Personal Force Fields for Harp SF

Started by pyrotech, October 21, 2017, 05:42:49 PM

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Hey all,

I've been working on some ideas for alternative Magneto-Grav shields for Harp SF and the idea of scaling them down to personal level came to me.

I know of a lot of SF genres that have personal protection fields - and have been thinking about how to make such a thing for Harp SF.  Here is one of my ideas.  What do people think about it?
Magneto-Grav Shield -Personal. 
Weight: 4 Kg
Price: 1000 Credits
Power: 1 Utility cell
Power Consumption: 1 En/rd of operation.  Early uses 2 en/rd, advanced uses 1 en/2rds.

This device consists of the MG Shield generator and emitter array that fits with adjustable strap over a characters body.  It generates a MG shield much like those used for larger vehicles about 20 cm away from the character's surface.  Due to the miniaturization of the components the generator loses a great deal of efficiency over vehicle scale generators and uses 1 energy per round of operation.  Each round it is on it builds 1 DB worth of charge up to a maximum of 10 DB.  Every time the character is hit the shield loses 1 DB of charge per crit size of the hit (1 for T, 2 for S, 3 for M, 4 for L, 5 for H etc...).  The generator and emitters can be concealed under regular clothing but anything projecting more than 20 cm from the character will not be covered by the field unless specifically prepared with emitters connected to the generator.  This technology is still less efficient than more conventional protection but can be of use to individuals looking for added concealable defense.

This doesn't provide a lot of additional protection to characters, but does give them an expensive option for another 10 DB if they know about a fight soon enough.  The utility cell only powers the field for a few minutes, so characters will need to carefully choose when to engage their shield.  The whole charging/discharging bit is related a bit to some of my ideas for alternative shields (and all those annoying bridge crewmembers always telling their captains that shields are down to blah percent).  It adds that flavor into the technology, but at the cost of extra fiddling with DB during a combat.

Does anyone have any opinions on this?  Any ways to improve on it?




For me that is far too much bookkeeping for very little return.

I would do something more like the shield grants a +20 bonus, but has a chance of overloading with each hit that gets through the shield (i.e. the character takes damage).
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