ICE events at Winter War 2013 Jan 25th - 27th!!

Started by ReaperWolf, November 29, 2012, 01:11:54 PM

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I'm pleased to announce I'm running ICE events at Winter War 2013. This year I've got two juicy events, one for HARP 2 set in Cyradon and the other Spacemaster Privateers.

Under A Jade Banner
Ruleset: HARP 2nd edition
Date/Time: Saturday January 26th 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM
"The Devastation has left the lands surrounding the City of Belynar a blasted wasteland where life is twisted into horrific shapes and bands of bloodthirsty Schirae elves lurk in the shadows. Following the Ritual of Eoustral, the land was renewed and life awakened from centuries of sleep but the Devastation is once again reclaiming the land threatening to devour all of Cyradon and perhaps the world as well. The Rhona gnomes have tasked your band of young adventurers with exploring the borders of the Devastation in the hopes of discovering a cure for the corruption eating away at the land. All materials including pregenerated characters provided. Rules taught as we play. Prizes generously provided by the fine folks at Iron Crown Enterprises."'

Burden of Proof
Ruleset: Spacemaster Privateers
Date/Time: Sunday Sunday Jan 27th 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
"The ISC spacedock Citadel goes up in a massive fusion explosion killing hundreds of workers and flight crews and destroying precious ordinance and cargo essential for the war against the Jeronan Empire. To make matters worse all docked spacecraft were severely damaged crippling fleet and privateer actions in the region. Lucky for you your ship was in drydock on the other side of the station. Now for the bad news: all evidence points to the cargo you delivered and you're now on the run desperate to expose the Jeronan saboteurs and clear your names. All materials including pregenerated characters provided. Rules taught as we play. Prizes generously provided by the fine folks at Iron Crown Enterprises."


Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Apologies, I erroneously believed the link was included.

Winter War is here in Champaign-Urbana Illinois. This is year 40 and we're at the Hawthorn Suites hotel and convention center again.

Here's the link:


A quicky quick reminder, I'm running two ICE events at Winter War 2013 at the end of this month.

Seating is limited so register now!

This is a terrific little con, very grass-roots but it's been going for four decades which is mighty impressive.

This year I only had room for two ICE events, one for HARP 2nd Ed. Cyradon and the other Spacemaster Privateers. In years past I ran 3 including a HARP Shadow World event but I couldn't fit it into the schedule.

I'm providing all materials including handouts, maps, and pregenerated characters. Heck! I even provide dice and pencils so all's the players have to do is show up and play.

Hopefully I'll see some of ya there and we can grow interest in ICE products in the central Illinois area.



And one more, this is the last I promise till Winter War 2014...

I'm running two ICE events at Winter War 2013: one HARP 2nd edition set in Cyradon and the other Spacemaster Privateers.

As usual, the fine folks at ICE have generously provided prize support so everybody who participates comes away with a book from the associated game line.

Gonna be a great time!!



Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


I survived my third Winter War and I'm pleased to announce both of my ICE events: HARP and Spacemaster: Privateers were full.

I'll provide a detailed overview of the games over the next few days as I rest up and get my head on straight.

Stay tuned.



Winter War 2013 Recap part I:

Ok, so I've had the week to rest up and recover from the Winter War 2013 ordeal and I'm pleased to announce both, yes both, of my ICE events were full and we had people watching with great interest from the wings so I could have easily seated another person or two.

A quick rundown of the convention. Winter War has been running continuously for over 40 years and I believe it's the longest running convention of its kind. It's not as glitzy as Gen Con or Origins, these are more like trade-fairs. Winter War is a gaming convention built on the foundation of wargames so the main banquet/convention hall is dominated by modest wargame events. These aren't anywhere near as elaborate as what you might see at the larger cons. No huge tables of 40K or Warmachine, most of the games have a historical bent like Desperado but I also saw Gaslight and Full Thrust so the the wargaming isn't just historical. The number of vendors increased by a table or two from previous years but nothing as huge as Troll & Toad. I believe the guy from Castle Perilous in Chicago comes down every year and the fine folks at the FLGS - The Armored Gopher were in attendance as well.

As usual I hung around the main banquet hall a bit chit-chatting with one of the local wargamers Tom who runs a huge open Desperado game every year. I was going over the HARP characters and enhanced rules while we gabbed. Inevitably our chatter lured a few passersby to listen and contribute. That's one of the nice things about Winter War, it's friendly and I've met some really nice people. That's one of the many reasons I keep coming back. This year is no exception. There were more kids this year, most of them under the age of 13. Several swung by to chat at me and ask what I was running. Tom is kinda unassuming and shy so he doesn't exactly busk for players, he just takes all who come up and want to play where as I'm more of a carnival huckster always looking to lure in new players. A few of the kids were real young and their dad swung by to ensure we weren't a table of degenerates which is cool by me. After chatting with the kids about what I was going to run. I showed 'em the books and explained the kind of story I was going to run and they were excited and roped their dad into listening to my spiel. It broke my heart to tell 'em my events were full up, in fact the events were probably a little advanced for the wee-ones anyways. Anyways I couldn't let 'em go away empty handed so I handed out some percentile dice from my collection, I have a large bag of cheap d10s for that very purpose. The kid selected an ancient Gamescience set and I explained the dice were older than all three kids combined which blew their minds. The kids and dad seemed pretty pleased, especially when the little one wandered back dice in hand. Figuring he'd lose 'em and make for some drama, and a very sad kid, I gave the wee-lad one of my large Corona bags. Elated he skipped around with his dice bag on his hip and everybody was pretty pleased.

So my event started shortly thereafter but it did so very very late. :(

The auction ran long and by the time the tables and chairs were set up and I got all my materials on the table we'd burned nearly forty minutes. I apologized several times about the situation but it was completely out of my hands. I asked if we could eat into the one hour cushion between slots and the players were cool with 20-30 minutes. I don't like to waste time and I didn't want people to come away from the experience feeling cheated. So we launched right in with a really brief overview of Belynar, Cyradon, and the history leading up to the refugees' arrival.  Not wanting to bore them with too many details, I then transitions to the opening shot. The PCs were under one of the many palaces along the perimeter of the ruined city. A group of explorers had been attacked by some monstrosity while investigating the catacombs. Several managed to escape the monster's clutches by five were still missing. The PCs had made their descent and were exploring the tunnels when I explained they were a little too close for comfort to the arena and I mentioned all sorts of fiends had been encountered there. I was showing the system as we played, giving out the occasional challenge and showing the players how to navigate the character sheets. To help them out I also purchased five cheap but colorful calculators for a buck a piece; one of the best spent five bucks of my life let me tell you.

One of the players playing the griffon made an amazing stalk/hide roll combined with an awesome Perception roll and managed to roll up on the monster while it lurked among the shadows of the ceiling. The chamber the players were in was part of several interconnected storehouses. The intervening walls had collapsed here and there and something had recently smashed through leaving an obvious passageway through the rubble.

As the player attacked, I rolled a counter stalk/hide for the construct and if fumbled magnificently. The ceiling upon which was clinging to gave way and crashed down around the monster pinning it and leaving it vulnerable to attack until it managed to extricate itself.

The players ranged from cautious to suicidal as they took on the construct. Basically a spider in shape but with a central shaft rising up with three radiating arms topped with enormous blades and meat-tenderizers. The battle was brutal as the players learned the ins and outs of melee, ranged combat, and spellcasting. It was grand and ended with the construct ripping itself apart dramatically after suffering catastrophic damage from numerous power attacks in one round. The explosion injured several of the characters who were seared by the steam and super-heated metal shrapnel.

The PCs found three of the missing explorers trussed up in thin metal cable. Apparently the beast intended to drag the captives back to the arena for some dark purpose. I had already told the players the very cruel and thankfully extinct Narsin frequently used slaves and captives to create magical constructs and other horrors so it's likely there's a sinister device somewhere in the arena that would have converted the explorers into monsters of one sort or another.

They PCs returned to the public square with the rescued explorers to the cheers of the crowd and the very grateful provisional government. I handed out an extra Fate Point and gave each of the players a +10 item of some sort and then moved on.

Now the real adventure began. The Rhona gnomes were concerned the Ritual of Eostral was faltering. The weave seemed unstable and they had unconfirmed reports that the devastation was reclaiming the verdant forest and fields surrounding the city. The PCs were asked to trek out to the north to determine where the Devastation began. The Rhona and the refugees following the Rituals completion investigated and mapped the boundary all around the city so by comparing the old boundary to the new the Rhona can estimate the spread of the Devastation.

The PCs were given a magnificent green pennant to bear with them, granting a number of advantages such as +5 OB/DB and RRs vs. Fear and spellcasters also got the advantage of a +1 spell adder. The Rhona gnomes had manufactured it specifically for this expedition. They warned the PCs of the Schirae elves suggesting if they should encounter the twisted beings, they should flee for the Schirae are a hateful race and are jealous of the refugees taking up residence in the holy city of Belynar.

The PCs were equipped with riding birds, tack, harness, as well as other supplies upon request such as a spyglass, tents, etc. A few enchanted odds and ends taken from tombs and workshops were provided including potions of healing and some herbs provided by the Rhona. The Rhona also provided a magical compass that also functioned as a clock, best of all it always pointed back to the city of Belynar.

The PCs trekked out into the forests. After a few days of travel they came upon a Schirae campsite. All around the land was dead and dying as if a small area of Devastation had taken hold. At the center was a tree upon which a terrible Schirae totem was imbedded made from the mortal remains of several refugees from the city. A gruesome sight, the PCs decided they lacked the ability to destroy the totem so they made a note of it on the map and moved on.

That night with their backs to a stone rise they were attacked by a pack of Patago. The battle only lasted 4 or 5 rounds but it was intense as the vicious beasts swept in looking to carry off the unarmored. The clever beasts carried a rock intent to put out the fire but it fumbled after taking an arrow to its wishbone and it crashed into the fire setting itself ablaze. The other beasts circled and raked in and were soundly defeated with axe and spell.

The following morning the PCs trekked out across the meadows headed towards the Camal Sea. Since I couldn't find any indication as to how far away the Ritual of Eostral extended I winged it figuring it extended for many leagues up to the very shores of sea. The players could see a line of red dust across the sea indicating the beginning of the Devastation. A few days later they came upon the line and it was plain as day. According to the maps and a little clever use of the Navigation skill plus a Fate Point, the PCs discovered the Devastation was reclaiming about 1/4 mile per day and the city would be in danger within a year unless a permanent solution was found.

Figuring the gnomes would want to know this sooner than later the PCs turned tail but found themselves under close and sinister observation. A lone Shirae scout stood backlit on a distant rise or broken rock. The dwarf took it upon himself to ambush the Shirae scout before he could signal to his comrades. The dwarf managed to sneak up and take out the scout who I described as an emaciated elf covered in ritual tattoos and scars with bone and blades jutting out here and there and a pair of shriveled wings upon its back. The dwarf made short work of the scout but saw a group of five rapidly stalking up the backside of the rise.

The PCs fled back to the city and led the Schirae on a merry five day chase.

At this point the story took a neat turn as the player running the Mablung dwarf fighter decided to sacrifice himself to save the party. He took hold of the pack animals and headed into a box canyon while the scouts erased the tracks of the fleeing characters. To the Shirae it looked as though their prey had foolishly fled into the canyon and were now trapped. The dwarf went down fighting and the PCs managed to give the Schirae the slip. It was inspiring.

Eventually the PCs' luck ran out and the Schirae moved through the night and set an ambush. The PCs walked right into it and what followed was the most brutal fight of their young lives. They were outnumbered nearly 3:1 and the leader Schirae was an enormous brute and he was joined by a shaman/necromancer. The PCs did well against the tribals but the leader and shaman did their worst to any PC who came within reach of voulge or spell.

