Gen Con 2014

Started by Old Man, January 26, 2014, 10:02:06 PM

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BeggarKing (Thomas)

I'd love to do something similar. I think I would focus in on one option + the RM beta and railroad it a bit so that folks can just jump in and play, and also keep it to under 2 hours. I'd also like to gear the session to beginners, or people unfamiliar with the ruleset and give them a strong intro to what RM is becoming.

Given the lack of feedback I think what I'll do is just submit for the event late tonight, and plan on using the new RM but fall back to a different system if ICE folks aren't interested/ready for the beta to be exposed in this way.
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."


Last year I ran 6 sessions (4 hrs each w/6 player slots) of RMU and the ICE staff were very supportive of it. 

Of those I only had one person register who had not played RM before, and two people who sat in on a couple of sessions that weren't quite full with only one of those two actually hoping to give RM a try.  Everyone else who participated where long time RM fans or in two cases spouses of long-time RM fans who were signed up. 

My only concern with doing anything that short is that you can't accomplish much from an adventure standpoint.  But if it is at a demo-table where the focus is introducing new people to the game then very short events are ideal.  But those Demo Tables need to be reserved by an ICE representative.  However if ICE is willing to reserve some of those demo tables on Sunday (as it sounds like that is when GenCon has time set aside for such events), I'd be willing to help out with that as well (for any of the ICE games). 

But it is great that you are offering to run something, as last year the sessions I ran were tho only RM games there (the only ICE games in fact).  There was one other person who had wanted to, but GenCon didn't give him a table due to needing electricity and web access for what he had planned.
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)

BeggarKing (Thomas)

Hopefully we'll hear back, 'cause I'd rather jump into an organized event, and help out, than setup my own lonesome session.
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."

Thom @ ICE

Unfortunately John had some system issues today, but I did hear from him.
ICE will definitely provide prizes for all players in your sessions, along with a larger prize to the best player.  GM's will also get some ICE compensation as thanks for running the game session.  Unfortunately, I can't commit to reserving the tables under ICE's name.

As for preference - play whatever system you enjoy most - but if you don't care which you play, the new Rolemaster or HARP would be preferred.  As for the content, I would go with shorter sessions, but that's just my preference.  If you need more feedback, let me know.... Sorry about the delayed response.
Email -

BeggarKing (Thomas)

Thanks for getting back - Submitted my sessions (RPG1460708 and RPG1460709) - looking forward to introducing more people to the beta.
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."


I am going this year as one of my players goes every year and I am tagging along with him. Unfortunately this is my first year to Gencon. So I don't know what it will be like to run a game there. I will be willing to run a game next year as I plan on going then also, since I live in NW Indiana anyway I might as well go every year!

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


Since this is my first GenCon (with hopefully many more to come) I am really hoping to get into an ICE event of some kind be it HARP (fantasy or sci fi) or Rolemaster. I am not sure how to sign up for events or how quickly seats get taken so could someone please let me know what I need to look out for.  One of my players would also like to attend the same event (if possible). Also, if all goes good and I can attend next year I would like to run an event (more than likely HARP sci fi or fantasy).

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

BeggarKing (Thomas)

You wont be able to register for events until May, then it opens up online for everyone. Online registration is relatively painless. I don't expect there will be a lot of ICE related events (last year there was only a few put on by volunteers) but I'm sure you'll find plenty of fun things to do.
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."

Cory Magel

You can make GenCon a round the clock thing if you really want to.  I tend to try and schedule the really interesting stuff (to me) at whatever times are available, then schedule as many other events that look interesting that I can after the merchant hall hours.

I like to have at least one full day of merchant hall hours available.  As time goes by (and more and more becomes available via the internet) I don't buy as much in the hall, but it's still kinda cool to get my hands on things that I'll just end up ordering online after I find them there.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


Bruce, if you don't get into an event, don't loose hope, as you can register for generic tickets and sit in on events sometimes.  Generic tickets are for drop-ins essentially; if you see a game going on and it looks interesting and the next session they have open slots due to not being fully registered or if people don't show up who are registered.

As an example I ran 6 scheduled events last year for RMU, and all of them initially sold out.  Actually there were only two of us last year that submitted events and mine were the only ones accepted due to the other submissions needing additional equipment and internet access (thus GenCon didn't accept his submissions for some reason, not sure if they didn't have enough of such capabilities available or what).

