New World - Aioskoru

Started by kwickham, October 28, 2015, 08:01:48 PM

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Now seems like a great time to attempt at building a new world. I picked the name Aioskoru meaning Aios (ore) + koru (horn), which is the closest I could get to Proto-Indo-European version of Iron Crown.

I begin with a random skeleton, a solar system and a fractal world map, without any named features.

Everything put here by me and anyone that would like to add to it is entirely Open Game content, according to OGL 1.0.

   Type   G7 V Yellow Main Sequence
Radius   8.11 x 105 km   (1.16 x sol)
Mass   2.60 x 1030 kg   (1.31 x sol)
Temperature   5200 K
Luminosity   4.51 x 1026 W   (1.18 x sol)

   Type   Rock Planet
Orbital Radius   7.53 x 107 km   (0.50 AU)
Period   2.73 x 103 hours   (0.31 earth years)
Gravity   9.32 m/s2   (0.95 x earth)
Special   5 small moons, electromagnetic storms

   Type   Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius   1.36 x 108 km   (0.91 AU)
Period   6.65 x 103 hours   (0.76 earth years)
Physics   Small iron/silicate
Gravity   3.33 m/s2   (0.34 x earth)
Hydrosphere   0 % water, 4 % ice
Atmosphere   Thin toxic
Special   Heavy volcanism

Aioskoru   Type   Terrestrial World
Orbital Radius   1.93 x 108 km   (1.29 AU)
Period   1.12 x 104 hours   (1.29 earth years)
Physics   Standard iron/silicate
Gravity   9.76 m/s2   (1.00 x earth)
Hydrosphere   50 % water, 10 % ice
Atmosphere   Standard breathable
Civilization   Species
Special   3 small moons

      Type   Rock Planet
Orbital Radius   3.01 x 108 km   (2.01 AU)
Period   2.18 x 104 hours   (2.50 earth years)
Gravity   8.15 m/s2   (0.83 x earth)
Special   2 small moons

      Type   Rock Planet
Orbital Radius   5.88 x 108 km   (3.93 AU)
Period   5.95 x 104 hours   (6.81 earth years)
Gravity   2.93 m/s2   (0.30 x earth)

      Type   Ice Planet
Orbital Radius   1.01 x 109 km   (6.72 AU)
Period   1.33 x 105 hours   (15.25 earth years)
Gravity   13.07 m/s2   (1.34 x earth)

      Type   Ice Planet
Orbital Radius   2.05 x 109 km   (13.71 AU)
Period   3.89 x 105 hours   (44.44 earth years)
Gravity   9.12 m/s2   (0.93 x earth)
Special   Trace atmosphere

      Type   Ice Planet
Orbital Radius   4.09 x 109 km   (27.31 AU)
Period   1.09 x 106 hours   (124.94 earth years)
Gravity   14.32 m/s2   (1.46 x earth)

      Type   Ice Planet
Orbital Radius   7.76 x 109 km   (51.88 AU)
Period   2.86 x 106 hours   (327.01 earth years)
Gravity   10.91 m/s2   (1.12 x earth)
Special   Trace atmosphere

      Type   Asteroid Belt
Orbital Radius   1.52 x 1010 km   (101.41 AU)
Period   7.81 x 106 hours   (893.73 earth years)

      Type   M2 V Red Dwarf
Distance   7.07 x 1010 km   (472.56 AU)
Radius   2.47 x 105 km   (0.36 x sol)
Mass   4.19 x 1029 kg   (0.21 x sol)
Temperature   3100 K
Luminosity   1.66 x 1025 W   (0.04 x sol)


Quote from: kwickham on October 28, 2015, 08:01:48 PM
I begin with a random skeleton, a solar system and a fractal world map, without any named features.

I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but I visualized this literally: an endless dark void, a skeleton floating in its center. His right hand is held palm up, containing a tiny sun being circled by tiny orbs (tiny is relative). His other hand holds a scroll upon which a map has been drawn.