We had run out of time at this point, having already eaten into the half hour of cushion and I needed supper before my next game. It was obvious the PCs would eventually fall to the Schirae's superior numbers the trees suddenly came alive as dozens of refugees from the city swarmed out of the trees and smashed into the Schirae. The Schirae were beaten back and the shaman went down but the leader made good his escape after griffin threw his +10 javelin of icebite (delivers a tiny cold critical) and barely hit. With no Fate Points left, the leader ripped the javelin free of his chest and roared defiantly as he was dragged by his tribesmen to the safety of the dark forest.

The PCs returned to the city, delivered the information to the Rhona. They also told the story of the valiant Mablung Dwarf who sacrificed himself so the group could escape. Overcome the Rhona wept as they used their magic to erect a statue of marble in the hall of heroes. The griffon took the jade banner and placed it in the grasp of the defiantly posed dwarf and raised his voice in a shrill salute.

Awards, accolades, and the sincere thanks of the Rhona earned the PCs were led out to the stairs overlooking the town square to the cheers and applause of the residents.

Roll credits.

So a great time was had by all myself included. The players went away swag in hand and grateful for your continued generosity. Each player got a copy of Martial Law and the Mablung's player scored himself a copy of Cyradon for selflessness and courage above and beyond.

The only player who struggled was a young woman who's fairly new to tabletop gaming. She was completely lost no matter what I did. I tend to have the players roll the dice, and add the bonus on the sheet and I take care of the rest of the math but even rolling the dice she had problems. It turns out she was up all night and up early so fatigue was making it difficult for her to concentrate. In spite of her struggling she enjoyed herself and went away happy.

That's about it for the HARP demo. the next post will cover the Spacemaster Privateers demo occurring later that weekend.

Stay tuned!

>> ReaperWolf


For those curious the conclusion of my Winter War 2013 recap will be posted in the Spacemaster forum.



Well done Reaper. Never played Harp but that was a good read.


 It was almost like I was there with the group. Sounds like a fun time all around.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


Quote from: markc on February 03, 2013, 07:34:45 PMIt was almost like I was there with the group. Sounds like a fun time all around.

Kind words sir, it was a terrific time.

Tonight I'll post the Spacemaster Privateers recap.



Scratch that, I'm posting it tonight!  :o

First off, anybody interested in the non-event aspects of Winter War 2013 are directed to read my earlier post in the thread. Lots of juicy details there and hopefully these two recaps will lure a few of you to the convention. It's a blast and so long as I'm around there will be an ICE presence there.

So first off I had a full table of 6 participants including a few new faces as well as some familiar ones, roughly half and half by my estimation. What's really interesting is the event filled up as soon as it posted and so did HARP. This took me completely by surprise this year. Don't get me wrong, the quality of the products speaks for itself, and I've been known to run a fun game or two in my time, but in previous years I've struggled to fill my ICE events. At best we were at half capacity the previous two years so hopefully this year isn't a fluke 'cuz I love a full table and I love exposing folks to new games even more.

This was the last slot of the con and the organizers have a history of abruptly ending events extending beyond con hours. Once the clock strikes 6:00 PM you had better be packing up because the hotel personnel want to get in and get out quick quick.

So I mustered my remaining strength and dove right in with a quick overview of the kinds of pregens I had in relation to the Privateers setting. I recycled the 1st level characters from the previous year. For those keeping score I only had two players in 2012 so this was my first year actually running SM: P for a full table. I was a little anxious but confident we would muddle through.

The pregens consisted of a Kagoth explorer, a falanar Soldier, a human space pilot, a human space marine, a human criminal and an Oort; you know, your typical ragtag gaggle of privateers. To save my sanity I didn't include any psychics although I may generate a half-psychic or a character with a talent for psychic abilities at some point. Also there was interest in Valiesians so I'll probably create one of these for future games. Xatosians are a bit of a mystery and seemed tough to roleplay in the limited setting of a four hour convention event but I could be wrong.

I deviated slightly from the attribute generation methods in the core rulebook. There's nothing wrong with those systems per se however for convention games I've found players like the idea that the characters are all on equal footing (more or less) when it comes to stats. I opted for fairly generous with more than half the stats above 70 and few below 50. I also used a set number of Development Points, I believe I gave out 35 DPs per level so each character had 70 DPs. I didn't use the Talent system from Future Law as I figured the characters were relatively low level and those extra bells and whistles would only lead to confusion. These design decisions were key to retaining my sanity as I created the characters as there are a lot of variables especially when compared to HARP.

I did mention to the characters that the various sourcebooks contained a wealth of extra options for adding color to characters and they seemed genuinely interested. At this point I handed out the copies of Tech Law: Equipment Manual to five of the players, the sixth got the Tech Law: Vehicle Manual. They were pretty stoked about the swag so big thanks to the fine folks at ICE for generously providing the books as convention support.

I handed out the characters and showed the players the few pages with skills and asked them to briefly read them over to familiarize themselves with what's there. A few seemed a little anxious over the four page character sheet, until I pointed out the skill pages and how to read the bonus number tallied along the far right.

I quickly ran through the key mechanical concepts for Spacemaster, the most important was almost every roll was 1d100 and the impact of open ended dice rolls. They got it right from the start, several of the players having played in my HARP game were right at home. To aid the players I purchased 5 inexpensive (but colorful!) calculators.

We burned about 10 minutes getting up to speed which was pretty good all things considered.

The opening shot was of empty space a short jump from the usual tradelanes. The mission: intercept and detain an ISC freighter suspected of smuggling manufacturing parts and electronics to the Jeronan Empire. The intel purchased from a nefarious Valiesian info-merchant named 'Scales' was spot on. The smuggler's freighter was in mid-deceleration from it's jump when the PCs throttled clear of the debris field and closed within firing range of their autocannon batteries and disruptor cannon. The smugglers were expecting to meet up with their Jeronan customers but instead they found themselves targeted as the PC Falanar and space marine sent bursts of autocannon shells as a warning while Ace the human pilot backed by the oort co-pilot opened the comm line ordering the freighter to stand down and prepare to be boarded.

The freighter was silent but the two small Jeronan fighters detached themselves from the hull and rocketed towards the PCs' ship which was a modified Wolverine medium freighter. The fight was highly entertaining with piloting and gunnery rolls all over the spectrum. The first fighter ended up impacting the PC's freighter and due to my die rolling and a Fate Point (yes borrowed from HARP) on the part of the Pilot, the damage was minimal. Eventually the freighter was damaged to the point where it dumped it's cargo containers and accelerated at maximum speed. The PCs snagged the cargo but took note of the trajectory making sure to send a communique via Tachyon beam to ISC space to pick up the damaged freighter. Elated the PCs took the cargo onboard and jumped back to ISC controlled space and HAVEN space station.

I quickly narrated through the approach, dock, offload, and departure of their ship to the far side of the station. Several of the PCs mentioned they were going to search the cargo for booby traps but I countered with sorry, you must've missed 'em. I then reached over the screen, threw a few +10 Fate Points mentioning the explosion and whatnot was included in the convention event description for a reason and there's no avoiding it. One of the players playing the criminal immediately rolled her dice, didn't look at the result, and proclaimed loudly nope, nothing dangerous here.

The other player remembering the con blurb just nodded his head sagely and said oh right!

So off to the Gravity Well, the local Privateer watering hole. Within minutes the station is rocked by a tremendous explosion. Apparently a powerful fusion weapon was detonated inside the spacedock and it just so happened it was the very same cargo the PCs delivered an hour before.

The PCs spotted ISC security moving through the Gravity Well with holo-images of the suspects broadcast on the big screens on the walls. All Hell broke loose as the PCs fled through the crowd and the Oort, thinking quickly, ducked into a ventilation shaft behind the walls. The Kagoth didn't fit all that well, but they managed to crawl through a mile and a half of shafts and found a large chamber where they could do a little hacking. They found the location of Scales and with a little coordination the PCs managed to feed false images of themselves in different places on the station. They also found out their ship had not been given clearance to dock and therefore the ISC didn't know where to look to find it.

