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Spacemaster Imperium OCR and Text Recovery

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Terry K. Amthor:

--- Quote from: Lucifer_Draconus on February 08, 2014, 12:55:34 PM ---
--- Quote from: Terry K. Amthor on February 07, 2014, 12:17:00 PM ---Sounds like there is some interest in the Spacemaster Imperium setting! I'm excited to revisit this. Maybe even expand that old fiction...

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I'd love this as well be it in the form of new SM2 based adventures or updated campaign material & eventual release of a SMU RPG. I'm all for Terry expanding his old SM fiction  for potential re-release (as I missed out on it) & new SM stories as well. I'm a fan of his Shadowworld fiction.

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I wrote a serialized story for Alarums & Excursions way back in the 80's under another of my nom de plumes (might have been Biff) about an agent solving a murder on Akaisha Outstation. Sadly, those floppy disks are long gone, and A&E was a classic mimeo'd thing that wonderful Lee Gold slaved over. Ah, well!

Terry K. Amthor:

--- Quote from: Takeyabue on February 11, 2014, 11:05:15 PM ---Is there any kind of setting bible, or usage guide, which provides the authoritative version of the terms and abbreviations using in the StarMaster 1st and 2nd Edition books? I have begun to review some of the text extraction efforts I already completed. It would be very useful to have a final authoritative version on the bulk of the terms so we can all move to the same spelling and abbreviations when proofing.

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Well, now would be the time to establish these terms. I don't know how practical it would be, but if contradictions come up, if they could be flagged in a PDF or Word draft, I could review them.

I would be happy to help out with this. Has it been decided if you need whole books OCR'd or just certain texts.

Count me in for this!  I'll try and allow for the american spelling (Armor instead of Armour)  ;) whilst I'm doing it.

I've had 25 years of fun from my 2nd edition SM and would love to give back.


I'll check if the software I have at hand can do the things... The good part is that I have all the physical SM Books, so I can probably scan them again at work if needed.


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