Texicon 2015

Started by Texicon, February 14, 2015, 02:59:17 AM

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Hello one and all.  Texicon is looking for GMs who would like to host Rolemaster, Space Master, Outlaw, or At Rapiers Point, Pirates.

Texicon is a general table top game convention that occurs in Grapevine Texas at the Grapevine Convention Center.  It occurs from 25th of June to the 28th of June.  That is right four days. 

We kick off the con with a thank you to all our supporters by having Thursday as a free day.  If you want to come for free come on Thursday. 

We also have Seminars.  If you would like to host a seminar and talk about some topic in which you are an expert or seasoned veteran, we would love you to do so.    Still not enough, Wait! we have more.  Big Brothers Big Sisters will be joining us for the second year on Saturday.  So, come on down and help make Saturday a special day for underprivileged children.  Host a great game for someone in need.  Still not enough???  Paul Cardwell from CAR-Pga will be attending on Saturday also.  Mr. Cardwell is the president of this world wide organization.  Still not enough???

Don't be greedy.  :P

Please contact us for further details.  Our email for Role-Play GMs is roleplaying AT Texicon DOT net

Thank you for your interest.

Role-Play Magnate Kevin Pajak