Convention and Game Day Support

Started by Thom @ ICE, January 28, 2012, 10:23:23 AM

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Thom @ ICE

If you are planning to attend a Gaming Convention or a Game Day, and you would be interested in running an ICE system session, please let us know. We're willing to help you with promotional prizes, and more....

Just contact me (via PM or email) at least 2 months before the event so we can work out the details of what you need and how we can assist you.
Email -


I am not sure if this is still a go or not as this thread is old but here goes:
Thom, I had planned and set up a game day at the local game store here around last October. I was supposed to get some kind of prizes to hand out but never received anything or got any contact with the guy who does the prizes. I ran a game any way and ended up running a regular game off of it. I was given limited time discount coupons for the PDF files for the players in my game, but no actual prizes.
I would still love to run an event at a different game store that has a much larger clientele of RPG gamers.
But would I actually get some support from ICE this time?

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


You might want to drop Thom a PM asking him the dame question as above.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Thom @ ICE

my apologies if we missed sending something. It was most likely my error as that is one of my tasks  Please contact me via email with your details and I will see what I can do 
Email -


Hello Tom, I am the owner of Texicon.  I would love to have some prize support from you.  Sadly, we don't have any GMs running Role-Master or any other of I.C.E.'s great games.  Maybe, you could steer some GMs our way.  I am a firm believer in I.C.E.  But I am not sure it gets the attention it needs.

What I could use are some posters to decorate the halls AND after the con we would give them away.  We do have a poster hanging fee of $20 per poster.  However, if enough posters are sent, then we make every effort to keep one up and put it in a prominent location.  First come first served. 

I lieu of cash, we would be happy to take product at your cost.  Or at least at distributor rates.  This product we would use as give aways in our Game Wagon.  Also, we would be happy to have any product you would like for us to give away at our convention. 

Please contact me via email if you are interested in one or both of my proposals.

Thank you,

Kevin Pajak

Thom @ ICE

We can discuss the details offline via email.
I'll highlight this information to the ICE team and then contact you.
Email -



Oh Thom, have you gotten any word back yet from them?

Thom @ ICE

Email -


I'm going to start working on game to run at U-Con, in the Thiefverse (original trilogy, NuThief required reading between the lines), and I plan on using whatever version HARP Fantasy is considered, given the dislike of the term "edition" on the updates. Already building a list of characters:

Garrett, naturally
Erin (no relation to the one in the reboot except the name)
One of Those Two Guards (2 character sheets, the guards who both keep getting fired after Garrett robs the place blind yet somehow still keep getting hired)
a Hammerite
a Pagan


I just found this thread and I would be VERY interested in helping spread the joys and goodness of the ICE line. I'm in Denver Metro area and have custom worlds for both RMC/RM2 and SM/CS.
Will have to see what's coming up on the local schedule. Will shoot you an e'mail soon Thom!
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


Now that I have a functional printer again, I will start reworking ideas for that ThiefVerse game.


Or anyone for that matter. I asked and you said (via email) you were going to send some physical books to me for a HARP SF demo I was planning on running. I have yet to run the demo because I haven't heard anything from ICE at all, no books. You originally sent me some discount coupons (haven't used them yet) but we discussed it and you were supposed to send me a small prize package of physical books. I have people interested in playing the SF demo but no prize books to hand out. I have emailed you and have not received any replies about this. Please let me know something like if you can still do this or not.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!