I Need Pre Gen HARP PCs for Dragonmeet!

Started by John @ ICE, October 03, 2014, 04:21:32 PM

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John @ ICE

Thats right Gamers!  send 'em in!

I need 5 solid pre-generated HARP PCs for the game I will run at the Dragonmeet Convention to be held in London UK at the beginning of December.  These PCs should be 3rd or 4th level and reasonably equiped with mundane items.  3rd level PCs can have magic items up to 5000gp value, 4th level PCs up to 1500gp of value.  Im providing the variety so that current home grown PCs can be presented for the Pre Gens!

email the PC to john@ironcrown.com
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown

John @ ICE

OK Im already changing this up... :o

I am going to run an adventure I used in HARP playtesting from the early part of the millenium decade!  So I actually need 1st and 2nd level PCs. They should be well equipped. 2nd level PCs should have no magical items, but a 1st level PC can have a minor magical item (+5% magical weapon) or 2-3 healing doses.

This adventure sees the PCs pulled into an army of a local, but well loved Lord, either because they are locals, or are mercenaries, to take on the 14th Legion of the Empire, that is marching against the Baron due to his perfidy in joining a rebellion of northern Lords claiming independence from a decadent and corrupt empire...(hmmm...Scotland? no, no, no very different  ???). The PCs will be challenged to aid in the defence planning of the town, defend their sector against an infamously cruel and skilled Legion of the Empire, while navigating the rivalries and biases amongst the hodge podge constituents of the local army. While success seems remote, to bloody the nose of the Empire might strategically turn the tide for the North...

This is a home cooked game world of mine and the area under play has similarities to britain circa 1000 with barbarians (vikings) roaming the northlands, tribal horse lords to the north and various tribal "Lords" of varying degrees of civilization pulling away from a crumbling empire based in the south.
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown


I have some pregens I could de-level, as I need to revise the Cleric's spell list, and the Fighter and the Harper's professional abilities. The humans all need two more stat modifier adjustments added in as well (5/6 of the characters).


So it looks like I have about a week if I de-level the characters I already have? Any race restrictions?

John @ ICE

You have about 3 days!  I need to be sure these are ready to go.  I could use a fighter, cleric and Harper would work. fighter and cleric first though.   Let me know if you can deliver by Wednesday 3rd Dec!
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown


I de-leveled the Harper I already have to level 2 (from level 5), I just need to make sure the DPs match up. Making a new character is fast, but making sure DPs match up after de-leveling will take a little longer. Of course, if I do have left overs, we can just decide they're being spent across levels on something. I'll let you know tomorrow afternoon if I'll have those three characters done.

John @ ICE

Ok Ill take a harper at 2nd level.

The Fighter I need at first as well as the Cleric.

How will You get them to me?  I suppose PDF (or whatever output) and send it to me john@ironcrown.com.


Thanks!  John
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown


Name blanking can be done, just need to de-level the Cleric and Fighter. Which was mostly adjusting skills down to a max rank of 9. Well, now it'll be six for the fighter and cleric.

It would be easier if I'd done them on some character generator instead of by hand and then making my own sheets in Word.

John @ ICE

Oh and we are playing harp basic - not martial law or college of magics!
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown

John @ ICE

oh yeah I use Jonathan Dale's 2012 version.
trying anew one by bruce meyer as well.
Heavy is the head that wears the Iron Crown


Quote from: John @ ICE on December 01, 2014, 03:08:28 PM
Oh and we are playing harp basic - not martial law or college of magics!

That would matter more if you wanted the Warrior Mage, as it is, I'll just blank the Cleric's base spell list and leave the spells he's actually put ranks in. I made these characters before HARP became HARP Fantasy and had included some Codex spells.


If you are using the 2012 version, you could look at Friends and Rivals and find all the characters you need...
If there is a turd in the punch bowl, adding more punch isn't going to help.



As of last night, he got the ones I de-leveled and un-named.