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Offline darb

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Setting plans
« on: January 10, 2012, 11:00:11 PM »
I am curious about the near term plans for further developing settings for HSF...  Tintamar seems like it has some promise and I am somewhat intrigued by the Bughunter setting from GC.  I just don't have time to flesh out these settings.  I don't want to have to fall back on my traveller universes, but it isn't clear to me what the timeline is for more info.  Thanks in advance!

Offline pyrotech

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 01:51:16 PM »
Well I can only comment on my plans.  But I have started working on a "GM's Guide" for the Bughunters update.  I've been lazy and only gotten the ships and vehicles section that converts the equipment to the Harp SF-Xtreme rules finished so far.

I still need to document a lot of things from my game: 
  The details behind many of the organizations and people in the setting;
  add possible adventure seeds (conflicting ones if possible so that my own players don't know which way I'm taking our game);
  include the mechanics for some things like Jump Flu and merit points;
  and stat out a bunch of monsters.

Fortunately most of this stuff is already done for my own game (excluding many of the monsters/aliens and conflicting adventure seeds), so it is really just waiting for me to get around to writing it down.

I just wanted to wait to see if there was any interest in the setting before spending a lot of time for something nobody really cares about.

If after all this people are still interested, then I'm sure I can continue to submit more articles.  I would like to flesh out a few more of the systems (but not too many to leave GMs areas to make their own), equipment is fun and easy, and if I can find a creature creation system that works for me flesh out the monster list.

I'm afraid that Mario Butter might hunt me down and give me a much deserved beatdown if I keep sending in stuff however.  He truly did a wonderful job editing my meandering content to making it simpler and more comprehensible.

Good Luck!


Offline darb

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2012, 05:02:56 PM »
Ok, that sounds great.  I think the setting seems like it has great potential!  I am sort of curious about the background of the setting, did you have to get permission from TSR or are you the IP owner or ???  But I really like the Bladerunner meets Aliens aspect.  Please take this as one vote for continue the work!!!!!

Offline pyrotech

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 05:00:00 PM »
This enhancement is really meant to be used hand in hand with the original Bughunters setting book (from TSR written by Lester Smith) and Harp Sci-Fi book.  A lot of the background and details of the setting are  in the original setting book.  My own in house document included probably at least a dozen or two additional pages directly from the original book to familiarize my players to the setting.  We had another thread here in the forums on the best way to submit this material without stepping on anyone's copyright toes.  Basically what I did was remove any content that I didn't write myself and reference the source material instead.

The full setting has all sorts of 80's sci-fi movie inspiration both mainstream and "B" movies.  Inspiration from Aliens is very prominent as is Blade-runner, Terminator and Predator, but smaller ones like "Critters" and others can easily be found in the material as well.

If you can find an old copy of the game I would encourage you to get it.  Between that and the more crunchy bits of character generation and equipment that I hope are in next months TGC, you might fill in enough detail for you to enjoy a setting that I have always thought underappreciated.


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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2012, 05:52:02 PM »
  A lot of old old TSR stuff was on the net for free but I do not know if it is up anymore. So you might do a search and see if you can get a PDF somewhere for cheep. BTW I can say old old stuff as I started gaming in 78-79.
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Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2012, 06:38:14 PM »
If you are interested in picking up that original product it is available through Amazon at reasonable prices.

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Offline NicholasHMCaldwell

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2012, 09:12:14 AM »
I am curious about the near term plans for further developing settings for HSF...  Tintamar seems like it has some promise and I am somewhat intrigued by the Bughunter setting from GC.  I just don't have time to flesh out these settings.  I don't want to have to fall back on my traveller universes, but it isn't clear to me what the timeline is for more info.  Thanks in advance!

There aren't any very near-term (as in next few months) plans for the Tintamar setting, but there is one adventure module that has been started for it (I shanghaied its author for other tasks but he'll be allowed back soon), I have my own campaign notes, and there are various ideas for how to create the Encyclopaedia Tintamar sourcebook. I am open to suggestions for what people would like to see and what people would like to write.