I'm sure there is a metaphor here, a metaphor of death and creation as one. A universe emerging from the dying ember of one that has gone before, and reached its end. What does the skeleton remember, and what did it sacrifice to persist?
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Quote from: jdale on October 28, 2015, 08:37:08 PM
Quote from: kwickham on October 28, 2015, 08:01:48 PM
I begin with a random skeleton, a solar system and a fractal world map, without any named features.

I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but I visualized this literally: an endless dark void, a skeleton floating in its center. His right hand is held palm up, containing a tiny sun being circled by tiny orbs (tiny is relative). His other hand holds a scroll upon which a map has been drawn.

I'm sure there is a metaphor here, a metaphor of death and creation as one. A universe emerging from the dying ember of one that has gone before, and reached its end. What does the skeleton remember, and what did it sacrifice to persist?

I like it, jdale.

Legends name that ancient death creator - from which new life flows:

hewhos - grandfather, [hest - bone, -es plural] bones = Grandfather Bones


The immense skeleton, Hewhoshestes, floated in the endless dark void, small strands of decomposed flesh still rotting in the joints and sinew.

From this remaining flesh, a few maggots emerged.

The more the maggots consumed the ancient death creator's flesh the more the power changed them. Instead of flies, they morphed and changed into the beings of power. They inched towards the right hand where the tiny orbs, slowly changing in form and substance.

The ancient skeleton in desperation, dipped a quill into a bottle with the ink of life. And then it began, upon the scroll, to create...


Sounds like a Doctor Who episode. ;D
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Quote from: markc on October 29, 2015, 11:59:34 AM
Sounds like a Doctor Who episode. ;D
I'm probably one of the few who hasn't seen Doctor Who.

Want to add or change anything for this Open Game world, so far. Feel free. Or expand upon anything?

I invite anyone as long as it is under the assumption of giving freely to an Open Game world, which fans of RM or HARP can contribute, change, or use  without restrictions.

So don't give anything from your own world(s).

All content contributed to this post is Open Game Content, and not Product Identity, as defined in the


Picked some terms to help name places on the map with Proto- Indo-European terms from various versions, some of which differ from others.
mount, mountains - gwer, gweres
sea - mori
river - hekweh, danus
lake - heghero
steppe, prairie, plains, savannah - lendh
field - hegras
forest - nemos
swamp - lat
desert - jelom
marsh - mareskos
hill - kolnis
valley - klopnis
plateau - statlom
land (ownership) - kapos
of - suffix -os
plural - suffix -es


Climate Zones
Tropical zone between M & Y
Temperate zones between E & M, Y & EA
Arctic zones A to E, EA to IA

Sunrise east to west or west to east? Most planetoids in our solar system are east to west rotation. I guess it depends on magnetic poles at a specific period, since earth switches.


What's the difference between north and south? It's totally arbitrary. Sun from east to west with north up, if the sun is going the other way just point north down and it's the same, except now you're in the southern hemisphere.

System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Quote from: jdale on October 29, 2015, 07:55:41 PM
What's the difference between north and south? It's totally arbitrary. Sun from east to west with north up, if the sun is going the other way just point north down and it's the same, except now you're in the southern hemisphere.
I wasn't sure where the terms used for direction originate. At first I figured the directions might be magnetic based. Evidence points to a more primative method of direction. North is the most mysterious. It seems most of the terms are related to the sun's positioning in the sky and based on the seasonal arc of the sun's movement, being darker during the winter and lighter longer during the summer.

The darkness and brightness of days seems more important factors- where the sun and heat lay.

south - suelos means land of the sun. Meaning that is where the sun arcs more during winter.
east - auos means place to shine. Meaning that is where the sun rises.
west - ueos means place to go down. Meaning that is where the sun sets.

north - nokutos I will make mean land of the dark. Meaning that is the side away from the arc of the sun.

