Forum > Rolemaster Software

Foundry VTT

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sorry its got a bit confused through all the posts.

is this stuff available on foundry yet?

and if so is it for RMU?

I'm a little confused by the question...
Presumably none of the above will ever be directly loadable via foundry modul manager.
Nevertheless, everything can already be installed and used by yourself.

RMU: Since I don't know the system differences, I can't answer anything about that.


--- Quote from: Cynicide on January 17, 2023, 05:58:26 PM ---3. Unzip the download and drag the "rmss" folder in the FoundryVTT\Data\systems directory of your Foundry install.
--- End quote ---
I cannot find this folder. There is no "Data" folder and no "systems directory folder" that I can see.

Is this the Foundry folder located here: C:\Program Files\Foundry Virtual Tabletop  or somewhere else? I cannot seem to find another one, so if it is elsewhere, I would greatly appreciate being pointed at it. Showing the full file path should do it, right?

Found it. Google to the rescue again.  ;D


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