Gen Con 2015

Started by Old Man, December 13, 2014, 09:22:05 PM

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Weald Walker

New to the forum...
I'm all set for this upcoming GENCON (badge, hotel, etc) and was hoping for some sage advice/info. I'm looking to play/possibly GM an event or 2. Prefer the RM1 game system for it's simplicity and overall outstanding game mechanics....and for the nostalgia. Here's what I was thinking:
Event #1: Character Development Session
----Go thru the PC development process with a strong focus on character concept (3.7 Creating Character Backgrounds, GM Law).
Event #2 & 3: Use of PC's from Event 1 or pre-gens for a short (4 hour) Tournament Scenario (TBD). Focus is on role playing and secondarily on highlighting the simple but effective game mechanics (maneuver rolls, skill usage, spells, combat, etc).
1-Does my plan suck?
2-Will ICE have a table/booth at GENCON 2015? Possible SWAG?
3-Anyone wanna meet-up at the CON for a group dinner to share the MERP tales?
4-Other planned RM events?
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."--- Mark Twain

Old Man

1, I'd probably go with pre-gens. I did such for an intro to RM game back in the ... 90s ... and attached a brief - here's how the dice work etc.
2, No and Yes from what I've read
3, Sure
4, Don't know

Back "in the day" I did two round events (w a co-GM) where we did 3 groups of 6 and advanced 2 from each to a 2nd 4 hour session. That worked pretty well. 

If I have an old sample pre-gen floating about, I will try to scan it as a PDF and attach as an FYI.

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **

Weald Walker

1)Yeah, I agree Pre-gens may be the best option for a tournament/con style session. My thinking w/the PC development event was similar to yours waaaaay back when---just to give potential newbies a chance to see that generating a RM PC need not be as exhaustive an undertaking as filing your corporate taxes in the Ukraine. Plus, any RM old hands could come give advice on character concept/share stories as we go through it for kind of a "tricks of the trade" on how to bring a good PC concept to life.
2)SWAG is always good! :)
3)From some other prev replies, I'm thinking possibly Sunday could be a good RM/ICE meet-up. Either way, I'm down for whenever (as long as it's not smack dab in the middle of one of my events).

Also, when I said tournament style, should've said just a limited "Con Style" 4 hour gaming session. Not too sure about the awarding points & moving on, etc. Just want to run a cool/fun session with some new RM folks.

Appreciate the pre-gen sample if you have one. Always good to take a peek through the wormhole into another universe.
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."--- Mark Twain


 You should contact Colin at ICE for info and just what ICE will help you out on. Colin's contact info is on the main web page or you can do a search of the PM's to send him a message.

The main thing that jumps out at me is the RM1 comment as I think ICE would want you to do at least RM2 but you should contact Colin about that.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Weald Walker

Sure, will do on contacting Colin.

RM "Classic" hopefully would be fine. Totally understand how the original RM1 work may have ownership/copyright issues that may or may not present issues for ICE getting involved in to any level. Either way, personally it's no big deal...just want to go celebrate the gaming experience that is RM. Not looking for a least not much of one. ;)
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."--- Mark Twain


 I know that ICE has in the past compensated GM's for there running games but as a volunteer moderator I know nothing more about the program as I have not participated. But Colin is your guy to contact as IIRC he handles all of that type of stuff right now.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Old Man


For shoots and grins, I've attached a 1st level tournament PC from, literally, the last century. :)
I did a cover sheet, stat sheet, equipment sheet and the common terms in RM sheet. (For some bigger events I include pictures of the PCs.)
(I usually handed out weapon charts and spell lists but didn't include those here ... )

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **


Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Quote from: Weald Walker on March 20, 2015, 05:47:15 PM
New to the forum...

1-Does my plan suck?
2-Will ICE have a table/booth at GENCON 2015? Possible SWAG?
3-Anyone wanna meet-up at the CON for a group dinner to share the MERP tales?
4-Other planned RM events?

First off welcome to the forums Weald Walker.
1. It does not suck but I think you may be dreaming big as there really isn't a big gathering for ICE games. Rolemaster does have a presence but there are a lot of old schoolers that are intimidated by RM's mechanics and they talk other people out of it.
   a. In my experience of trying to teach new players to make RM characters it can take a while with just one person (3 - 6 hrs). Because there will be a lot they
       don't understand if they have never played RM or any of it's relatives (MERP, HARP, Spacemaster, HARP SF).
2. Not this year but I believe they have plans to attend in the future.
3. A bunch of us ICE fans did meet up last year for a pretty good gathering on Sunday at about 4pm. I believe we have the same plan this year. Keep an eye on this forum as we will start to plan for it more as GenCon gets closer.
4. Last year I played in two RM events and we had a great time. This year I believe at least one of the GM's is not able to run because of prior commitments but I will be running a 3 HARP events (Thur, Fri, and Sat all 10am to 2pm). You should come sign up for one. This will be the first HARP event at GenCon in a long time from what I understand.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


 Yes most structured tournaments I have played in have had per-made PC's to pick from. This gives the players the skills, spells and other options that are common to run the adventure.
Now in pick up games I have never had a GM give me a pre-made PC, they may have helped me create one but I have always had some input.
Also "typical" players generally want to play and not spend a n hour or so creating a PC.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Weald Walker

Thanks Mark & Bruce, appreciate the feedback.

