Gen Con 2014

Started by Old Man, January 26, 2014, 10:02:06 PM

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Cory Magel

If your friend is RUNNING a game couldn't they have saved a spot for you? (i.e. set the max one person lower and you just fill that slot?).  I kinda expected to not get into Paranoia, somewhat expected to not get into Numenera and was more optimistic about new Star Wars RPG... I had 2-3 backup slots for each of them and didn't get a single one.

I was 3610 in line.  My friend that's going was like 1500 or so.  I don't think it had so much to do with timing of you hitting the button as just how long it took for your computer to communicate the info.  Mine sat for a while before it gave me a number... that window was much shorter for some than others from the sound of it.  It would be interesting to see what number people were across the country and how long their wishlists were.  Overall I think they (Gen Con LLC) did a good job though.  Considering housing sold out in a day I was half expecting the fans to crash the event server when it opened up the flood gates (to be fair it did go down for a VERY short time, but they fixed it faster than I've ever seen someone do it).

Anyhow... now that the initial mad dash is over you shouldn't have as much trouble getting into almost any of the events that are put in from now on so long as you stay on top of it.  Really popular ones like Paranoia and Numenera might go quick, but it's not like they'll disappear immediately (might not last the day though).  I'm sure those on the boards here running events will give us a heads up when their events go live (so long as they are told I guess).  Just use the "Find Event" button and put Rolemaster as the system (try Role Master also just in case someone spells it that way).

So, the dealer hall hours are 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday and 10am-4pm Sunday.  I always try to pack in as many events as I can after the dealer hall closes, then go back and fill in events I 'must' have during the hall hours.  I like to have at least a full 8 hours (spread over the days) open for the dealer hall, with Thursday and Sunday afternoon being the more likely times.  That way I can really check it out on Thursday when the crowd is smaller, pick up the stuff I know for sure I will buy at the con, then Sunday to cruise the booths I want things from but am willing to gamble on them not selling out and hopefully get a deal cause they don't want to have to pack up the merchandise and take it back home with them.  Also remember that some companies will be running demos of games in their areas, so that can eat up some of your time if you want to try something you didn't get into an event for.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


My friend Walt is running a game (Victoriana) for a game company he works for (Cubicle 7). He knows of my loyalty to ICE games and figured I wouldn't want to join in. The events had already been submitted by the time I told him I wanted to play. There is also a chance Cubicle 7 submitted the events for him, I'm not sure. I will suggest that to him for next year. He did tell me he had submitted 5 events but Cubicle 7 only approved 3, I assume it had something to do with prize support. He did tell me he would run an unregistered game for me if there were enough people to play (at least 4). If anyone is interested let me know what day and time you are available. He mentioned Thursday evening but I would have to drop another game, of which I was planning on dropping if any ICE games popped up.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Cory Magel

As it stands now I really only have Saturday night after 8pm (and I'll need to get food at that point) and Sunday after 4pm free.

I suspect a 4:30ish pm Sunday meetup would be the easiest to arrange so long as those leaving Sunday won't be taking off before that (i.e. grab an early dinner before you head home?).
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


Bruce, What kind of game is Victoriana?  If it is what I'm imagining from the name I might be interested, depending on the time Thursday evening and whether or not my RMU events are approved (as Thursday night was one of the nights I was hoping to run something).  I am mentaly picturing it as some sort of Victorian England type of setting or possibly steam-punkish in nature, either way I might be interested. 

Cory, early Sunday evening will probably work for me.  I've taken vacation Monday also, so am not in any big rush to get back up to Michigan.  also I've not actually registered for any games yet (wasn't paying attention to when the registration actually opened, but may try to register some tonight if time permits if there is anything left worth trying). 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


I am not sure what time we are heading back but Sunday at 430 sounds great.

Wolfhound, you hit the mark. Victoriana is a Victorian steampunk setting. I have never actually played the game but it is recommended by a few of my gaming friends. Walt has passed on to me that they submitted three more Victoriana events that he will be running. Not sure when and if they will get approved but I will keep checking. I will post here when I find out more.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Cory Magel

Well, we've got three (plus tag-alongs)!  It'll be me and a friend (Peter) that's coming with for his first Gen Con.

How about you others?  BeggerKing? Pyro? OldMan?

We'll have to figure out a place to eat (I'd say within a couple blocks of Con since we'll all just be leaving it) and what's reasonable cost-wise for everyone involved if we're going to do dinner.
Buca di Beppo can be good for large crowds and isn't expensive (Italian 'group' style eating), but if everyone wants to do something like St. Elmo's (on the more expensive side) I'm good with that.  I suspect some of us might be "The Ram"'d out by Sunday night.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


I'm flexible on cost and/or type of food.  As far as others tagging-along with me, there is a chance that some of the people I'm sharing a hotel with might want to (three of them are in the RMU playtest group that I'm currently running, and a fourth member may also be at GenCon, just not sure if they will be interested or not or when they are planing to head back up here to Michigan). 

