How many people play HARP SF?

Started by joel.lovell, October 30, 2017, 06:23:38 AM

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I am curious as to how many own the rule books.

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Peter R

I have bought the rule books but I have never played it.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


I have just purchased the rules with the intent of using them in a hybrid/planes travel type campaign. I'm reading them now to see how hair-brained that idea really is.


I have Harp SF and Xtreme.

I've got a pdf of the Harp SF and both the pdf and print copy of xtreme.



I own all currently available HARP books, and have been running a Science Fantasy campaign for a few months. Officially it's set in the Marvel universe to start, but I needed to get my PCs to actually do something, so I introduced enemies from another source. Because they started on the Sci Fi side, I have magic detect as radiation which is agreed with in the fantasy books.


I own HARP SF and HARP SF Xtreme. I have run several short adventures during some breaks in my regular groups long ongoing HARP Fantasy campaign(s) but never an extended campaign.


I own all the HARP books so far. Fantasy and Sci-fi. It's one of the best systems out there. I'm not using their setting. Instead, I'm running a far future sci-fi version of the fantasy campaign that my friend had previously ran.


Yep, have the books and have had a couple of games using them. What's the reason behind your curiosity?


Quote from: Ironmaul on December 22, 2017, 01:24:15 AM
Yep, have the books and have had a couple of games using them. What's the reason behind your curiosity?

I'm curious as to how many folks might buy my HARPSF Adventure once it's done. :)


Oh, I will most certainly buy it.

I've got a Harp SF adventure about 1/2 written (its been on my back burner for years now) and am very interested in seeing how yours comes out.  It sounds pretty interesting to me (what you have mentioned about it).



I own two copies of the core and xtreme - hard and soft cover. Not just collector-genes, but also the need for players to have access to resources. I also own the PDFs of course.

I ran a short campaign last year that sort of died, mostly due to my brain needing a break from GMing... I'll pick the game up again some day, but before then I have other games to test and try.

An adventure? Perhaps, depends on the setting, but also on the genre of the adventure, but anything new is good and useful. Stat blocks, gear and starships, anything new... Any. Thing. New. Is. Awe. Some!  :hal:
"What about the future...? We can only hope, we cannot however account for the minutiae of the quanta, as all accidents in an infinite space are inevitable."

Homebrew folder
Ongoing campaign
Inspirational images for my games
My box of stuff

Peter R

Quote from: joel.lovell on January 14, 2018, 05:34:52 PM
Quote from: Ironmaul on December 22, 2017, 01:24:15 AM
Yep, have the books and have had a couple of games using them. What's the reason behind your curiosity?

I'm curious as to how many folks might buy my HARPSF Adventure once it's done. :)

Have you bought a licence to release an adventure for HARP? I have been tempted to enquire about one for some of my supplements.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...

Auction God

I've been running a Tintamar campaign since the beginning of the year.  So far, it has gone well - except for the combat system.
I'm definitely going to have to mod that (a lot).  What happens is whoever shoots first stuns the other guys who then never get to act.  Don't bother to reply that that's what "reality" would be, this needs to be a fun game and either the bad-guys are faster, in which case they win, or the players are faster and they win.  Combat can be reduced to see who has the highest initiative on the 1st round... they win...move on to the next scene if the players win, otherwise roll up new characters since everyone is dead or captured.


I've been running a bughunters game useing Harp SF rules on and off again for several years now.  This game is combat heavy and the players and enemies tend to be packing heavy firepower (including heavy weapons).  What I have seen is that combats rarely go more than a few rounds - the players are either prepared for the fight and leveraged the situation to heavily favor their side, or they are caught flat footed take a lot of wounds and spend a bunch of fate points to survive. 

My players don't seem to mind this - but they do make it very clear to new players what to expect.  They have found good team tactics, tactical information, and solid planning makes brutal fights go their way and spend a lot of time and work to make sure they can get them before a fight even starts.  And they tend to bank their fate points for when they can't.  As it stands I haven't permanently killed any of the player characters yet - but many/most have had to spend fate points to turn instantly fatal wounds into just plain nasty wounds that their doctor can fix later.   

And my players keep asking for me to run the game again - so they don't seem to mind this.


Quote from: Auction God on February 21, 2018, 09:35:28 AM
I've been running a Tintamar campaign since the beginning of the year.  So far, it has gone well - except for the combat system.
I'm definitely going to have to mod that (a lot).  What happens is whoever shoots first stuns the other guys who then never get to act.  Don't bother to reply that that's what "reality" would be, this needs to be a fun game and either the bad-guys are faster, in which case they win, or the players are faster and they win.  Combat can be reduced to see who has the highest initiative on the 1st round... they win...move on to the next scene if the players win, otherwise roll up new characters since everyone is dead or captured.

I made that mistake the first time I ran a play-test of my adventure, I didn't realize that a Stun RR should have been used, which would have changed combat completely.

It says "Stunned: If a target is stunned, they may not attack, although they may still parry melee attacks using up to one half of their Offensive Bonus. This parry is resolved in the same manner that a Full Parry is resolved. Any other action requiring a Maneuver roll receives a modifier of -50. Actions that do not require Maneuver rolls, such as swallowing medication, do not suffer penalties. Movement is limited to one-half BMR, maximum Pace of Run. When a character receives a result that says that they are Stunned for one or more rounds, the character will make a Stamina-based Resistance Roll. They must equal or beat a RR of 100 or they are stunned. If there is more than one round of Stun, the number to beat is raised by 10 for every round past the first. "

I was wondering why the fight was over so easily...stun results were happening every time, and I didn't know to let them try and 'resist' it, or for the NPC's to try and resist it.

Character creation had to be rethunk; Stamina became much more important. And Armor DB. :)

Oh, then at the end of session two I figured out - wow - Fate points! er, oops...


Quote from: Peter R on January 17, 2018, 03:49:17 PM
Have you bought a licence to release an adventure for HARP? I have been tempted to enquire about one for some of my supplements.

I'm under contract with ICE to produce it. Life laughed at my planned date of completion, but it is done and just needs one play test session completed so that I can finish tuning it up.

Peter R

Quote from: joel.lovell on February 23, 2018, 01:00:24 PM
Quote from: Peter R on January 17, 2018, 03:49:17 PM
Have you bought a licence to release an adventure for HARP? I have been tempted to enquire about one for some of my supplements.

I'm under contract with ICE to produce it. Life laughed at my planned date of completion, but it is done and just needs one play test session completed so that I can finish tuning it up.


Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


I have both SF core books. I haven't done much gaming with them yet, just started a campaign this weekrnd though. I decided to create a Shadowrun style campaign on Earth within my own mofified Tintamar setting.


I just picked up both core pdf's, but haven't done anything with them.
UFO's are big rigs far from home!