Author Topic: AutoHARP 2.0  (Read 17594 times)

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Offline DavidKlecker

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AutoHARP 2.0
« on: December 28, 2015, 03:39:29 PM »
Yep! That's right. A new release, and this is a major one. Lots of new stuff here, but probably not everything on people's wish list. This was supposed to be 1.0.7 (actually more like 1.7 since I haven't been using the release numbers right) however as I was working I just wanted to do something "more" to the interfaces, especially with Combat Tracker. Combat Tracker got a huge overhaul. Whole new main screen and now Vehicle Combat has been included. The database received a large revision as well in attempt to simplify database editing. AutoHARP got many new changes, included a whole new print screen that now matches the book. There is a lot new here. Some screenshots from SourceForge

I'm always open to new ideas, new concepts, enhancements. I'm obviously available for questions and issues you are running into. Write them here or email me at

If you haven't been using AutoHARP for your Harp gaming, now is the time to check it out. This has been 6 months in the making. This is why it took so long to get a release out. There are video tutorials coming as well. They have been recorded and shot. I just need to edit them and publish them to YouTube.

So now... I take a break.

Offline Bruce

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2015, 11:25:56 PM »
Looks interesting! I am almost inclined to get it and try it out for my group, but there are a few things holding me back.
I have created my own PDF sheet (that is not perfect) and I designed the character sheets to better fit game play, at least for my group. I have some extra skills I added and a completely new skill called Chi Balance. I am not sure if you could find a way to implement ones own character sheet but that would be awesome. 

I have also created my own initiative system as long ago I outgrew the tired round based system. I use what I call an action point system that was inspired by the old CEATS system from one of the RM companions. I used the CEATS system in RM to great success and I think now my AP system has gained leading ground over a round based system in my current group.

There are  a few other tweaks (like a RM/HARP style combat system) that I have done to my character sheets and it would be awesome if I could implement them into your autoHARP. Would it be difficult for someone to take your program and add/change things to suit their needs with a little programming knowledge? What language does your program use? I programmed my PDF with the PDF version of Javascript, it would be great if it was something that was similar so I didn't have to go through the process of learning a whole new language..... But that would all depend on your permission to do such a thing.

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Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2015, 08:17:58 AM »
Adding skills to the database is very easy. In fact creating new races, professions, cultures, talents, statistics, spells, training packages, monsters, etc... it is all quite simple to do with AutoHARP.

Now the init system in the combat tracker is hard coded and it definitely isn't ceats. It's straight out of the book. Creating an action/turn based system could certainly be possible but that would have to be coded. Interesting idea for an enhancement. I don't think I would outright program ceats, but it would be very easy for me to associate a table to the actions that already exist.

AutoHARP uses wxWidgets and C++. It doesn't have anything where a person could input a PHP or Javascript program that could be used to implement a new combat system. That is another interesting idea, however that will be a complex task. Not sure how I would do it. It would require some thought. The action/turn initiative is far easier to write.

Offline Bruce

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2015, 01:05:27 PM »
The Combat system I developed is more of a separate program than something to include in a character generator. OTH the AP (Action Point) system I developed would be something that should be included in a character generator. The only thing that needs to be added to the character sheet are the base AP initiative numbers. In my initiative system you roll a regular D10 for init but that D10 is open-ended, meaning if you roll a 10 you roll again, etc. Then you add your normal init numbers and your character level to get your total initiative. That number is cross referenced with your chosen action on my action point chart to find your actual action number. As time goes on you add your action numbers together to find when your next action takes place. In my system 100 AP's is equivalent to one turn in HARP.
So far my AP system has created some really interesting combat scenarios that would have been very mundane in a normal turn based system. The most common scenario is the casting of area effect spells and other characters moving into an area to attack. It is really surprising the number of times the cleric in our group has cast acid ball only to have it strike the creature at the same exact time another PC enters the area of I think this happened like 4 times before the party started realizing they need to have better planning and coordination in their attacks.
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Offline Charlie Four

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2016, 04:21:48 AM »
I've been trying out the demo and I have a few questions:

- Why does the character appears with less than 100 DPs on 1st level? The standard rules gives you that, however I found that for both Human Fighter or Elf Mage the DPs varied, the former had around 73 DPs and the latter 63 or so. Maybe I did something wrong?

- Do I have to input the bonus from Talents manually? For example for skill specialization or enhanced senses, I would have to go to the skill and assign it manually, don't I?

- I've read on the Help file that you can change skill progression(an important feature since I house rule it), how hard is it to do so?

- Which version is the one available on RPGNow right now?

Oh, and the random monster generator made the whole thing crash, maybe because it's a demo?


Offline Charlie Four

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2016, 04:55:23 AM »
Oh... I've just seen there are tutorials videos... I'll watch them first since some of the questions were already answered on the first one. Sorry. :-X

Offline Charlie Four

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2016, 06:16:49 AM »
Sorry for the 3 in a row but I can't edit. So, after watching all the videos(ignore the previous questions since almost all of them have been answered):

- Which version is it on RPGNow?

- Can I change the name of the skills and such on the database? How about on the character sheet? I'm asking these since most of my players can't read or speak a word of Common lang - I mean - English(no DPs for that I'm afraid :P), so in order for me to use this, I'll have to translate everything.

I have to point out the difference between generating stats, you said in the video that Option 3 was 500+1d100 when in fact it is 500+10d10, there's a huge difference from a statistical point of view(a d100 could give you any number while 10d10 will almost always give you a result around 40-60, being 55 the average). But does look easy to use, so if I can get around the language problem I'll sure get this.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2016, 05:45:22 PM »
Sorry for the 3 in a row but I can't edit. So, after watching all the videos(ignore the previous questions since almost all of them have been answered):

- Which version is it on RPGNow?

Right now the version is 2.0. I am currently working on and will be releasing 2.1 here soon. It contains about 6 new enhancements (really cool) and bug fixes.

- Can I change the name of the skills and such on the database? How about on the character sheet? I'm asking these since most of my players can't read or speak a word of Common lang - I mean - English(no DPs for that I'm afraid :P), so in order for me to use this, I'll have to translate everything.

Changing the names of the skills can be done in two ways. The easiest way is to use Architect and use the Skills category to change the names. The other way is to simply edit the xml files. Now changing the name of a skill is not as easy as just changing the name, especially if you have a completed database. This is something I have to fix in Architect since that program should alter everything necessary. What I mean is, if you change the skill Perception to something in Spanish lets say, you need to change any database that references this skill. For example, Cultures will reference it. Training Packages will reference it. That might be it. Again, this is something I realize now I should have put into Architect so I will make this issue my last update to 2.1 before release.

I have to point out the difference between generating stats, you said in the video that Option 3 was 500+1d100 when in fact it is 500+10d10, there's a huge difference from a statistical point of view(a d100 could give you any number while 10d10 will almost always give you a result around 40-60, being 55 the average). But does look easy to use, so if I can get around the language problem I'll sure get this.
You are absolutely right. I need to look at the book and make sure I have the correct dice roll. These are hard coded.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2016, 05:52:43 PM »
Updates coming up in 2.1

1) Mix Genres: You will be able to update a Harp Fantasy character using the Harp Sci-Fi database and vice versa.

2) HTML Print Sheets: You can now create your own customized print sheets by programming them in HTML/Javascript/CSS. I include an example in the release. These print sheets can be anything from your character sheet to creating GM screens for combat or other database information.

3) Preferences now has a General User Interface so you can change information from the application. You can use this preferences dialog to create a new system.

4) Architect will now allow you to include information from other databases by modifying your config.xml file. You can use this to select skills from other databases in order to create training packages, cultures, etc.

5) Architect will now create a whole new system with files and folders.

6) Architect will now copy a whole database category from one database to another. This way you can copy statistic information from one database and paste it to a new database you have created.

7) Architect will update information where necessary if you make changes to a field that is referenced elsewhere in the book. For example, changing a skill, might require that Cultures and Training Packages also be updated to the new name of this skill.

I'm hoping I can release this by the end of April.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2016, 06:09:11 PM »
It appears I have some work to do. :working:

Offline dagorhir

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2016, 07:37:17 PM »
Updates coming up in 2.1


I'm hoping I can release this by the end of April.

I'm running a game in two weeks. I pushing hard to get 2.0 up to a level I can use. I'm hoping combat tracker will well enough to be used in the game, which would be awesome.

Offline Charlie Four

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2016, 06:51:16 PM »
Changing the names of the skills can be done in two ways. The easiest way is to use Architect and use the Skills category to change the names. The other way is to simply edit the xml files. Now changing the name of a skill is not as easy as just changing the name, especially if you have a completed database. This is something I have to fix in Architect since that program should alter everything necessary. What I mean is, if you change the skill Perception to something in Spanish lets say, you need to change any database that references this skill. For example, Cultures will reference it. Training Packages will reference it. That might be it. Again, this is something I realize now I should have put into Architect so I will make this issue my last update to 2.1 before release.
Oh... that's why it didn't work(I got both the AutoHarp and the Architect). Ok, I'll wait for the next update! I'll try to find a way around it but for now I'll generate the characters and then translate them manually. I won't need them to create their own until next month anyway.

