Genealogy of the Claimants to the Throne

Started by Cormac Doyle, May 26, 2006, 05:47:35 AM

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Cormac Doyle

This is a bit of a strange question.

In my campaign, I have a complex political situation with multiple claimants for the throne, due to a tangled, inbred bloodline

Does anyone have any recommendations for visually representing this in a graphic which I could then hyperlink using link anchors such that you could click on any name in the tree and it would bring you to a biography.

(I already have each of the Biographies - 37 in total - already half-written ...)

I currently am using "GenoPro" to model the family tree - but that doesn't generate the linkable graphic by default :(

Any suggestions??



So long as it provides you with a graphic, the creation of link spots should not be difficult. There are a number of applications out there that allow for the creation of imagemaps, which is basically what you need/want.

If you wanted to get fancy, you could even put the biographies into different layers, and have the clickable link run a javascript function which makes that particular layer visible, while hiding the rest. Or even have it do it on a mouse-over event.

Here are a few links to some things that might be helpful.....

Those should get you started in the right direction....

Cormac Doyle

The imagemap is the easy thing ... it's converting the flat-file custom database into a graphical image that's the hard-part ...



ahh.. I thought it did generate a graphic image, at least that was the impression that I received.

Will it display the tree in a graphical format, even if it won't create a graphic image?

Cormac Doyle

It creates a rather simple graphic ... but provides no easy way to output it (that I can see)

Even if I could, I'd prefer to be able to add symbols (Crowns for ruling monarchs, etc) that are not really supported by the program. Maybe I just need to play with it more ... but the app is currenly installed on my work PC, so I'm gonna have to set up at home first ...


Cormac Doyle

Ah-ha ... it will export the whole tree as an "emf" ... of course that really isn't very dynamic.

now I just need to import that and start cutting it up into various png's ...


OK - it'll take some work, but it's doable ...