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That would be cool to have an offical zine again. [Poll]

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What would you include to make it appeal to new players?

How would you want it to look / be formatted?

I like the idea but Nash is right, one way or another it would take some time from other ICE products (just uploading it to DrivethruRPG if nothing else). I'm sure a lot of you have heard me talk of my dream of having lots of PCs, NPCs, mini-adventures, monsters, treasures etc on the website. Maybe you don't need the $3 quarterly version, maybe a yearly round up of all of that stuff from the website into something a bit more substantial and with a couple of pieces of art for $7/$8 would be better.

That doesn't answer the question about who would do it, but that's my dream.

B Hanson:
I would note that Peter over at the Rolemasterblog has been publishing the Rolemasterblog Fanzine for over 4 years now with blog material as well as new content. With a few more contributors we could really buff it up, but overall I would consider that a solid, consistent publishing effort without needing any official support.


--- Quote from: B Hanson on April 06, 2023, 07:19:00 AM ---With a few more contributors we could really buff it up, but overall I would consider that a solid, consistent publishing effort without needing any official support.

--- End quote ---
That went from 2017 to 2021, so supported that material and before, unofficially with fan stuff. I guess it died out as well.
And I think half of those fans are all busy publishing other material for other game systems ATM.

Zines have a limited run I think to some degree, which is why 2 years might be a good estimation for a production run. Anything further might be a bonus. Just focus on 8 quarterly official beneficial topical content focused issues quarterly for 2 years, and then see where interest is.

Why do I emphasize "official" ICE stuff.

With the IP of MERP gone, I am following the closest relative, the RM IP.

Yes, I know there are 'clones' of MERP that are not official connected to the original. I am not following any of thoseā€”I have no loyalty with those opportunistic fans. I'd rather follow the successive IP that was the source of MERP.

I am hoping that the Intellectual Property (IP) owned by the current owner grows in size and quantity. In that way, it may increase the chance of surviving for longer duration, developed further, and produce more IP until it becomes public domain in X years.

Fan stuff is fine for some, but it doesn't grow the official IP. It grows the fans IP.

One quote i saw many years ago is "ICE plans to develop its IP, either in house or through acquisition."

RMU Core Law and RMU Spell Law publication is evidence of that statement.

I think the publication of RMU should inject some new energy into the fanbase. You can already see it in the work on a Roll20 Character Sheet and homebrew character sheets too. So I do think there might be enough for a zine.


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