By the way, so far the AutoHARP works fine, I can create a lot of characters in a matter of minutes, thanks.

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2016, 06:06:12 PM »
AutoHARP 2.1 is now available for update and/or purchase.

2.1 naturally offers bug fixes from 2.0 however there are 6 enhancements that stem from user requests.

1) Mixed Genres (systems) : This new feature allows a user to create a character in Harp Fantasy or Harp Sci-Fi and then alter the character's system so that the character can be used in another system. This is particularly useful for a Harp Fantasy character that is picked up by a space ship and now they need to be leveled up using the Harp Sci-Fi system.
2) Preferences front end: A GUI has been created for the preferences.xml file so that any changes to the file can be made directly from the application rather than opening the XML and making the updates manually.
3) Custom Print: Custom print takes an XML or various XML files and sends them to a javascript file where they are processed and turned into a custom print sheet. I have included an example with the application. Users can now create their own javascript programs to create custom print sheets. Currently this does not work on Ubuntu.

1) You can now copy and database file like Statistics from one book and paste the information into a Statistics database file in another book. This is particularly useful if you want to make quick updates to a new database you are working on and want to import data from other books.
2) Creating a new database will create all the files and directories up front so that you can work on the database right away.
3) Changing particular information on Architect will update other database files. For example if you change a skill name, that skill name will be changed in Cultures, Training Packages and other database files where the old skill name existed.

Like before if you run into problem, bugs, or have additional enhancement requests, please send them to Happy Gaming!


Offline Charlie Four

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2016, 04:21:08 PM »
Awesome! I'll give it a try when I have some time.

Offline Bruce

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2016, 11:38:25 AM »
I just purchased AutoHARP architect and it will not run. I submitted a ticket for it. I am running this on Win 10 Pro 64bit on a high end system so there should be no worries there.
Here is a copy of the ticket: I purchased AutoHARP architect and tried running it, and it will not run. This is the error I am getting: "The program can't start because wxmxw30u_gcc_custom.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I tried reinstalling and it still does not work.

FYI, the only reason I am posting this here is so I can get this resolved as quickly as possible.
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Offline Bruce

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #15 on: May 05, 2016, 12:47:00 PM »
Apparently you need to have AutoHARP to run Architect. I do not think that should be the case. If that is the case the Architect should not cost $20 in addition to the base AutoHARP.
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Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2016, 07:59:48 AM »
Sorry for the confusion. I have sent an email with updated text so that people who are inquiring about Architect understand that it is an add-on to AutoHARP.

Architect is a front end to editing databases that are included with AutoHARP. It is an add-on but it is not a necessary add-on if you plan to edit the xml files by hand which is possible if you know what you are doing. I really never intended to make Architect as I felt editing the XML files manually should be enough. In the end I am glad I made it as it does speed up the process and makes editing the XML files a LOT easier and it manages changes as you go along. Architect is useless without AutoHARP as it designed specifically for the databases which run on AutoHARP alone. It is a full fledged program like AutoHARP and is just as complex. This is why it is sold separately. 

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2016, 08:03:31 AM »
I just purchased AutoHARP architect and it will not run. I submitted a ticket for it. I am running this on Win 10 Pro 64bit on a high end system so there should be no worries there.
Here is a copy of the ticket: I purchased AutoHARP architect and tried running it, and it will not run. This is the error I am getting: "The program can't start because wxmxw30u_gcc_custom.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem." I tried reinstalling and it still does not work.

FYI, the only reason I am posting this here is so I can get this resolved as quickly as possible.

For those who may run into the same issue since this issue has come up before. This is caused when you install AutoHARP-Architect into a directory other than the directory where you installed AutoHARP. Architect is an add-on and the only files that are getting installed are an .exe and the help files. It runs off the same libraries as AutoHARP and since I do not include those libraries with the install you need to install architect into the AutoHARP install directory where the libraries are stored. It was a choice on my part to not include the library files as I felt it was redundant.

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2017, 04:58:57 AM »
where can i get the full version of your auto harp?

Offline DavidKlecker

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Re: AutoHARP 2.0
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2017, 08:52:57 AM »

Check out for the full version. Thank you for your interest.
