Author Topic: OpenOffice 2.4 messes up HARP character sheet (solved)  (Read 2560 times)

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OpenOffice 2.4 messes up HARP character sheet (solved)
« on: July 16, 2008, 08:02:38 AM »

with the 2.4 version of Open Office, empty cells are no longer treated as "0" but as empty. This poses a problem for some functions, and thus also for the sheet (spring beta version from December 07). In the skill list, there are a lot of errors (529).

The problem lies with the adolescent ranks, and to fix it, you'll need to edit profession rank table (called "adoltab").
Allen Maher, if you read this, maybe you could fix the sheet and upload it?
Otherwise, this is a help-yourself instruction.

1. Go to the skills table.
2. Un-protect the sheet (Extras > Protect Document > Table [this removes the check])
3. Click on the little plus-sign next to the column "M"
4. On the upper left next to the table, you'll find little buttons numbered from 1 - 4. Click the "4" so you'll see all lines.
5. Go to cell T7. This should be an empty cell in the line "Artistic" and the column "Deep Warrens". Enter a 0 in the cell.
6. We want the 0 everywhere, but we don't want to overwrite the existing numbers. Mark cell T7 and copy it (Strg+C).
7. Mark the whole adolescent skill ranks table (T7 - BC212)
8. Go to "Edit" > "Paste Special". Choose "Add". This way, the empty cells will contain 0, but the other numbers are unchanged.
9. Only problem: Some cells contained formulas. These now give an error.
10. Mark the whole table again (T7-BC212)
11. Choose "Edit" > "Search & Replace". Search for "" and replace with 0. Do this only for the selected area.
12. Close the extended area by clicking the minus next to the column M. Protect the table again.

This fixed it for me. I use a german Open Office, so maybe some menus or options are not correctly named here. You should be able to figure it out, though.

Hope this helps!

"What's in the box?" - "Pain."