. Simple. Or you know, get someone to open the door first.

Hiding behind cardboard box, foe spends round laughing at how ridiculous your "cover" is.