HARP SF future projects

Started by NicholasHMCaldwell, February 06, 2014, 03:54:31 PM

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There has been discussion on and off as to what might be next for HARP SF.

At some point, there will be the SysOp's Guide (this is a reserved book in that I get to write it).

However, there are many other possible opportunities:

In rule books, possibilities:

  •    a vehicles supplement
  •    space battle rules
  •    planetary mass combat rules
  •    a technology guide.

In sourcebooks:

  • a book on aliens races and alien creatures
  • sector books for portions of the Tintamar setting

Or as has been recently suggested, Tintamar sourcebooks that support styles of play, adding appropriate rules material, setting material - relevant worlds etc, etc:

  • military
  • covert/espionage/"underworld"
  • exploration
  • mercantile
  • science/tech
  • psionic

Let us know your preferences and in due course, I will issue formal calls for proposals.

Best wishes,
Professor Nicholas HM Caldwell
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
Publisher of Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Shadow World, Cyradon, HARP & HARP SF, and Cyberspace, with products available from www.drivethrurpg.com
Author: Mentalism Companion, GURPS Age of Napoleon, Construct Companion, College of Magics, HARP SF/HARP SF Xtreme, and coauthor HARP Bestiary


Oh man,  I don't even know where to begin on a wish list like this.

I guess the highest value ideas for me would be:
A technology guide
A creature catalog (sentient races are well covered for my needs largely but face eating aliens for the PCs to shoot up would be really useful - so far I am modifying the critters from HARP Fantasy for this)
A Vehicle supplement

Next down my list would be:
Sector books for Tintamar
An exploration setting guide
A merchantile setting guide
A military setting guide
and a covert operations setting guide

I suspect others would rate an expanded psionics book much higher than myself.  But so far the psionics just haven't played into my games too much.

Not on this list at all but one that could be very useful is a Modern or Near Modern setting conversion book.  The rules are all there for a Modern game, but the skills, talents, and equipment are all aimed much more futuristic.  For example I am getting the itch to run a game set in Charles Stross' Merchent Princes world.  I would really like to do so with a Harp Sci-Fi rules set in a modern setting.

Just thinking about these ideas has gotten me all fired up to buy them!


On my list of wishes:

  • Exploration splat book
  • "Underworld"/Fringe splat book
  • Vehicle supplement
  • Tech guide
  • Sector books - tintamar
  • Mercantile splat book

It would be awesome with any of these really :)
"What about the future...? We can only hope, we cannot however account for the minutiae of the quanta, as all accidents in an infinite space are inevitable."

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 I would say a Vehicle Guide as vehicles are used quite a bit in most Space Games and player and GM's like to tinker with them. After that a TECH book to flesh out the rest of the equipment the players might need and to give me an example the Universes tech culture. But at the same time a splat guide book for the U would go well with the Tech book and a Military (Navy) splat book would go well with the Vehicle book.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


i know you guys from Ice have made pulp and other setting how about something unique for HARP - how about a super's book ? the powers can be layed out like psion and magic as field- with something like Magnetic control or Radiation control starting low and working up to more powerful levels , just like magic or psion .
on your sector books there could be isolated worlds because of their strange setting like goth. and Super where colonist move ther now have super abilities or even setting world like Dragon riders and World where colonist all belonged to a medieval re enactment groups and want to recreate or make a low tech paranormal world?
or a world that has a strange spice that causes or allows mutation to its users to gain the minds of computers and psychic powers and some of them could be natural space astrogators ?
get it , the serial numbers can be filed off - but I hope you get it> even a pulp world where there stuck in the 1930 level of tech but there psion or magic - < World can be called Kutulu world- ((((((Maniacal LAUGH INSERTED)))))) >
Mal: "Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. Whaddya suppose that makes us?"
Zoe: "Big damn heroes, sir."
Mal: "Ain't we just!"

Thom @ ICE

Maybe I'm a little slow this morning...  ???

Much of what you are asking for could be done with the current HARP and HARP SF rules with only minor adjustments.  It would be difficult to use the existing resources to focus on a different setting as it would negatively impact an already very stretched product development effort.  If someone were interested in doing a product (or product line) like this, then contact Nicholas and he'll be able to review your proposal.
Email -    Thom@ironcrown.com


A few years ago i started down the path of writing a future supp for D20, before 100 other people got there. The main driver for this was, at the time there was a specific genre that was only represented in a specific game that starts with cyber and finishes with, well you can guess.
A lot of the work I did could conceivably be converted for use with HARP SF as a expanded Cyber type of supplement, as it is a favorite genre of mine. I would be happy so share what i have done.