I'll look for the HARP events and try and get signed up for a couple (and encourage a buddy or 2). I feel you on the small RM gathering at the CON. I've played lots of RPG systems since my AD&D2e days ('82?) and have inescapably comeback to RM. In its time it was truly ground breaking. I think it still stands the test of time on its own merits (% based system, skill based character development, realistic combat/crits, logical spell use, super rich world system content, etc). I'm fine with RM not being popular/the system "du jour". I love the little game that ICE created, like Han loves the Falcon. No point though in preaching to the choir! ;D
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."--- Mark Twain

Cory Magel

I've run a multi-round tournament at GenCon using RM so I have some relivant advice I suspect...

As others have said, you're probably best using pre-generated characters.  Just make sure you have, we'll say, at least three choices for each player.  You'll spend a LOT of time trying to explain and make characters and some of your players won't even care what system you're running, they are just there for the game/story.

Pester the hell out of ICE on the support topic.  Meaning ask for help and if they say you can get it then stay on top of them.  Make sure you get what are supposed to with enough time to use it.  Nothing against them, but this isn't their primary job/source of income, so things can slip through the cracks.

Hopefully you got a hotel close to the center.  Hauling around stuff is no fun.  I will pay twice as much to be within walking distance to the center... after being 20mins away once I'll never do it again.  If I can't afford to be that close I just won't go.  But, I'm in Seattle, so going to GenCon is a 'big trip'.  It's not like I'm just driving over from a state away or anything.

Bring hard candy or LOTS of liquids.  If you are not used to talking a lot, and I mean a LOT, you may lose your voice.  I ran four four hour events, not even on the same day, and my voice was about to go by the end.

Have extra dice, writing utensils, and notepads.  Players will show up with nothing.  Also expect no-shows and have a sign to put up that says you're looking for more players.

Find out who is going, get cell # for texting or email info, see what peoples schedules are like and try to arrange a dinner for when the most people are not gaming.  Expect a no-show or two.  Also expect them to bring along unexpected guests (not an issue so long as you are ready for it).  You probably won't nail it down until a few days before the con.  Find out if anyone has any diet restrictions then I'd recommend picking out a place close to the center.  When we did it we went with St. Elmo's (that might be more expensive than some want to pay - but I always do one 'expensive' meal per GenCon, so that was it).
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss

John @ ICE

Great Advice Everyone.

I wont add to it, other than to say I think Pre-Gens are best. If anything, you could convert that slot to a tutorial using pre-gens to show them the mexhanics of the game as a "pre-adventure" to the next adventure, so something that's easy and where you can go slowly, with an exciting bang at the end that gets tehm excited for the next gaming slot.

ICE will Help, as Cory said, and yes, stay on top of us!  In general, we will get you an "official ICE t-shirt" to wear, some swag for giveaways and 1 hardcopy prize, and a little gift for you (besides t-shirt). In addition you will get flyers for all players (and anyone else you chat up) which will direct the person to sign up to the forum in exchange for a coupon for product on RPGNow.

Note that we need to see evidence of your game slot at gencon on the gencon website for the swag to ship.  Ideally this would be done before end of april so I can access some cheap shipping in May - I assume you are in the US, if not, we need to know!

Hope the info helps anyone who wants to run a game at gencon!
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown


 Also if you submit your adventure and PC to the vault I think you get Order of the Iron Crown points that can be used for products. But you should check with Colin about this.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Weald Walker

Thanks Corey....very detailed advice. I'm still putting together all the moving parts; but, your insights are very useful/original (I wouldn't of thought of several points)

John, yes I'm here in the US and will post any/all events I have planned on the GENCON website. I'm an avid RM player; however, very novice as a I'll be using the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) Method as much as possible for the adventures/scenarios. Sorry, no transdimensional warfare versus the Gods of the Realm. :)
"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."--- Mark Twain

Old Man

I went w KISS as well, hence doing a group of low level relatively simple PCs (also as at the time I was trying to teach the system as well). Good idea.

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **


For anyone here that is going to Gencon and interested in HARP my HARP events have been approved and are up on the Gencon list. They are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10am til 2pm. There are slots for up to 6 players and though I can run the adventures with less than that it is always better with a full group. I will have a selection between 6 - 10 characters to choose from and all will be about 5th level. Once Gencon is over I will post the characters in the vault. If you plan on coming to my event then by all means invite your friends and the people you meet at Gencon! The more interest we gather in ICE games the better!

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


I'm filling out my schedule now and see 2 Rolemaster fantasy events listed. The Bandits of Tol Mabor and Riders of Rohan. Unfortunately, both conflict with something else and I have to make both option 3 at those times.

I think they still may be accepting new events for a little while longer. So, I was just wondering if someone might still be working to add another RM game.

Or maybe is there a forum pick-up game planned?

I just took a look at the HARP games that were mentioned. Looks like I could add 1 of those as a 2nd choice. I think I bought the books a LONG time ago, like the '90s, because I was buying everything from ICE, but I'm afraid I never actually read them. Would that be a problem? Or is it close enough to Rolemaster where I could figure it out? I'll have to see if I can find them in them in the meantime.

And I'm definitely up for a dinner or something after the con ends on Sunday. I always stay until Monday and never have anything to do on Sunday after it is over.


Well, looks like I was mistaken. I think I was confusing the old hard back version of "Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing" with HARP. I just remember the big blue emblem on those books and thought they were HARP books. It's been so long...

Is HARP a simplified version of RM? I vaguely remember something like that at one point. Anyway, I'll put it on the Wish List and see if I can get in.


You could say HARP is a simplified version but it's not really the same. It's pretty easy to pick up especially if you have played RM as it has the same concepts only a less complex skill system and 9 stats. Though in truth you don't need any ICE gaming experience to play.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!