Author Topic: First Age online game  (Read 1606 times)

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Offline Dildo_Baggins

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First Age online game
« on: December 19, 2021, 11:08:28 PM »
Anyone interested in playing a First Age MERP or RM game online? Possible Virtual tabletops would be Roll20, Fantasygrounds, Owlbear Rodeo or Foundry. I'm not sure if any of those systems have good support for RM or MERP. Also I'm aware that 1st Age PC's would probably have to be on the high end of the power scale, does that become unmanageable (time to make a character, time to resolve combat) at very high levels?
I have a flexible schedule so can accommodate players from a variety of time zones, and would be willing to GM separate games if enough players are interested. 

Offline Hurin

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Re: First Age online game
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2021, 09:59:06 AM »
On Roll20, a GM named Marc (not sure if it is the same one that is on these forums) is running a RM game in Third Age Middle Earth and has open slots:

In terms of support, though, Fantasy Grounds has better support for Rolemaster, imho.
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Offline pantsorama

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Re: First Age online game
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2021, 11:18:13 AM »
On Roll20, a GM named Marc (not sure if it is the same one that is on these forums)

It is the same one.  The game is on hiatus right now, and he is starting a new one in the new year (this is as of a month ago - check with him to see if things have changed).  He runs the game in RMU, but set in Middle Earth.

Anyone interested in playing a First Age MERP or RM game online? Possible Virtual tabletops would be Roll20, Fantasygrounds, Owlbear Rodeo or Foundry. I'm not sure if any of those systems have good support for RM or MERP. Also I'm aware that 1st Age PC's would probably have to be on the high end of the power scale, does that become unmanageable (time to make a character, time to resolve combat) at very high levels?
I have a flexible schedule so can accommodate players from a variety of time zones, and would be willing to GM separate games if enough players are interested. 

I am powering thru the last bit on my RMU Roll20 Character sheet.  Feb is the expected due date for on that does skill, spell and combat rolls.  If you don't do RMU then Hurin is right Fantasy Grounds has better support.  If you do do RMU, I think FG is still the better way to go.  It is a better tool for something as complex as RoleMaster, as I am coming to learn.

As far as managing higher power levels - if you can find good online tools, things get much simpler, and the game shifts away from math to RP and tactics.  The tools vary from what system you pick but as an example: If you do RMC or RMFRP then I would get ERA and/or use FantasyGrounds.

Also - I sent you a PM, but I would love to play, and I am happy to chat on discord at length to help you choose how you want to set up your game.

Offline Dildo_Baggins

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Re: First Age online game
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2021, 12:19:45 PM »
I've played with Marc on Roll20, he seems very knowledgeable if a bit prickly sometimes. He also doesn't think a First Age RM game would work that well, as the power level involved would slow down character creation and gameplay. I hope he does get involved with my game, if it ever happens, as he would be a valuable resource.
That ERA sounds like a great tool to streamline the whole process, I'll have to look into it.
Thanks Pants, I'll be sure to contact you.