Robots, Again: Minimum Body (Robotic Talent) Requirements

Started by Zhaleskra, November 28, 2018, 07:56:16 AM

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So, you've got your AI designed, and the PC or NPC is going to be a robot. You or the player have done the robot's Stats. Now you've got to build a body. The robot character rules say to buy Robotic Talents first. Fine. What I don't see is minimal requirements for that body. What are the Robotic Talents that a robot character absolutely must take at first level?

Sure, you could make a robot with no locomotion, but that wouldn't be much fun to play. A robot's limbs could only be tool limbs rather than manipulators, which I also feel would fall under the probably not fun to play umbrella.

As robots need to purchase their senses, that does establish something of a minimum: needs a way to detect things, but that's not a whole lot to go on.

At least one sense Talent
A locomotion Talent