Cyanide Baby

This, for sure:

"Tintamar sourcebooks that support styles of play, adding appropriate rules material, setting material - relevant worlds." Rules-only publications are way too dry for me. I want a lot of succulent flesh on my bones.

I'd like sourcebooks that inspire me, and make me dream of stories and adventures ... with extra details on tech, vehicles, etc. for that particular part of the galaxy.

One of my all-time favorite sourcebooks, for any game, is Dark Space for Spacemaster/Rolemaster. I'm not saying that I would want a sourcebook where magic and tech mix, I really am talking about the way that sourcebook mixes information on the setting, with extra details on tech, new alien species, bio-tech rules, equipment, adventure ideas, etc.
It makes for very exciting reading.


Quote from: Nofare on February 20, 2014, 09:08:02 AM
This, for sure:

"Tintamar sourcebooks that support styles of play, adding appropriate rules material, setting material - relevant worlds." Rules-only publications are way too dry for me. I want a lot of succulent flesh on my bones.

I'd like sourcebooks that inspire me, and make me dream of stories and adventures ... with extra details on tech, vehicles, etc. for that particular part of the galaxy.

[...] I really am talking about the way that sourcebook mixes information on the setting, with extra details on tech, new alien species, bio-tech rules, equipment, adventure ideas, etc.
It makes for very exciting reading.

You, Sir, just won my vote.  :)
Nihil scire felicissima vita.


Quote from: dob85y on February 12, 2014, 02:46:33 AM
A few years ago i started down the path of writing a future supp for D20, before 100 other people got there. The main driver for this was, at the time there was a specific genre that was only represented in a specific game that starts with cyber and finishes with, well you can guess.
A lot of the work I did could conceivably be converted for use with HARP SF as a expanded Cyber type of supplement, as it is a favorite genre of mine. I would be happy so share what i have done.

errrmmm HELL YEAH!
please do this..

I want to play CyberHARP
The universe is hostile. So impersonal. Devour to survive; So it is; So it's always been.  ~Tool; Vicarious~


Space battle rules would be especially good for me.


I'm all for an alien creatures and races book! :)
My wizards are many, but their essence is mine. Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief. Because I am the spirit of their existence. I am them.


Space battles & starship construction would be good for me as well. I have really been toying with running a Star Trek game via Harp Sci-fi over Spacemaster: Privateers rule set.
May i serve in Valhalla, better than i did in life.


Quote from: Athelstaine on June 01, 2014, 11:09:53 AM
Space battles & starship construction would be good for me as well. I have really been toying with running a Star Trek game via Harp Sci-fi over Spacemaster: Privateers rule set.

I'd certainly second this, having ships construction rules, space combat, trade rules, exploration rules, dual stat it for space master and HarpSF - imagine silent death type fast space combat rules with RpG hooks...


The 2015 plans of the Director's Briefing - January 2015 states that completion of Harp Bestiary is holding up several projects, but not specifically future HARP SF projects. Does the same apply to HARP SF?

Is the plan to include bestiary information specific to Tintamar or SM's Imperium in HARP Bestiary?

Are there creature creation rules in HARP Fantasy which would also be used for creatures in HARP SF?

Is there some future product(s) that I should wait to be released prior to attempting to finalize some small, or perhaps even larger projects, for SM's Imperium setting for use with HARP SF rules?

Thanks to anyone who can help with these questions!


I seem to remember that the Bestiary will not include the creature creation rules but the GM book would (although I could be wrong).  I also got the impression that the Bestiary will be intended for HARP Fantasy only (and I would be surprised if it wasn't).  I strongly suspect the creature creation rules would work on sci-fi critters with little modification but I haven't seen them myself.

I have taken some of the creatures from the core book and Monsters: A Field Guide and used them in my Bughunters 2155 game.  They are built on the old critter creation standard but are close enough. 

From the core book:
Ant, Giant
Xeno-Ape                (Giant Ape)
Space Roach           (Giant Beetle)
Mordor Panther        (Large Cat)
Cliff Glider               (Gargoyle)
Aerosaur                  (Hippogriff but with the back of a dinosaur instead of horse)
Slime Rat                 (Giant Rat)
snapper                    (Sabertooth Tiger)
Scorpion, Giant
Shark, Gr.White
Spider, Giant
Spider, Lesser
Wasp, Giant
Dog, War
Lizard L
Viper L
And from MaFG
As for waiting for books I would probably advice against it.  With the current project load I don't expect to see much new HARP Sci-Fi in the next year or so (but if TGC proves me wrong I would be very happy). 

