Ballistic Puncture vs Ballistic Impact

Started by Caledonia, October 10, 2017, 07:43:06 PM

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Ballistic Puncture vs Ballistic Impact

So, I see two charts.  Both list the exact same weapons.  Another chart just lists, for example "Small Ballistic" (say, for a Pistol).

How do you know which you should be using?

Also, is there any sort of errata out there for HARP SF?


Use Ballistic Puncture for most situations.  Use Ballistic Impact for as a Sys Ops option for kinetic treated armor.  The kinetic armor turns the puncture to blunt force impact instead.  Let me look for the page reference on that.....  Looks like page 170.

As a house rule I have also had the soft ballistic armors do the same as kinetic treated armor.  It just seemed to match the idea of a bullet proof vest better.  Didn't seem to make a huge impact on the severity of wounds suffered however.  More penalties less life threatening bleeds.

Hope this helps,


