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RMU Treasure Law- Help Please!

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Can someone please help me with a simple worked example: making your own Full Suit of Medium-Size Mail (AT8) using simple iron as the raw materials, and hiring a workshop. For bonus points please also show the same example for a Big version. I've tried to work this out but the entire book seems more geared to enchantment and alchemists. Thanks!

What's your objective? Is it just to figure out how much profit a PC blacksmith can make by doing crafts?

Here's what I would do:
* The sale price and time required are as specified in the equipment table. So that's 60sp and 58 days.
* Make a metalcrafts maneuver. Iron has a workability modifier of +0. AT 8 has a difficulty of VH(-20). So if you have access to an average workshop, you make the maneuver at -20.

You could calculate the cost of the iron based on weight. But then what are the quantities and costs of the other expendable materials, like fuel for the forge? I think it's better to simply assume that, if you are doing a credible job of working as a blacksmith, you should be earning the income of a blacksmith. That's maybe 0.07-0.09sp per day (depending on skill level). If you project that out, it's 4.64sp for 58 days, which is about 8% of the sale value of the armor. The rest of it must be materials, supplies, workspace, etc. You could maybe simplify and assume 10%, on the basis that a blacksmith might not be working on an item every single day.

Oh, and regarding size. I don't know that we have a guideline for how item sizes change the crafting time requirement. I would generally assume that you use the base time for making things of your own size. A giant is going to make giant size armor in the same time as a human makes human armor. Making something larger is going to take more time, but maybe not 4x? Maybe 2x per size increase? Making something smaller is going to save some time, but not necessarily that much time. You still have the same number of parts and now they have to be made more precisely. As it gets even smaller, it gets worse rather than better. Maybe 3/4x for one size smaller, and 1x for smaller than that?

Thanks for the reply, much appreciated!

A player of mine has metalcraft and wanted to make their own suit of armour as they could not afford to buy it.

I also wasn't sure what to do with large suits, and x4 did seem a really harsh multplier for time. It ended up he would spend a tiny bit more than the sale price, as we had to factor in the workshop rental.

But, as a rule of thumb, 1sp per day of crafting + the material cost (which we calculated as 0.47sp) is correct then ?

I often let the party members use a 'friend's workshop free of charge. If they are native to the town where they are based, it can be a good hook to invest them in relationships with the townsfolk.


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