However it ended up that the first event, only one person actually showed up for (2 people cancelled after registering and others just never showed up), while 4 of the other 5 events, only had 4-5 people show up.  There was only one of the six event I ran that everyone who was registered (6 slots) actually showed up for.  As it was I allowed others to sit in if not everyone showed up, so with that 5 of the 6 ended up being full and that one at least had two people (as the guy who's submissions were not accepted sat in on that session.  This was  due to drop-ins with or without generic tickets.  But having a generic ticket, helps increase the chances of being able to sit-in  as it can at least the person running the event can help cover a portion of their attendance costs. 

As such, it would probably be worth getting some generic tickets and stopping by just before the start of events that you are interested in if you can not get registered for that particular event, as openings may occur after the fact. 

I went ahead and turned in submissions for 6 events again this year (even though I'm not absolutely positive that I'll be attending yet).  But I submitted them late due to not hearing a definite result about ICE's backing until only a few hours before the first deadline for submissions and not having enough time to get it submitted by then. As such I'm not sure if the events I submitted will be accepted (although I did schedule them much later, so hoping that they will be accepted). 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


So who here is going, submitted events, and had those events approved? I am curious as I'd like to get an idea of what I want to sign up for first.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


I'm tentatively going, and have submitted 6 RMU events (but due to submitting them late, I've not heard if they have been approved or not yet).  Also, due to submitting them late, I set them up for late in the day Thursday, Friday and Saturday (staring in the evening and running 3 hours each and running until after midnight for the end of the second event each day. 
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)


Has anyone heard when they are going to post the events?
My friends and I would like to plan ahead and I was told they are usually posted by now. Less than two weeks before sign up.....

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!

Old Man

Quote from: Bruce on May 06, 2014, 09:16:20 PM
Has anyone heard when they are going to post the events?
My friends and I would like to plan ahead and I was told they are usually posted by now. Less than two weeks before sign up.....


I read some where that May 18th was the day.

Old Man
** Yes, some of ROCO IV and VII is my fault. **

Cory Magel

May 18th is the day you register to play in events, the catalog of actual events 'should' come out at least a week before that (per Gen Con people).  No information is available more definitive than that at the moment unfortunately.

May 18th is also Mt St Helens day.  Just sayin... ;)
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss

BeggarKing (Thomas)

Looks like the catalog should be available later today in prep for registration on the 18th. From the source:

QuoteWith Event Registration going live at noon (Eastern) on Sunday, May 18, it is just about time for the release of the much anticipated Event Catalog on 2014 events will be made public for your review and Wish List building on Friday, May 9 at 9 pm (eastern). ..
Adventurer walks into a bar with Flint and Steel. Bartender says, "Don't start anything."


The catalog is online and running great! One problem, I see no ICE events listed. Did none of the events put in get approved?

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


There are four events listed for MERP, but I don't see any other ICE products at all.  I had submitted 6 RMU events but submitted them a day late, so not sure if they will be accepted (have not heard anything back from them yet).  But I thought someone else had submitted something also that had been accepted.
Wolfhound (aka Aaron Smalley)
World of Aernth/Channel Cities setting:
City of Archendurn & Dun Cru author (for RM/HARP)
Cur. projects: RMU Creature Law 1 & 2, No Quarter Under the Crown (campaign module for RMU)

Cory Magel

Interesting issue... WotC didn't have events submitted in time for the catalog.  Been a bit of talk about it on various boards (i.e. people not happy about it).  Considering people have to make difficult choices in what to buy tickets for at the beginning I suspect that's going to hurt their events, course I'm assuming they have events.  If not that's even more interesting.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss

Cory Magel

Well, spent too much time staring at the schedule... especially since it's almost surely going to be added onto by the 18th, but I'm going to do Gen Con a little different this year.  Try out stuff I haven't before.

So... it's...

Paranoia (too fun to pass up, kinda depends on the group though).
Numenera (gotta support my local people and I'm interested in see someone run it rather than just flipping through the books)
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (have to give the new system a shot, sounds like an improvement of the last ones and I like the rarity of Jedi's idea).
X-Wing (I think I know exactly what to expect, but we'll see).
Wings of Glory and Sails of Glory (trying it out - wonder if it'll really be all that different from X-Wing).
Space Hulk (need to see if it lives up to the hype - if it does I might have to start trying to find it).
Going to hit 2-5 of the workshops/seminars and see if I can pick up anything new and useful from them.
I was curious about checking out the workshops with Hirst molds, but I'm just not going to pay $24 for it... I don't want to take anything home, just see how feasible I think they are to use privately.
Also, going to check out the D20 burlesque... I figure it's well after hours, so what the heck, might be worth a laugh.

Of those going, is anyone going to stick around until Monday morning?
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss