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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #420 on: February 09, 2021, 11:50:31 AM »
I actually need closely related information, which is to say: what information do people need to use RMU and Shadow World together? Maybe we should make a separate thread for that?

Difficulty modifiers are the same. The creatures in Creature Law will be all the creatures from RMSS Creatures & Monsters or RMC Creatures & Treasures 1-3. I don't know whether there are Shadow World creatures not in those books.

ATs are 1-10. Hits and PP are determined based on your bonus in body development and power development, and will not be exactly the same.

Spell lists from previous editions will generally be ok. Major points of difference are anything that refers to % activity (convert to AP) and healing (use the descriptions of the corresponding spells from RMU). For lists from RM2, you might need to specify the spell type. For full conversion you'd want to fill in all the gaps and take a closer look at balance etc.

PP multipliers exist in steps x1.25, x1.5, x1.75, x2, x2.5, x3 (that's 75th level to create though...).

Most of the issues you identify in the linked blog article seem to identify areas where Shadow World doesn't give an answer. As far as I'm concerned, if Shadow World leaves it open, that's not a point of conflict with the rules. You as GM might decide to make changes for thematic or setting reasons, but based on what you are saying Shadow World doesn't require a change to the rules.
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Essence Flow Map???
« Reply #421 on: February 20, 2021, 03:48:07 PM »
Maybe I'm suffering from the Mandela Effect, but I recall that there was a full map of Kulthea that showed all the Essence Flows. Can someone point me in the right direction?
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Offline terefang

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Re: Essence Flow Map???
« Reply #422 on: February 20, 2021, 10:16:23 PM »
Maybe I'm suffering from the Mandela Effect, but I recall that there was a full map of Kulthea that showed all the Essence Flows. Can someone point me in the right direction?

i have been looking for this for some time now.

in the original boxed set of either the atlas or emer there was a simple inlet,
featuring the conversion rules for 1st edition AD&D
and the world feature maps, one of which had the essaence flows and foci on it.

i still have the boxes but seam to have lost the inlet somehow.
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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #423 on: February 21, 2021, 08:42:02 PM »
Thanks, I'm going through all maps again!

Part of this search is due to this:
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Offline terefang

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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #424 on: February 22, 2021, 08:16:04 PM »
i found it: 1st Edition Master Atlas (Boxed Set), Atlas Addendum page 28: World Status Maps - Essence Flows

and yes the "Atlas Addendum" is the paper inlet.
I'd swallow cthulhu whole, with sushi and soy-sauce.

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Shadow World: Looking Ahead
« Reply #425 on: October 21, 2021, 03:42:56 PM »
If you the time and inclination, would appreciate everyone's thoughts.
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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #426 on: October 21, 2021, 06:06:11 PM »
I'd love to see Shadow World continue. I think Emer IV was nearly complete, apart from the City of the Dead. And Terry was constantly working on other streams, so there would be a lot to expand on that may be in various stages of completion.

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Future of SW
« Reply #427 on: October 22, 2021, 07:23:10 PM »
Good comments over at the Rolemasterblog. Please, if you have thoughts, contribute!
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Offline jdale

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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #428 on: October 23, 2021, 12:01:13 AM »
To address some things mentioned on the blog, in my personal, unofficial opinion...

Shadow World can't be ICE's official setting and be frozen. It has to be one or the other. If it's not frozen, it would need someone enthusiastic about and respectful of the setting to be in charge of consistency (or be the sole author, which amounts to the same thing). If there turns out to be a lot of unfinished material to work with (I don't know whether that's going to be the case), that would be a good warm-up and trial for that person.

Modules are helpful but by their nature won't sell as well as other material. Only the GM needs a module, and even a GM doesn't need every module; some GMs don't need any. A setting book that contains races, professions, and/or spell lists will sell better, because they are useful to more people in more ways. So reducing new products down to only modules doesn't seem like a sustainable direction. They can be part of the whole package, but not the whole thing. That might be less of a consideration if the market was a lot bigger, but RM isn't D&D.

5E is very different from RM. I don't think you can do that merely by presenting dual-stats, it needs system support (e.g. new classes and spells). I don't feel like that's a good use of ICE's resources. In any case, selling the Shadow World setting to the 5E market would not be viable, in my opinion, if the setting was frozen. The promise of new material is part of the attraction of a setting.

Terry absolutely did a lot of layout. We do fortunately have Nick Morawitz onboard now to do layout as well but I don't know how feasible it is to double his workload, or whether ICE will need to add someone else for that too. I can only imagine this will cost ICE some time to sort out.
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Dice Bags
« Reply #429 on: November 03, 2021, 05:12:25 PM »
Ok, not exactly Shadow World, but I do have “dice bags”. Unlike the old standby bartender tip bags that said “Crown royal”, these are Blanton bourbon cloth bags with draw strings. If you want one, just pay shipping. Email or message me.
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Offline RandalThor

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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #430 on: November 03, 2021, 10:34:37 PM »
Ok, not exactly Shadow World, but I do have “dice bags”. Unlike the old standby bartender tip bags that said “Crown royal”, these are Blanton bourbon cloth bags with draw strings. If you want one, just pay shipping. Email or message me.
A while back I went out and bought a bunch of those in different colors. I think I have most of them (unless CR has put out a bunch of new "flavors" recently).
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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #431 on: November 04, 2021, 11:36:30 AM »
Yes, Crown Royal uses different colors for the various whiskeys.

btw: I just mailed one out and shipping cost seems to be $.85 (I just put it into an envelope)
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New Shadow World material?
« Reply #432 on: January 05, 2022, 10:49:24 AM »
Happy 2022! Given that Nicholas/ICE has several third party products for Shadow World in the works (Priest King and Night of the Third Moon), there may be more opportunities for additional SW products in the coming year.

I think most agree that Terry's "core" material around Jaiman and Emer should be left alone, but what is everyone interested in seeing? Low level adventures? Small source books? Material on other continents? Atlas addendum products? Tech, magic item or spell lists? City books? Something else? Or would you prefer to leave SW alone and the work product to stand as is?
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Offline Hurin

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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #433 on: January 05, 2022, 01:21:36 PM »
I'm looking forward to Emer IV, as Terry's last work, so I don't need additional regional books for the time being; I want my players to be exploring all of the vast continents we already have.

What I'd like to see are focused adventures, set in existing places in Jaiman and Emer. I really like the premade adventures that I can just plug and play with very little prep, but set in existing regions and not contradictory to the general canon of Shadow World.

I would also love to see them statted out for RMU, as I think we are really going to be lacking adventures for the new edition for a while.

That's just my 2 cents of course.
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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #434 on: January 06, 2022, 12:15:40 AM »
What I'd like to see is campaign modules - Emer IV, but also a multi-part Thuul, for instance. Plus, northeast Jaiman made right (reboot of Sky Giants). Including technical aspects such as training packages, gear (mundane or magical) and spell lists is OK, but please pretty please, NO new skills !

Second, city books. Lethys, Kaitaine, Izar, even a multi-city book for smaller cities.

Third, organisation books. PoLaD scratched the surface, but there's so much more to say about them. Once again, you can either focus on multicontinental organisations or have a book more focused on a single continent but describing more organisations - Cults of Jaiman, anyone ?

Any of those books can include adventure seeds in the Hook/Line/Sinker form, but I'd rather not have full-blown adventures, especially if the basic hook for them is "you are offered money to tackle one problem" which is something I've *never* used in all my Rolemaster years.

Fourth, or maybe first, a book that twists the arm of Rolemaster magic to make it Shadow World compatible and not the other way round. The current situation requires so much handwaiving and "of course it can be done, just not by player characters" that's it's not sustainable. Have a book that reshape Rolemaster magic *based* on the Shadow World setting and specifics.

I certainly don't need any adventure book, however.

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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #435 on: January 06, 2022, 11:55:46 AM »
What I'd like to see is campaign modules - Emer IV, but also a multi-part Thuul, for instance. Plus, northeast Jaiman made right (reboot of Sky Giants). Including technical aspects such as training packages, gear (mundane or magical) and spell lists is OK, but please pretty please, NO new skills !

So it sounds like more source material/sandbox setting than any actual adventures would be a priority for you?
Second, city books. Lethys, Kaitaine, Izar, even a multi-city book for smaller cities.

Third, organisation books. PoLaD scratched the surface, but there's so much more to say about them. Once again, you can either focus on multicontinental organisations or have a book more focused on a single continent but describing more organisations - Cults of Jaiman, anyone ?

Any of those books can include adventure seeds in the Hook/Line/Sinker form, but I'd rather not have full-blown adventures, especially if the basic hook for them is "you are offered money to tackle one problem" which is something I've *never* used in all my Rolemaster years.

Fourth, or maybe first, a book that twists the arm of Rolemaster magic to make it Shadow World compatible and not the other way round. The current situation requires so much handwaiving and "of course it can be done, just not by player characters" that's it's not sustainable. Have a book that reshape Rolemaster magic *based* on the Shadow World setting and specifics.

I certainly don't need any adventure book, however.
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Shadow World Spell Lists
« Reply #436 on: January 06, 2022, 11:59:11 AM »
In response to a few messages, and to clarify, the BASiL project was both a revision of Spell Law and to create Shadow World specific lists for my own game. This Miksc SW material thread has the lists for the various dieties, Priest Arnak and a few others but the bulk of the lists are in the Rolemaster threads here:

Mentalism (not finished with this yet):
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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #437 on: January 06, 2022, 06:55:11 PM »
I already send you a mail Brian :)

But for all to read!

I really think SW should be cleaned up book wise, timeline wise and map wise!
So we get a clean SW as it should be and that can move forward in honor of TKA!
I also believe that if its gonna survive, it has to be done as a master book, and tier books under it. Take Jaiman , the crown kingdoms in a book and then maybe the larger cities in smaller "books" and then  make it online so it works on a chosen platform, beyond roll20 or whatever can pull in people to the setting!
My guess is that not many new players arrive at SW, because its so hooked on rolemaster. ( I AM a big RM2 fan, so easy :)    )
Maybe even make SW 5e/Pathfinder compatible !!! (can be done with limiting some classes/spells whatever from the systems.)
If "we" Freeze SW, I fear it will slowly perish.
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Re: Misc SW material
« Reply #438 on: January 06, 2022, 08:52:53 PM »

These are all great ideas. Again, I think many people are uncomfortable changing Terry's vision, but re-organizing and re-statting for other systems seems worth exploring?

For my part, I also float around on projects based on my interest, creative capacity, energy and focus. Right now I'm finalizing the "Book of Herbs" (I'm awful at titles btw). I've expanded on the 100 or so SW "herbs" and added another 100 of my own. Simplified rules of foraging herbs, preparing them and administering them...PLUS!!
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Master List
« Reply #439 on: January 06, 2022, 08:57:53 PM »
I think I've posted this previously but for those who haven't perused the 22 pages of this is links to the files:

As some of you have noted, I am being more active in these forums and the Rolemasterblog. Hopefully I can get Matt (Vroomfogle) back "in the game" as well. Terry has left a unfillable hole in our game and setting and while no one can fill that in any way, we need to rally community for creative support, product submissions and energy.

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