Side Project for HARP SF

Started by joel.lovell, September 17, 2017, 07:22:49 PM

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It's neat, just don't know when I would use it. For normal equipment I don't use props such as cards, they just get put on the character sheet. But it does look good.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

Rules should not replace the brain and thinking.


I think if you have these things handy...and a deck of NPC's and creatures, then you have an easier way of having encounters ready to go. More helpful for someone who hasnt spent hours and weeks flipping through the book to figure out where everything is. To anyone reading this, here is a challenge: see how many different pages in the rule book you would need to lookup, and how long it took you to find them, to put every item of info on this card. Of course, I also have a master weapons table I made too, but the cards might make things fun. They are popular innother systems.


Sorry been distracted with a new job and dealing with the jailers of my spawn.....  errrrrr, a parent/teacher meeting for my child's school.  Otherwise I would have replied to this already.

I really like this card.  I primarily play over roll20 now, so I'm not sure how much use I would get out of it, but it would totally rock for a new group or a con game.

Having a stack of these available to the players would help them find all the relevant stats pretty easy.




Looks good. Would have said so much earlier, but an event at the beginning of the year has kinda thrown my 2017 off. Just now starting to get back into the groove.


Dude! I would love to get my hands on this for all things useful in HARPSF!

After having played several more "narrative" games, as they tend to be called by their fans (funny, I thought all these games were about narratives ...), I have come to really appreciate cards for NPCs in particular, but also - in some games - for talents/feats/abilities.

We made some very simplified weapon slips in our game, basically a place to write down your weapon stat lines, and your own skill number for different types of actions, with their different weapons. So, instead of calculating (and remembering) all the various numbers, you just wrote it down for each weapon and the combat action used the most.

A combination of these cards, and action cards...  :o 8)

I love them. ICE should sell them on DTRPG, both as PDFs and as printed cards. This is just essential for a lot of gamers. The level of math-hatred in this hobby is ludicrous, but you can't change the world, you have to adapt to it ... and that way it will adapt to you... or something.  :o
"What about the future...? We can only hope, we cannot however account for the minutiae of the quanta, as all accidents in an infinite space are inevitable."

Homebrew folder
Ongoing campaign
Inspirational images for my games
My box of stuff



*buy.  I can't edit the post with my phone, and the spelling mistake is killing me.