Bruce, yes be sure to let me know as I'm willing to give it a try if it works out timing wise to participate.
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


I'll check with my wife, I'm not sure when she wants to get back home Sunday (It's a 4ish hour drive home) but she is keeping things clear Sunday so be able to enjoy the Dealer Room, art,  and some other things.


BeggarKing (Thomas)

I'd like to catch up Sunday - I haven't finalized my travelling plans so it may not work with flights and such, but will let you know soon. In the meantime please count me in.
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."


I will ask my friend Pete this Sunday when we go see Xmen about the dinner meet up at Gencon on Sunday.

Corey: Funny thing, I am going to Gencon for the first time with my friend (HARP player) "Pete", along with his best friend......

Wolfhound: I will try and let you know. I just checked and there were no Rolemaster, HARP, or Victoriana games added yet.
PM me if you want to provide your email or a cell number (to text you when I see it).

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


A wild newcomer appears!

Hey guys, I've been interested in Rolemaster for a while now and I'm also attending my first GenCon this year due to a crazy random happenstance. Unfortunately I've been a little late on the ball as far as registration goes, but I've read through this topic here and I was wondering if anyone has a rundown of what information has been released as to any RMU games being put on. I'm going with a few friends that I've convinced to try out the playtest at a later date, but a quick session at the con would definitely be the best way to introduce them since I haven't had much GM experience before.

Cory Magel

You should be in luck.  A couple of the people here are running RM events, they just have not shown up in the events yet so you should be able to watch this thread for when they go live I'm guessing (that'll probably post them elsewhere too).  I'll leave discussing the specifics to them though...

Oh, and welcome to the forums!  I suspect you'll find things much friendlier here than many of the RPG forums out there.  Lot's of long time RM players here and a good number of the authors for various bits and pieces of RM.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


RadBlacksmith, welcome to the ICE Forums and be as wild as you want. As long as it is within the ROC.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Welcome RadBlacksmith.  Beggarking submitted at least a couple of events that last I heard had not been accepted yet, and I've submitted 6 events (but submitted them late, so not sure if they will be accepted or not). 

The ones I submitted are 3 hours long each, and I requested 7:00pm-10:00pm and 10:00 pm to 1:00 am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings.  All six (if accepted) will use 5th level pre-generated characters (most of the characters from the 6 RMU events that I ran at GenCon last year), with the actual aventures being a group of adventurers sitting in a tavern, when several "plot hooks" present themsevles (thus allowing for people to play in more than one of the sessions if they so choose without having to repeat a specific "adventure").  I am limiting it to a relatively small number of players in each session though so that it will hopefully be a little more personal and everyone will be able to play a bigger part.  If my submissions are not officially accepted due to being late, I might be willing to run a game at an empty table somewhere one of the evenings though for anyone who want's to give it a try. 

I will try to let those on this thread know if/when I hear anything about the sessions. 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


Welcome to the forums Radblacksmith!
Wolfhound, I know I would enjoy playing a RMU game. Even if it isn't an actual event.
I am a longtime Rolemaster GM'er but I haven't run a game since HARP came out and I have barely glanced over the RMU stuff so far. I've been trying to bring people into HARP then hit them with Rolemaster but getting everyone together at a good time is a rarity these days.
I do know that there are a lot of people who are shying away from Pathfinder because of it's video game like  atmosphere. The time is ripe to bring in new HARP/Rolemaster players but gaming time is the clincher.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Old Man

Hi all,

Gathering-wise, Sunday is a possible but I have another group thinking the same day ... :(

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **


I just checked the Gencon events listing and most of the newly added RPG events are AD&D 1st ed and Legend of the five rings. There are loads of both though most of the AD&D ones are only an hour or two.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


With this being the first year that I've paid much attention to the length of events, I'm surprised at how short some of them are. 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)

BeggarKing (Thomas)

My events still haven't been accepted (still pending) They are scheduled for Friday afternoon but timeslots may change if they are approved.
In the case of a no-go (the events are rejected) maybe a group of us could just grab a table and play through a scenario or 2 anyways?
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."

Cory Magel

Quote from: Wolfhound on May 27, 2014, 06:36:34 AM
With this being the first year that I've paid much attention to the length of events, I'm surprised at how short some of them are. 
Yeah, I think a good number of them are likely set too short.  In the past they wanted you to have a realistic time window in order to be able to start and finish about 10mins early so the GM had time to setup/arrange from a possible previous group and so the participants could get to their next game if they were running back to back events (which is not uncommon at all).  I think at some point a lot of people stopped doing that and, worst yet, are also underestimating game length.  Fortunately the only back to back events I have this year are Seminar/Workshops so it shouldn't be an issue.  Course, I still might add some things in ...
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss