Forum > Arrylon

Hello! And my to do list

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All that's really left to get this setting to the point where I can start modifying it for rolemaster is get the atlas entries done up.  Medelliana, Duranor, and the Audun Wastes are going to be pretty easy to do, but Amara and Nithallion have a lot of cultures to cover.  Plus, there are events I'd like to work up to fill out the histories a bit.

Now, I've misplaced a lot of the notes for those missing sections.  But now that Bryn is here, together we'll do our best to rebuild the missing pieces.

Once we get the conversion work done, I intend to create a campaign book with all of this info in it.  I want it to be as polished a product as we can manage, but that's still a ways off.


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