Best wishes,
Dr Nicholas HM Caldwell
Director, Iron Crown Enterprises Ltd
Publisher of Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Shadow World, Cyradon, HARP & HARP SF, and Cyberspace, with products available from
Author: Mentalism Companion, GURPS Age of Napoleon, Construct Companion, College of Magics, HARP SF/HARP SF Xtreme

Offline darb

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2012, 10:22:49 AM »
First, very cool about Bughunter, I had never even heard of it!  It sounds just what I might be looking for, a traveller 2300 type of setting with those types of elements. 

Second, kind of a bummer about Tintamar.  I think the setting has some potential, but mostly it seems to me that systems and settings have a strong synergy for sales.  Not having a strong setting dimension I think could really hamper HARP SF. But I understand the resource limitations and what-not.  I think that was one of the really big mistake the previous folks made with HARP, not supporting Cyradon as a showcase the system.  Mostly I just have anecdotal evidence, but most of the players I know at my age (40, how did that happen?) really want a more plug and play 'system', with good rule set, setting, and adventures.  I know there is always the 'adventures don't sell' problem, but I think they are more like loss-leaders for the rules.  But again, I know it just isn't possible to do with the reality at this time, so such is life.  I think the work that IS being done is great and hopefully some sales will mean more resources in the future!

Offline darb

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 10:33:06 AM »
I don't suppose anyone knows a place to buy a pdf of this (Bughunters that is)?  I just last week got to Peru for a while and good luck for me to order anything let alone get it in the mail here....

Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2012, 01:18:31 PM »
I don't believe it is available as a pdf any longer - if it ever was.
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Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2012, 01:24:30 PM »
As for Tintamar, Nicholas indicated that there is nothing due within the next few months, but an adventure is in the works, and he has ideas that he plans to develop.  The key here is that if you want to see certain types of products, please give GCP your thoughts. I am sure that if you ask for specific types of products they have a much better chance of happening then if you only give vague references.

If what you want is setting material and adventures, please give some insight into the types of setting development and adventures you want. 
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Offline markc

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2012, 01:26:47 PM »
As for Tintamar, Nicholas indicated that there is nothing due within the next few months, but an adventure is in the works, and he has ideas that he plans to develop.  The key here is that if you want to see certain types of products, please give GCP your thoughts. I am sure that if you ask for specific types of products they have a much better chance of happening then if you only give vague references.

If what you want is setting material and adventures, please give some insight into the types of setting development and adventures you want.

 I have no input but I can say from experience in other areas outside of gaming that more input helps a lot.
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Offline darb

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2012, 05:18:11 PM »
Well, I left it somewhat 'vague' because on one hand I don't think there are a lot of resources to go into this, so it is somewhat pointless, and secondly because I would think that Nicolas knows what he would want to do if he had more of the above.  To be specific, settings need firstly... wait for it... locations.  Sourcebooks for some key areas, incorporating important organizations.  You know I think this is something Defendi did really well in his (defunct?) Echos of Heaven product.  He had a grand story arc that took players through various locations.  Basically the sourcebooks and adventure books were closely related.  Each one also focused on a race or organization and the whole package was a grand adventure (which lots of players like).  Honestly, I didn't care for the setting that much, but as a product it was brilliant.  If it were me, I would really try something like that....  and then throw in some extras, like equipment guides, player options, etc.  Basically flesh out the world and make it immersive.  Or just study what made Traveler so popular, and turn out equivilent books to whatever Mongoose puts out :), they seem to be fairly on the ball. 

Offline dutch206

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Re: Setting plans
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2012, 08:52:39 AM »
More input for Tintamar....

*Detail Tintamar Station, since that is the space station for which the setting is named.

*Detail the sector around the worlds of Primus and Secondus, as that seems to be the conflict zone.

*Add more info about the worlds mentioned in the Tintamar setting but not fleshed out. (eg. The American worlds of Lincoln, Washington, etc....)

That would help a lot.
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