Gen Con 2015

Started by Old Man, December 13, 2014, 09:22:05 PM

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Yup, the way Bruce explained it is correct.  Very similar to Rolemaster (basic mechanics are about the same), but there are some differences and it is a little simpler.  If you have played Rolemaster then you will likely be able to catch on to HARP very quickly (as the differences are not that large). 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)

Cory Magel

Yeah, as the others said, if you know Rolemaster then HARP will be easy to pick up on the fly.  It's close enough to an "RM Lite" that that's how I essentially look at it.

To put it very generically... it's sorta RM but...
The skill system is reduced in volume.
Attack and Crit tables are combined and bit more limited.
Spell purchasing is done by the specific spell that you can scale up rather than by list with various power levels of the same spell.

If you like RM, but you'd like it scaled back a bit, HARP is a great choice.  (Not trying to sell you on it either... cause I actually prefer RM).
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


Thanks for the HARP explanation. I remember always seeing it on the website, but I never really knew what it was.

Looking though my books last night did remind me that I need to skim through the old RM again to refresh my memory. Wolfhound's Gen Con RM event from 2 years ago is the only RM I've been able to play since like the mid '90s and I've forgotten so much. But I'm thinking I should be fine for a 1-shot after going through the books once or twice.

Also glad to hear that there might be a booth next year. Many years ago, I was walking down an aisle and saw a gap between 2 booths with just a paper sign on the back wall, a closet type shelf rack in the corner, and a woman on a folding chair. I was quite shocked when I saw ICE on the sign. They had been missing for years before and then just appeared in such a sad way. And then disappeared again the next year. It'll be great to see a real ICE booth again after all these years as Gen Con is really my only chance to catch up on all the gaming products every year.

Old Man

Quote from: thu on May 13, 2015, 06:45:20 PM
Also glad to hear that there might be a booth next year. Many years ago, I was walking down an aisle and saw a gap between 2 booths with just a paper sign on the back wall, a closet type shelf rack in the corner, and a woman on a folding chair. I was quite shocked when I saw ICE on the sign. They had been missing for years before and then just appeared in such a sad way. And then disappeared again the next year. It'll be great to see a real ICE booth again after all these years as Gen Con is really my only chance to catch up on all the gaming products every year.

Oddly enough, I bet that may have been 2008 and my wife perhaps? ( - if visible here). We helped at the booth that year when the folk from Cloven Fruit handled it for ICE ...
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **


Quote from: thu on May 13, 2015, 06:45:20 PMWolfhound's Gen Con RM event from 2 years ago is the only RM I've been able to play since like the mid '90s and I've forgotten so much. But I'm thinking I should be fine for a 1-shot after going through the books once or twice.

Hope you enjoyed it.  Mind if I ask which group you were in and which character you had played (as then I'll have a face to associate with your forum ID)?  I have only seen a couple of forum ID's that I recognized as having been participants in the games that first year.  A few of the people from last year I already knew through the forums, so that was great to actually be able to meet them in-person (such as Cory and Bruce, also met OldMan both years but he didn't particpate and we didn't get a chance to talk much). 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


I'm pretty sure it was 2 years ago. You were play testing the rules. It was the one where the party was hired to break into a warehouse and "evict" the slavers that had taken over.

I was in the group that went over the roof. At the time, I think you said we were the only ones that did that. Think we ended up coming in 2nd or 3rd in points.

I was lucky in that our table was mostly RM vets. It was fun just being able to talk a little RM after so long and hear old RM stories. The other couples were a blast to play with. I've got some of the events this year on my wish list. We'll see what I come up with. Even if I don't get them, I might wander by if I can and maybe sneak in with some generics if there is space.

Or maybe meet up with some of you if there is an after-con get together like someone mentioned.


