Telekinesis Question

Started by joel.lovell, May 21, 2018, 10:33:24 AM

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When selecting Tier of atrack size, lets say Tier 5; penalty is -40. You can expend extra 5 PEP to reduce that to 0. Let's say the mass to be moved was 200Kg; and since Tier 4 is 20Kg per skill rank and if you had at least ten ranks, you would be able to pick up the min 200Kg for a Huge Impact/Crush crit. So that would be another Tier 4 effect so another -30 penalty is added. Can an additional 4 PEP be spent to eliminate rhat penalty as well?

Do the number of ranks act as a pool or Equally apply as a cap on each tier effect?

On physical attacks are there range penalties?


I answered all these queries by email to Joel but for the benefit of everyone else.

To buy off the Tier penalty, it is 1 PEP per 5 penalty, so that is 8 extra PEP for the Tier 5, followed by another 6 to buy off the Tier 4 effect. So 14 extra PEP to eliminate penalty

(see example page 201 and rules above it)

"There are three other limits:
characters cannot expend more psionic energy than they currently
possess, characters may not use more extra Psi Energy Points to
boost an activation than they have skill ranks in the Discipline, and
characters cannot combine using extra Psi Energy Points with the
use of Mental Focus (see below). In the event an activation using
extra Psi Energy Points is fumbled, add the number of extra PEPs
used to the roll on the fumble".

For physical attacks, you need to get your range by Tiered effects. (Think spells - there's no range penalty on a lightning bolt but there's a range cap).

Highest Tier determines PEP cost (see Psi Energy Cost and Extra Psi Energy) so in your example Tier 5 is highest so 5 PEPs

All effects count towards the penalties
so Huge Crit Tier 5 is -40
Tier 3 range -20
Tier 3 targets  -20
so -80 penalty already

Best wishes,
Professor Nicholas HM Caldwell
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
Publisher of Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Shadow World, Cyradon, HARP & HARP SF, and Cyberspace, with products available from
Author: Mentalism Companion, GURPS Age of Napoleon, Construct Companion, College of Magics, HARP SF/HARP SF Xtreme, and coauthor HARP Bestiary