Author Topic: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?  (Read 2237 times)

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I'll possibly need this for a campaign I am considering: Details about these years.

So, this is the respective entry of the timeline, here taken from "Jaiman, land of Twilight":

6046: Prince Halek of Helyssa is slain while on a hunting trip; the realm teeters on the verge of anarchy. Prince Halek’s son Kier vanishes that same evening and a search is begun. The Priest of Yarth accepts the Regency and maintains order.

Now, I understand that the cult of Yarthraak has some tradition in western U-Lyshak, going back to the late SEI, when they practiced human sacrifice in the region, and apparently were quite influental. But now, more than 6,000 years later, and only a few years after (according to the timeline) the Priest Yarthraak came to the region, they are so influential at the Helyssan court that they would be considered some kind of clerical power, strong enough to warrant the regency?

It feels like I am missing some details here. Now, if they were intentionally left out, that's fine, I can make up my own things, but maybe it's just hidden in the texts somewhere? How does the Priest Yarthraak become such an influental figure in such a short time?

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2019, 09:29:46 AM »
I don't recall that being detailed anywhere. Page 64 gives details on the priest himself.

The Unlife generally doesn't operate openly, so I would suspect that the Priest is masquerading as something else. The Priests have been actively working to destroy civilization in Jaiman since the Second Era, and their agents are close to the national leaders everywhere; usually they are in disguise.

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You might find Powers of Light & Darkness useful. It doesn't answer your specific question as far as I can recall, but it does give a lot more detail on the agents of the Unlife.

Edit: One more suggestion. You might want to read Terry's novel 'Loremaster Legacy.' It gives a pretty good feel for ShadowWorld as a setting. Some of the flavor text in the setting books is from that novel, so if you like those excerpts you would probably enjoy the novel.

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2019, 10:35:21 AM »
Thanks. I have the PL&D book, too. :) And of course, making something up like the Priest Yarthraak posing as a benevolent cleric would be my next step. Thanks for the confirmation - so I will assume I did not miss anything, but that it's intentionally left open, for the individual GM to fill as he pleases. :)

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2019, 12:08:34 AM »
There is a lot of stuff in ShadowWorld that is open for the GM to decide.

Offline Neee-Wom

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2019, 07:02:23 AM »
I think somewhere in the books it was mentioned that Yarth were posing as good guys, so I will explain how I did it in my game.

Around 6020 some clerics appear claiming to be the religion of of the Sea-Drake (the old U-Lyshak) and using the Sea-Drake emblem, they teach altruism, be fair, later they opened a few hospitals in Cynar and Norek to attend the sick, and they claim to be the guardians of the old religion opposed to other religions like Orhan that is mainly coming from Rhakhaan.

In 6038 the High Cleric takes residence in the old tower of Yarth, a well know power place for clerics since millenia. Loremasters and Orhan clerics suspect that something is wrong, but everyone accusing them is attacked as being paid by Rhakhaan.

In my game, the hunting accident of Kier's father was while hunting whales in the Bay, that was used by the priests to explain that the sea has called him because they were deviating of the Sea Drake and worshipping Orhan gods.

So with a mix of "good old days" when we were an empire as big as Rhakhaan, and a profile of healers and advisors, plus lots of gold and the fear of having people like Lord Boskhar of Vorn pushing to be the regent, a clerical figure was more convincing to the  nobles of Helyssa.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2019, 04:25:33 PM »
I think one of the things to keep in mind, is that a priest at the level of being able to rub shoulders with the elite of any nation are likely very high level and capable of some high level magics. Also, I believe that that particular 'priest' is a mentalist, so they are very capable of covering their true natures and coming across like someone trustworthy.
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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2019, 02:32:52 AM »
Hm, magic might work in the immediate surroundings, but to turn an entire country? I don't see anything on the spell lists that allows that.

I think I'll go with a local cult that is being secretly replaced by priests Yarthraak. That way, I can have local PC's who are Channeling users slowly realize what is happening... :)

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2019, 09:59:19 AM »
Hm, magic might work in the immediate surroundings, but to turn an entire country? I don't see anything on the spell lists that allows that.

If the country were a democracy that would be more of an issue. In case of a Monarchy and a Regency you only need to influence the majority of a council. The army then keeps the rest in line.

I think I'll go with a local cult that is being secretly replaced by priests Yarthraak. That way, I can have local PC's who are Channeling users slowly realize what is happening... :)

A totally valid option. The servants of the Unlife infiltrate towns and cities in addition to national governments. They are territorial too; a priest Arnak would resent intrusion in his territory by a priest Yarthraak. Higher level priest rule the lower echelons with pain & fear. They have no scruples about murdering their underlings when they get displeased either. PC's can easily get caught up in something going on between two competing Unlife groups, and that leads them to start learning about the bigger picture.

With the high priest now banished to his offshore tower, and his armies routed, it would be reasonable to expect the following.

A: He will be plotting his return to power.

B: That other priests, or even Lorgalis, might try to move in on his territory.

C: The Loremasters will be expecting this, but they are few and need help from promising characters.

Because Kier has the crown, the Unlife will need to use subterfuge rather than open confrontation.

Offline Thot

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2019, 10:09:08 AM »
You need public support in ANY system of government. Just mentally enslaving the lords will not work when their underlings see what is happening.

I wasn't using "cult" in any other manner than saying "organization of religious type". The cult being infiltrated would of course be of a benevolent local god.