Out of all my events so far there is one open spot on Saturday, 5 on Friday, and all are still open on Thursday. Hopefully they will all get filled. But if anything for those that are interested please try and fill up Friday and Saturday first.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


Well I don't remember which day I registered for but I managed to get into one of the Harp adventures this year.  So I'll see you there in July/Aug.  87)



Sweet! I hope to see you and a few others (esp wolfhound) at the same table. I think we would have an awesome time.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


For anyone else that is interested, as of right now there are 4 open spots for HARP on Friday at Gencon. The times are from 10am till 2pm. If you have never tried HARP now is the time, if you have tried HARP then why not try it again? Who knows, you might actually have a great time!

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


Quote from: Bruce on May 17, 2015, 03:52:39 PM
Sweet! I hope to see you and a few others (esp wolfhound) at the same table. I think we would have an awesome time.

I'd like to make it, but unfortunately 10:00-2:00 isn't going to work for my wife and I, but I'll try to at least swing by at some point during one of the sessions. 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


Correction, I went ahead and signed myself and my wife up to participate in the Friday game (but we will be bringing something to eat for lunch to the session, due to it running through lunch time). 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


LOL... I was told that was the best time to run a game. Not to early not to late. I'll eat just before then shortly after. I look forward to seeing you guys there.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


It looks like all my slots are filled, which is awesome! I just hope I get full tables.

Are those that are going still planning on meeting up again like we did last year for dinner on Sunday?

I was thinking possible someplace slightly cheaper than where we ate last year would be nice and probably better for some people. I'm easy so just about any place is good.

An alternative would be if everyone has a smartphone (Android for me) there might be some kind of app we could download so that if we are nearby each other and it's lunchtime we could send a message. Anyone know of an app like that?

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Cory Magel

I avoid eating at the 'normal' times at GenCon. Easier to deal with the crowds that way.

While I'm not going this year, I think a cheaper place to eat is a good idea for a meetup.  I was actually surprised everyone seemed good with a more expensive place last year.

There's also a Champs on W Washington St and S Illinois St that is not marked on Google Maps (about one block from the center)
Bucci di Beppo would be good if you're getting at least six people or so (about two blocks from the center)
Indianapolis Colts Grill wouldn't be bad (about one block from the center).
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss

Thom @ ICE

Quote from: Bruce on June 29, 2015, 04:05:14 PM
An alternative would be if everyone has a smartphone (Android for me) there might be some kind of app we could download so that if we are nearby each other and it's lunchtime we could send a message. Anyone know of an app like that?

There is a free app - LINE
Once you set up your account you can create a chat group to easily communicate real time... or the other option is to simply use group text messages. Have someone get everyone's cell phone # and send out one before Gencon, then people just reply to that when appropriate.  Sometimes it can get messy when you mix iPhones and Andriods though.
Email -


Thanks Thom and Corey but it doesn't seem like there are any others that are going are interested in meeting up. There haven't been any responses on here nor have I received any PMs. It's all good though. There is a chance that people are not subscribed to this thread and forget to check back. Maybe some will check in before Gencon and hopefully sometime soon.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Old Man

I will try and drop by one of the sessions, as I did last year.

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **


Quote from: Old Man on July 04, 2015, 03:52:03 PM

I will try and drop by one of the sessions, as I did last year.

Old Man
As are most in this forum that are going. This was about a luncheon or some kind of gathering to sit and talk a bit. It's not that big of a deal as I understand it's difficult to try and get together with friends and such with all that is going on at Gencon.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Old Man

Quote from: Bruce on July 04, 2015, 06:14:42 PM
Quote from: Old Man on July 04, 2015, 03:52:03 PM

I will try and drop by one of the sessions, as I did last year.

Old Man
As are most in this forum that are going. This was about a luncheon or some kind of gathering to sit and talk a bit. It's not that big of a deal as I understand it's difficult to try and get together with friends and such with all that is going on at Gencon.

yeah I know that ... just saying I'd drop in. If you do get even a random gathering organized (one group I know just meets in the ICC at one cafe on Sunday morning ... ) then I may do that as well.

** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **