Magitek and Cyberware, When a Cyberlimb Becomes a Weapon

Started by Zhaleskra, November 27, 2017, 08:31:02 AM

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As you may know from my topic on Voltron: Legendary Defender species, I'm interpreting the non-human species we know the most about. Turns out, I actually want to run a V:LD game at a convention using series characters. To that end, I'm considering Shiro's arm's weapon capabilities. Which also leads to a question about the spell Elemental Weapon: can the weapon be your own body, or in this case, part of it?

On the cyberware end, there's the built in weapon option. Thus the question, what if the cyberware is the weapon? Visually, Shiro's hand glows purple when he uses its weapon function. From a spell standpoint, I'd consider this Elemental Weapon (Fire), and from a tech standpoint I'd consider it either a laser or plasma field. Given Zarkon and Haggar prefer magitek, I'm leaning more toward the spell option. Thanks for any other ideas.