Author Topic: What's the World Setting Like? What levels do your campaigns normally hit/start?  (Read 2417 times)

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Offline Ecthelion

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I would, but I wonder how other people deal with it.
We're using Middle Earth as game world and I have many of the old modules at home for inspiration. We're always starting the PCs at 1st level and usually retire them around levels 13-15. We're not handing out as many magical items as I remember from the modules. But we do hand out a few magical items. And we do use the Treasure Codes from Creatures & Monsters and roll the treasures on the appropriate tables. So magical items can be found.

The PCs of our current group are now 10th level, all have +15 non-magical armor and shields, all have a +20 non-magical or +15 magical weapon, two of four have a *2 Multiplier item, and also two of four have one or two lower level daily items. And they are now on their way to Khazad Dum to sell some loot they have made and to buy new and improved gear. Perhaps this gives an impression of the item power level.

Offline Ravenheart

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Our path was a little different one. We started by playing RuneQuest in Glorantha setting. After 10 years of playing we hit the roof of that system when the characters were masters in every significant skill there was. We converted the characters to Rolemaster, deciding to start from level 15 which felt fine. There was a plenty of challenge in the system and the world felt new. Now, after 20 years of gaming with RM2 the levels are around 65-78 and there's still a lot of challenge left in the system. I really love the scalability of RM system.