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2019, 06:29:39 PM »
You need public support in ANY system of government. Just mentally enslaving the lords will not work when their underlings see what is happening.

I wasn't using "cult" in any other manner than saying "organization of religious type". The cult being infiltrated would of course be of a benevolent local god.

I think that's kind of the point though.
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I think the thing with the Unlife servants is that people don't actually see them for what they really are, with the sole exception being their victims. Even the Truthsayers with their mentalist powers can read nothing from them. The leaders aren't enslaved, they are simply fooled. If they were enslaved, then groups like the loremasters would be able to detect that, even if they can't read the mind of the priest himself. The larger population doesn't come close enough to them to see anything more than a charismatic figure.

At least what I am getting from all of the books, these guys are all about subterfuge. The only time they are really depicted as using spells they are using them to inflict pain.

They do use drugs and poisons to accomplish their goals too.

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2019, 02:06:03 AM »
But if the lords are fooled, then of course we need to find a plausible way how that trickery takes place. It can't be "just magic", they need a cover story within the theological context of Kulthea.

Hence my conclusion: Either they pose as priests of  the Lords of Orhan, or of some local god.

Offline Neee-Wom

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2019, 05:57:24 AM »
But if the lords are fooled, then of course we need to find a plausible way how that trickery takes place. It can't be "just magic", they need a cover story within the theological context of Kulthea.

Hence my conclusion: Either they pose as priests of  the Lords of Orhan, or of some local god.

That's exactly why I did, the clerics just channel from Karaktus as a local god represented by the Sea-Drake. I fleshed out Karaktus as a local god, a blood thirsty spirit that inhabits the Ulor Bay, he/she is just interested in claiming lives. It's also the main reason for Lorgalis to attack always on land instead of sending his ships directly to Cynar.  ;D

But Yarth just channeled from him, using the powers for good while sacrificing people in the Tower.

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2019, 07:34:17 AM »
But if it's a bloodthirsty local god, and not a benevolent one that they claim to follow, why would anyone find them harmless?

Offline Neee-Wom

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2019, 09:24:34 AM »
Sorry, I did not explain myself really well.

In my game, the clerics claimed they were chanelling from the Sea-Drake, and even some of them (low level) were not aware of the real nature of Karaktus.

The creed was telling to make small sacrifices to the sea (small animals) to please the sea drake and claim that Orhan beliefs were colonization from Rhakhaan.

At the end, the Iron Wind was using a local god to deceive the people looking for Unlife. Karaktus is/was happy as it is not really smart.

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2019, 09:30:20 AM »
But if the lords are fooled, then of course we need to find a plausible way how that trickery takes place. It can't be "just magic", they need a cover story within the theological context of Kulthea.

Hence my conclusion: Either they pose as priests of  the Lords of Orhan, or of some local god.

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Offline Thot

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2019, 10:28:09 AM »
Of course the Priest Yarthraak could also have posed as some other kind of authority, but in the source material, he is referred to as "the priest" by everybody, so I conclude that they must believe him to be a priest.

Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2019, 10:37:21 AM »
Of course the Priest Yarthraak could also have posed as some other kind of authority, but in the source material, he is referred to as "the priest" by everybody, so I conclude that they must believe him to be a priest.

Oh I'm not trying to dispute your take on how you want to plot it out in your game. I'm just putting forth information from the books so that you have it. What you do with it is up to you.

If anything I think these differences illustrate how much of a toolbox Rolemaster is. You take the profession Mentalism, and it can be used in a cultural setting in a variety of ways.

Offline Neee-Wom

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2019, 01:58:05 PM »
It seems to me that all cleric all priests but not all priests are clerics, in my game some priests are animists, healers...even astrologers or rangers. A priest is just authorized to perform the sacred rituals of a religion, that's all.

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Offline Jenkyna

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2019, 02:46:22 PM »
Sorry for the nested spoilers here.

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Offline RandalThor

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Re: 6046 TEI: The Priest Yarthraak becomes regent of Helyssa - but why?
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2019, 09:54:39 PM »
Of course the Priest Yarthraak could also have posed as some other kind of authority, but in the source material, he is referred to as "the priest" by everybody, so I conclude that they must believe him to be a priest.
Which is totally fine and completely doable in RM.

I was not suggesting that the priest was using their powers to put thoughts into the others minds. That is not generally a good idea for a long term plan. The best way to do it, is to just appear as something else. They can totally use their own spells pulled from the Dark God of their choice or the Unlife directly and fool others into thinking they are pulling from a Lord of Orhan or other good god without using their magic to affect anyone other then themselves. The various 'Misfeel' spells do that. Of course, those are only needed if they believe that other spellcasters will be trying to use magic to try and detect something about them. There are mundane skills that allow them to fool others without worrying about magic.

It would go something like this: they arrive and offer help for a problem that is occurring. (If they are really serious, they would have manufactured that problem in order to deal with it and give themselves a way in.) They would continue to help and give advice - that would actually help/work - in order to further ingratiate themselves with those in power until they were considered the most trusted and relied upon. All the while they will be learning all they can about the various different factions and personalities they are dealing with. Once they feel the are ready, they slyly begin to manipulate the various factions in order to steer them in the direction they want them all to go. (In this case: destruction of the entire society and people.) In a world of magic and monsters, they would have to use their magical abilities as well as their mundane in order to accomplish their task, there is no way around this. Fortunately for them, RM gives individuals like this tools in order to do so, unlike many other games.
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