I'm really looking forward to more HARP SF materials and can't wait for more of them!




Thanks for the quick reply. My impressions matched yours, but I do not follow some of the discussions here as I am not a big rules debater or modifier. it would have been easy to miss something in the discussions.

Any thoughts on how generic would you want something to be to make it easily modifiable into your Bughunters 2155 game?  Stats can be done fairly easily, but background and setting seems to be a little more difficult. How much "fluff" specifc to the Imperium campaign might prove to be too much?


HARP Bestiary is not a prerequisite for any HARP SF products.

A HARP SF alien creatures would use broadly the same creature creation rules.

Best wishes,
Professor Nicholas HM Caldwell
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
Publisher of Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Shadow World, Cyradon, HARP & HARP SF, and Cyberspace, with products available from www.drivethrurpg.com
Author: Mentalism Companion, GURPS Age of Napoleon, Construct Companion, College of Magics, HARP SF/HARP SF Xtreme, and coauthor HARP Bestiary


A Harp SF Xenologists Guide would be pretty useful to me.  Mostly because the only creatures covered by the core book are sentient.  To some extent this makes sense because as my Bughunters game has proven time and again - even really tough monsters fall pretty easy in a HARP SF game if they don't have a ranged attack.  Lasers and machine guns really chew up Level 10 dinosaurs fast if they don't strike from ambush.  So the real threats in HARP SF are really the other sentients that also carry lasers and machine guns.  But having some dumb monsters to shoot up is pretty handy for my game.

For my Bughunters game I used/modified both the generic descriptions from the core book and the more detailed descriptions from M:aFG with about the same difficulty.  The Gorger for example is an almost drop in monster for a Sci-Fi game (and its armor piercing attack really helps against the high tech armor once it gets close enough to use it).  Whereas below you can see what I did with the more generic core book write-ups:

These huge xenomorphs are similar to large primates and can grow to be up to 3m tall and weigh close to 500 Kg. They have shaggy thick hides that tend to match the color of the local vegetation.  They live in groups of 5-10 and have very specific territories, which they will vigorously defend. They attack by either smashing foes with their large fists or with simple weapons such as clubs or rocks.
Abilities – Ambidexterity, Athletic, Blazing Speed, Dense Musculature, Enhanced Senses, Extremely Nimble, Giantism (Minor), Lightning Reflexes, Tough Hide (Minor), Toughness
IQ – Xeno-Apes are extremely intelligent animals. They have the equivalent intelligence of a small child. However they do not have a recognizable language and do not work together very well, even in family groups.
DB –
Skills –

Space Roaches
The Space Roach  normally grows up to 2m in length. They are typically found in groups of 1-5 but can occur in numbers 10 times that, and will eat virtually anything, taking large bites with their large pincers.
Abilities – Extra Limbs, Enlarge (Minor), Multiple or Peripheral Eyes (Lesser), Natural Camouflage, Natural
Weapon, Night Vision, Portage Skills, Quiet Stride, Skill Specialization, Tough Hide (Major), Toughness
IQ – Space Roaches are scavengers, and will eat almost anything.  They have only animal intelligence, although this
is often over-ridden by its relentlessly hungry nature.
DB –
Skills –

Mordor Panther
First encountered on New Mordor in the Bernards Star system this large xenomorph is similar to feline predators. They attack with their deadly claws or their ferocious bites. While most are normally solitary, certain types  are pack animals, working together to bring down larger prey.
Abilities – Agile Defense, Blazing Speed, Enhanced Senses, Extremely Nimble, Instinctive Defense, Lightning Reflexes, Natural Weapon, Quiet Stride, Subtle, Tough Hide (Lesser), Toughness
IQ – Mordor Panthers are very intelligent animals, but still animals. Those who hunt in packs will work together to bring down large prey.
DB –
Skills –

Cliff Gliders
These creatures are winged xenomorphs that live in rocky cliffs using the thermals and their extremely dense and powerful muscles to fly. They seem to have skin and bodies made from hard stoney chitton.  They tend to grow to about 2m tall and around 100Kg.  It is conjectured that they are artificial creations of the Ancients that have gained the ability to reproduce themselves. Their hard claws and mouths are potent weapons that they use on prey. It is not uncommon to find from 1 – 10 of these creatures roosting in a single aerie.
Abilities – Dark Vision (Lesser); Dense Musculature; Enhanced Senses; Flight; Natural Weapon; Tough Hide
(Greater); Toughness
IQ – Cliff Gliders are as intelligent as humans children. They work well with others of their roost. Due to their naturally tough hides, Cliff Gliders all seem to disdain  armor.
DB –
Skills –

This creature has an eagle-like head, wings, and forequarters, while its body and hindquarters are like those of a large lizard.  Aerosaurs are dangerous territorial predators that attack using their talons and their beaks.
Abilities – Agile Defense; Athletic; Blazing Speed; Enhanced Senses; Flight; Enlarge (Minor); Instinctive Defense; Lightning Reflexes; Natural Weapon; Portage Skills; Tough Hide (Minor)
IQ – Aerosaurs are about as smart as a normal horse, very intelligent for an animal.
DB –
Skills –

With tough scales, a Hydra looks much like a giant crocodile with multiple heads on long serpentine necks.
Each head that a Hydra has makes its own attack each round.  While most Hydras have 9 heads, the number can vary. If a head is destroyed, the Hydra will grow another to replace it over the course of 3 days. This xenomorph's brain resides in its chest. Like its mythical namesake the Hydra does rapidly regenerate wounds the only way to keep these wounds from regenerating is to cauterize the wounds with fire or acid.  The Hydra has a tremendous metabolism when active and requires massive amounts of food - especially when healing from wounds.  The Hydra also prefers to hide in shallow water or vegetation in a state of torpor until prey comes along.
Abilities – Extra Limbs (8); Enlarge (Minor); Instinctive Defense; Lightning Reflexes; Natural Weapon; Poison Bite/
Sting (Major); Limited Regeneration (Greater, fire/acid); Tough Hide (Greater); Toughness
IQ – Hydras are of animal intelligence.
DB –
Skills –

Slime Rats
This species of xenomorph grows to be up to 60cm in length, not counting their tails. Similar to huge rats, but with a smooth durable amphibeous hide.  They are carrion eaters normally, they are not above running off with defenseless prey such as young children. They attack using their bites (Puncture) and their claws (Slash), and are often found in nests numbering up to 50 members.
Abilities – Blazing Speed; Dark Vision (Greater); Disease Bearing; Enhanced Scent; Enhanced Senses; Extremely
Nimble; Instinctive Defense; Natural Weapon; Shrink (Minor); Tough Hide (Lesser); Toughness
Note: Slime Rats are disease carriers. Anyone injured by a Slime Rat is at potential risk of infection from a severe
wasting disease. On a successful attack by a Slime Rat, look up the Adjusted Attack Roll on the RR column of the
Maneuver Table. This gives the Stamina RR target, which the victim must match or exceed to avoid infection. If the
Stamina RR is failed, the victim is infected. If the wound is thoroughly cleaned within six hours (by a successful Medium First Aid or Medical Practice maneuver), then the victim will suffer no ill effects. If not, the wound will become irritated, swell and begin to blister and the character will lose 1 concussion hit every hour (per infected wound). Only advanced medical care or broad spectrum xeno-antibodies can save the character. 
IQ – Slime Rats are as intelligent as any other animal, including their terrestrial analogs.
DB –
Skills –

This is a large muscular cat-like creature that can grow up to about 9' at the shoulder. It has large fangs (up to 9" long) that it will use to rip and tear its prey. While it cannot maintain speed for any great length of time, it can run in short bursts, and will often ambush its prey, pouncing on them from hiding.  It is thought that they are solitary creatures, found in groups only when a mother still has young (2-6) to care for.
Abilities – Agile Defense; Blazing Speed; Enhanced Senses; Extremely Nimble; Enlarge (Minor); Instinctive Defense;
Lightning Reflexes; Natural Weapon; Quiet Stride; Subtle; Tough Hide (Lesser); Toughness
IQ – The Bonesnapper is a very cunning animal and will frequently ambush its prey.
DB –
Skills –


I omitted some of the data in the above because it was basically a straight copy of what is in the core book.

So both worked for me


A GM screen. Landscape format.  8)
"What about the future...? We can only hope, we cannot however account for the minutiae of the quanta, as all accidents in an infinite space are inevitable."

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