At this point the Oort got cocky and attempted a computer crime roll to try to erase their records but he fumbled the roll and fried his hacking rig while at the same time alerting ISC security to their whereabouts. Scales loathed the smell of mammals so he covered the scent by living and operating his business out of one of the recycling plants deep in the bowels of the station. So the PCs trekked through the ducts where they hacked the wily Valiesians's security and then laid an ambush. The Falanar went in first, hazzok at the ready as he clambered down a duct through a fan, and stood over Scales while the other PCs got into position. Scales was joined by three human goons all of whom were wearing kinetic vests and armed with blaster pistols. Scales was transferring and deleting files from a secure console while the thugs loaded up grav-pallets of (presumably) illicit goods. Scales had finnagled departure clearance by providing information to the ISC security on the PCs. Nice guy, right?

The ambush went off swimmingly except for Scales rolling opened ended up and getting over 200 on his sense ambush roll. He reversed the ambush on the Falanar as he jumped down from the duct and the Valiesian sprang back and then forward raking with his talons while at the same time drawing his heavy blaster pistol.

The fight around the room was heated as the thugs jumped behind cover and the PCs moved in trading shots. The fight took a little longer than I expected with the PCs being very cautious but after a few of the criticals I can't really blame them.

The Kagoth, who usually lurked in the background, plowed forward through interior walls and smashed the heck out of two of the four thugs. He didn't even have a weapon skill and yet his large claws made short work of the lightly armored defenders. The PCs had a healthy respect for the pacifist bear from that point on.

The Falanar ended up on the ground and stunned as the wounded Valiesian sprinted towards the door but he was overtaken by the bear. True to his dinosaur ancestry, Scales took the hit, rolled onto his back claws up and while the bear raked at him he returned the favor and emptied the blaster pistol into the bear. The Kagoth went down but not before the Valiesian gained initiative and stood over the downed bear like an executioner.

At this point we were running short on time, like 5 minutes to go so we moved to parley.

In exchange for his freedom, the Valiesian (true to his nature) gave up his contact - a well known administrator in the station hierarchy as a Jeronan agent. The Valiesian even had a scan of sensor scan he took on the sly of the administrator who turned out to be a variety of covert Jeronan dragoon of some sort. Had we the time there would have been a great confrontation, flight, and then running gun battle with the administrator and her conspirators all the while the PCs would have been dodging the ISC security hot on their heels.

Oh well.

We had a blast and I learned a lot from the game session. The first being I need to organize my attack and critical tables with tabs so I can more quickly navigate them. Secondly the characters need a few more DPs and level 3 would probably be better. Lastly, I've gotta outfit the PCs with gear lists because players work better when they have lists to consult and any additional gear can be handed out on a need be basis.

So once again, thanks to ICE for allowing me to run games under their banner. It's always an honor and pleasure to represent your fine company and wonderful products at conventions and I eagerly look forward to doing so again in the near future.




 Great game.
   I always think the Sense Ambush should have another name like Ignore Ambush or Counter Ambush as it just counters the ranks someone uses in the Ambush skill. But I get the name as ICE has described it as your innate sense just moves you aside to aviod someone who is ambushing you.

Also very nice of ICE with the free swag, and hopefully it will entice them to pick up the rest of the books as well. But also the SM:P EQG can be used in other RPG games as well.

Enjoyed this one just as much as the first. Thanks for sharing your con experienc with the rest of us who could not make it.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.



nice one reaper..I gav you idea points simply for a great effort!
The universe is hostile. So impersonal. Devour to survive; So it is; So it's always been.  ~Tool; Vicarious~


Late chime in, but this made me want to go con-ing too...
Game On!


Very kind guys, thank you.

Winter War has been good to me the past three years but I'm sad to announce I believe this year was my last.

My wife accepted a position at another video game company so we're headed for San Francisco. We're getting rid of a ton of stuff and prepping the house for sale and we'll be on the road come April 5th.

There are lots of cons on the west coast so I expect before long you'll be seeing more of my longwinded ICE event recaps. :D



SF can be fun but it also can be a bit of a challenge to find a game do to commute times and such. Also in the past they had a Con in Oakland called Pacific Con IIRC that might still be there or around there.

Good Luck on the move, the new dig's and the semi nice weather.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.