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The Cyberspace Board


Marc R:
I'm a local moderator in here now, wanted to lay out a few things to be clear:

I'm not here to "Moderate" behavior or violations of the Rules of Conduct, that stuff is in the hands of the ICE Forum Moderators (the folks with the blue stars). At most I may urge people to tone it down if they're getting heated. . .beyond that I report problems with the "Report to Moderator" button down in the lower right corner like any of you do. So I don't have a "Moderation Voice" or color at all. When I post, I'm just posting as me. Feel free to disagree with me (heck, I find we usually find a better answer when we disagree than when we all just tell each other how smart we are).

My answers are also not the "Official Answer", though if a rules question comes up and someone requests a final rules call on the Rule As Written I can go and ask for one. Any official rule clarification will be posted into the appropriate Errata / FAQ board for the system in question so they can be found and referenced later. So my words are in no way the law, and my opinions are merely my opinions, so disagree at will.

If anyone has any questions, post it here, or send me a PM if you'd prefer. . .I'll try my best to answer, though I might refer you off to Aurigas ICE News and Discussion, Nicholas or Thom for some questions.

Wōdwulf Seaxaning:
Nice congrats Marc.


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