Forum > Order of the Iron Crown

When did you start playing ICE rpg's?

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Thom @ ICE:
In regards to what the intent here was, I was cleaning up the old polls and putting them in subject areas.

I found 1 poll that asked how long ou have been playing ICE rpgs. Well, it's not a good way of asking that question because as time goes by your answer changes. Instead I thought to ask the same question, but in a manner which would remain valid over time for the most part. In response to the comments, they are interesting to read and give a good feeling for where some people come from when approaching these systems in this hobby.


--- Quote from: Thom @ ICE on January 16, 2011, 08:04:59 AM ---In response to the comments, they are interesting to read and give a good feeling for where some people come from when approaching these systems in this hobby.
--- End quote ---
As for "where I'm coming from", that part is easy. The reason I fell in love with RM back in the day was two things, both of which seemed illustrative of an underlying design principle.

1. Perception as a skill. By that time I already had issues with the idea that a 1st level elf thief was less likely to be surprised than some ancient human fighter who had lived to be ancient by not getting surprised.

2. -25 for no skill. In other words, failing to learn a skill didn't mean you were unable to accomplish that action, it only meant you weren't very likely to succeed. In other words, the age old question of, "Why can't I _____?" now had an answer: "You can try, I just don't think much of your chances."

The design principle I thought I saw illustrated in those mechanics was very simple, but also very fundamental. We the designers don't tell you what a fighter, or mage, or cleric, or etc, is. You the player tell us, and we help you put it into game terms.

Erik Youngren:
If I may, I've been on these forums since Nov. 2005, but have never really posted (except in the Gamers Seeking Gamers area). But this poll interested me.

I got in to RM between the RM2/SM2 and RMSS eras. My AD&D group from 1992 broke up in late 1994 and so my friend and I started with another group of friends who were using RM2 (and had been since the late 80s). I bought all the books for RM2 at the time (execpt for the ones I was not interested in, one or two of them).

RM2 was the realism I had been looking for in AD&D and had tried to integrate (but failed). I never looked back (nor forward). My friend has the RMSS books, but I've never cared for that system and still use RM2.

BTW, got started in gaming itself in 1983 when I was 12. Got the Basic D&D set for my birthday that year and have never stopped gaming since.

Viktyr Gehrig:
I got into ICE games starting with HARP and then branching out into Rolemaster.

Started playing in 1989 with RM2.  The gaming was fun.  Personalities in the real world were not.  Our group disowned each other in '91 and basically stopped talking to each other for 10 years.  Never got to try RMSS with them.


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