Thus in the northern third of the world the directions would be what we use today across the world.
  U       A

But in the southern third of the world the directions would be

   U      A

Then the issues becomes near the equator where the arc of the sun moves both north and south. It is hot, light, and bright year round. For that third of the world, I will make directs be based on aus (east) - which side of east. Is it left or right.

Sewyos being left of auos (east).
Dekos being right of auos (east).

So in the equatorial third of the world.

   U       A

The only constants being ueos and auos - west and east. The S at the equator meaning sewyos, and north and south meaning suelos.


Quick continental plate tectonics


I like the map a lot. Why? Well because you can get to almost everywhere on it so there are very few isolated places and gives you lots of places to go.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Wind, humidity, currents, and water temperature.


Quote from: markc on October 30, 2015, 01:38:55 PM
I like the map a lot. Why? Well because you can get to almost everywhere on it so there are very few isolated places and gives you lots of places to go.

This was the first random attempt. After several attempts, this one seemed the best.

I like as well, how it basically is one large land mass twisted like a screw around the globe.

Of course, after looking at the mountain locations, my interpretation of plate tectonics tells otherwise, not so much a twisting effect as a collision of land masses, and others being ripped apart.

Most puzzling, being the large collection of mountains and volcanoes in the central region.


You could always change it and edit the map ;D

That is what I have done in the past if I used random generators but I have to admit that they are a lot better today then the last time I used them (about 2004)
In fact that might make a good article for the Guild Companion, software for game design or an example of what software you used and how you used it.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


I kind of like that mountainous volcanic zone. It is just mysterious. The original map is 4000x2000. Just shrinking it for easier observation.

Next to do, is to name the six major seas and figure out where the major races originate. And then figure out natural migration and settlement. Also have to focus on the resources available.

All of that before running through a history and naming everything.


I generally do resources and then population but I guess you could do basic animals (primitive resources) then move up to the more modern resources for more modern populations.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Peter R

Quote from: markc on October 30, 2015, 02:47:11 PM
I generally do resources and then population but I guess you could do basic animals (primitive resources) then move up to the more modern resources for more modern populations.

The Mer-races frequently get forgotten just to end up as a 'monster' but from a movement of peoples and resources point of view they are quite interesting.

Spectre771 A couple of weeks ago, I disemboweled one of my PCs with a...


Here is a quick digital rendered outline map and a combined temperate zones, wind, rainfall, biome, and current map.

Outline Map Comment
It looks like splotches were rendered into the outline map. The black splotches are either lakes, or they are sometimes parts of land and islands. It is not the best, but it was fast to make using an edge detection filter.

Combined map key
On the combined map
Cyan sprayed areas have moderate rain.
Blue sprayed areas have heavy rain.
Yellow sprayed areas are arid/dry.

Faint black drawn lines are prevailing wind direction.
Blue lines in the water is cold water currents.
Red lines in the water is warm water currents.


Quote from: Peter R on October 31, 2015, 05:46:54 AM
Quote from: markc on October 30, 2015, 02:47:11 PM
I generally do resources and then population but I guess you could do basic animals (primitive resources) then move up to the more modern resources for more modern populations.

The Mer-races frequently get forgotten just to end up as a 'monster' but from a movement of peoples and resources point of view they are quite interesting.

Merfolk are forgotten.

Last night I went through and listed races from RM, HARP, D20 SRD, and PFSRD. I think this world should have mostly races that are in common with most of them, throwing out company specific named races, unless turned into a generic name. From the common core races down to pixies and vampires.

Here is what stuck out looking through lists of pure races.
Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Elf (or different types), Gnome, Orc, Goblin, Lizardman, Troll, Ogre, Kobold, Hobgoblin, Gargoyle, Centaur (or different types), Merfolk (or different types), Catfolk, Lycan, Vampire, Satyr, Cyclop, Giant (or different types), Titan, Pixie, Nymph, Gnoll, Troglodyte, Winged People

HARP has a bunch of unique named races, which I would either generalize into common terms, or leave out. HARP GMs could add them in, as needed.

Hybrid races just seem like offspring here, not so much as communities of half-races.