Gen Con 2015

Started by Old Man, December 13, 2014, 09:22:05 PM

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As I did having you as players. I am glad you did enjoy it and I hope all the players had a similar enjoyable experience.

My first game on Thursday was almost a flop as I only had three players show up. One gave me his friend's ticket because he could not make it so I essentially had 4 players. We still played, and the one guy familiar with HARP played two characters (both the mage and the cleric). The Thursday and Friday games were much better as we had 5 players in both and we had lots of fun. On those two days I scaled up the adventure and put in a Battle Demon instead of the standard "Binding Demon" that was normally part of the adventure. I used the adventure "Island in the Mist" from one of the Guild Companion articles as suggested by Nicholas. Each time the adventure went pretty much the same all three days with differing endings each time (though the groups succeeded in all their goals). The third day was the toughest day as I think at least three characters used up all their fate points and the other two had used at least 1 fate point. They all enjoyed it and at one point I mentioned bringing in more skeletons but the table consensus was that it was already pretty difficult. I believe fate points were primarily spent to avoid failing their resistance rolls against the demon and skeletons fear effects and to penetrate the Battle Demons really high DB. But there were also a few spent on avoiding some major crit damage from my few limited high attack rolls. One guy spent a fate point to hopefully do more damage to the Battle Demon but did not roll high enough to make that much of a difference. I think he did like 8 points of damage with no other crit results. I will post the nine characters with their backgrounds to the vault once I get them all combined (backgrounds and character sheets) so that others can use them in the future.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!