Author Topic: Summoning "Knowledge" when do you know you can summon what...  (Read 1361 times)

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Offline astor

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I'm currently playing a summoner, with access to control, soon master type IV on Planar Summoning list, and I wanted to get some input as to how to determine your knowledge of what you can summon.

Now I'm playing in a setting where summoning of extra-planar creatures is rare due to the setting condition.  That leaves me with a focused use of the list on Elementals.

We play with all the books, F&I included, and I had no trouble summoning "standard" elementals, but my GM has trouble with the thought that I could summon "hybrid" elementals, such as Elemental serpents, and "lesser elemental riding drakes" (the type IV that I could technically now summon).

Now xeno-elemental skill apart (I don't need to be a specialist on elemental behaviour and habitat, individual names, etc...), what type of knowledge should I consider granted through the knowledge of magic and it's possibilities should I consider to be innate, and what should be acquired through other means?.

I am asking the question so I can know how to manage my expectations, when my GM isn't the best at communication on certain things.

This is also valid for any other summoner who wants to manage his expectations as well.  Though I would advise to have demon lore when summoning demons vs elementals (seen as complicated vs simple beings in my view)


Offline Old Man

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Re: Summoning "Knowledge" when do you know you can summon what...
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2011, 06:19:44 PM »


I set rarity levels for the various types of Elementals in my version of the Elemental Planes. So the common sorts - Non_intelligent Air, Fire, Earth and Water - were easy and commonplace. Obsure types (like Snakes) or Elementals (like Plasma) are difficult. The rarity maps to a difficulty for the BAR roll (on the MM chart). Anywhere from Easy to to Absurd.

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **

Offline Ynglaur

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Re: Summoning "Knowledge" when do you know you can summon what...
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2011, 07:19:59 AM »
I like that system for summoning...nicely written.