Forum > Cyradon

How many refugees from Anias ?


I'm about to start a Cyradon campaign and I wonder how many refugees came in Belynar.

The book says thousands of Human, Gryx and Sithi, but how many thousands ? They all had to come in the dwarf outpost in Anias and to go through the portal, I think it is about 3000-5000 people. What do you think about it ?

Thank in advance

I would say around 5,000 to 6,000 total, including the guards and such that were protecting them.

In my campaign, I took it a different way.  I had 30 dwarves show up, small groups of ambassadors from the various kingdoms of Cyradon, and 20 or so human refugees.

I wanted to keep it more desolate, with less people running around.

Also I didn't use the ritual of renewal (tears of life) as I wanted to keep it desolate, and unwelcoming.

So remember, no matter what it says in the book, it's up to the GM.  :)


--- Quote from: SamwiseSeven on February 17, 2008, 06:31:36 PM ---So remember, no matter what it says in the book, it's up to the GM.  :)

--- End quote ---

Which is why we didn't give precise numbers.  ;D

I pulled a fast on my players a while back and had them transported via a magical accident to Cyradon.  Them and their NPCs hirelings only!  I set up a lost world type of campaign in which they explore their new home (Cyradon) and meet all the new races, monsters, and such until they can find their way back home.

It was very interesting watching them survive with only what they had on them, plus what they could acquire while exploring.  It was amazing what all they had to go through and do, versus back in civilization where they just go to a town and buy what they needed. 

We still need to pick back up on that campaign.


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