Forum > Shadow World

Jaiman vs. Emer

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What's your favorite Shadow World continent?    I titled this Jaiman vs Emer as I suspect most will like one or the other, but if not - which of the other continents captures your fansy?

While Jaiman certainly has it's positives I'm an Emer kind of guy.  Emer's got Sel-kai and Eidolon, the Lankani, Nuyani and the Kuluku, and the Chagramai monastery.  Emer may only have 1 D.L. but Voriig's the best (hmm, drul lives in Emer too perhaps?), and it's also home to everyone's favorite secret society. It's also got the great history and ruins of the The Emerian Empire and the Titans. 

Sure Jaiman has those crowns, the Mur Fostisyr, those pesky Arnak Priests, and the Duranaki.      Plus, for those of you who aren't hot on elves, it seems to have fewer elven enclaves then Emer...on the other hand at least one town in Emer (Niev) has made it illegal to be an elf so perhaps Emer wins that one.

Terry K. Amthor:
Heh, well I credit Niev to good old Pete Fenlon, who in a ME campaign many years ago, let us wander into a town where it was illegal to be an elf. Somehow my character was convicted on at least 2 counts of 'being an elf' (how did that happen?) and was to be beheaded... I don't remember what happened after that!

Jaiman and Emer are very different places in so many ways (and that was intentional) but I hope the upcoming module will reignite some interest in Jaiman. Then I think... Emer 3.
 How many years has it been? Let me count the reasons...

Emer.  Heck, I ran a campaign for two years out of Kataine and the Island of Cyros alone.


Personally, I have always liked Govon, the Star Crown Empire...

It isn't a question you can answer with a short answer, and the better of it, is that you don't have to; you can change. Right now, after our last game ( 3 of a party of five killed and myself blinded by Dansart Forces), i am thinking of giving a bit of ground between me and Dansart; we believe Osaran will like to continue his vengance against us. So, this is what i like of Shadow World and our way of playing. I can decide to change what we are doing, and go to Emer to see another adventures. This feeling that i love that i can really move my way, and not only drive through the GM's encased highway.

Returning to the esence of the question, Emer for represent somehow the Wild West, more games changing totally from town to town, with each country has their particular culture, troubles and laws. Jaiman is more a kind of Europe, too dominated by Rhakhaan and the Crowns, yes sure you can play in Saralis, Urulan or the adventure that is on the Guild Aventurer, but  sometimes this themes will be in the game.

I had played more in Jaiman , but i like both. Right now i will say Emer is best, because is bigger but problably most  because i had played too much in Jaiman lately and i like to change.


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