Forum > HARP SF

Limits on Base Movement Rate


I suppose this could go into the Fantasy category as well, and as I'm currently running my crossover starting on the SF side, I'll ask here. While I have figured how to continue to the height based part of BMR past the final height range given in HARP Fantasy and HARP SF, I wonder if this was meant to be a cap on movement based on height?

Thank you in advance.

Not intentionally. There will be monstrous creatures with bipedal locomotion which will go beyond the table.

Best wishes,

Thank you. So it seems that my player who has the 290 cm character would have a base walking speed of 5.4 meters / 2 seconds?

Years later, and I wanted to note that I also figured out how to extend the table on the lower end so that smaller creatures still can have a calculated BMR.


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