Forum > Shadow World

the Shadowstone, a little question


Hi! first of all sorry for my english, isn?t (by far) my native language.

I've a question about the Shadowstone. In Powers of Light & Darkness explains that the Shadowstone retains the soul of the last wearer (and killed) of this malefic (uohoho!) artifact. Well, my questione is: who was the last wearer? Kadaena? because if that's true I supose that Ondoval had some problems with it!

Well, thanks for your time, ah, and a message for Terry: PLEASE continue the Shadowstone Chronicle (my english isn?t enough for writing but yes for reading!).

Terry K. Amthor:
Yes indeedy.

--- Quote ---If the wearer of the Shadowstone is killed, his spirit enters the Shadowstone. The next being who dons the Shadowstone must then wrest control of it from the former wearer in a battle of wills.
--- End quote ---

So. Ondoval (presumably) goes back in time and snatches the Shadowstone tumbling into the abyss seconds after Utha beheads/kills Kad?na. Her soul has entered the Shadowstone (one of its quasi-Lifekeeping features) so he will have to defeat her soul/mind in a mental battle for control of it.

Imagine Four possible outcomes (and I suppose not the only these four):

* 1. Ondoval wins; uses Kad?na's soul for some great spell-fuel.
* 2. Ondoval wins, and is driven insane.
* 3. Kadaena's essence and Ondoval make peace and form an alliance.
* 4. Kad?na wins....
Lots of possibilities!   ;)

OH, and I hope to finally post another chapter of SC tonight or this weekend!


Thanks for the answer!

I suposed this four possibilities (mainly 1. and 4.) but I was hoping that you choose one or another (and extend a bit more the answer) and tell us  ;D . I supose that the answer will be in a future Shadowstone chapter, bohhh, I need to be more patient.

I'm waiting with a lot of interest the last (before the next ::)) chapter of the Chronicle.


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