Looking for Karlendor...

Started by naponatom, January 18, 2016, 10:43:04 AM

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I have found the races of this World in this forum (http://www.ironcrown.com/ICEforums/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item173) and would like to know more.
Anyone have more information about the World (or even Diane Owens e-mail for me to contact her?)


Thom @ ICE

Her name does not come up in the members database which means she likely submitted that file more than 5 years ago when we were on a previous version of the software.  Sorry.
Email -    Thom@ironcrown.com

Voriig Kye

Just did a quick Google search for "Races of Karlendor"
and got here:
where the world of Karlendor is specifically mentioned.
BUT it does not seem to have much activity.

Then I looked for Keiko_Mushi which seems to be the author on that site, and found:
which is presented as the "Blog Home of D.L. Owens"

So I'm guessing you can contact the original author of the document through that blog, it seems to be updated every now and then.


Thank you so much.
Your Google skills are cheaper than mine (7/9)...