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Fear criticals


I've been meaning to put this together for a wee while.  Fear criticals, either for use in greeblie horror games, or gritty combat games (such as, at the start or end of combat).  I've got fear doing real hits (but they could hit a san stat of some sort if you prefer) to represent the real bodily strain of being under fear. 

In addition, I've got fear triggering frenzy, and a variety where characters would be in a frenzy and trying to flee (in which case they will attack anyone or anything trying to stop them fleeing).

The penalties apply activity, and should probably be considered a separate class of damage for healing magick purposes.  In a gritty game, this could lead to characters starting to develop combat stim habits.  Also, it could give more for clerics or bards to do to help maintain part morale.

I'd recommend sources of fear triggering a CRR, but it could be done by a simple 'attack' roll  with Will Resistance as a form of DB.

Anyway, enjoy:

      Hits   Penalty   Condition   Extra
-19   -10   1         
-9   0   2         
1   10   3         
11   20   4         
21   30   5         
31   40   6   -5      
41   50   7   -10      
51   60   8   -15   stun 1   
61   70   9      stun 1   
71   80   10   -20   stun 2   
81   85   11   -25   stun 2   
86   90   12      stun 3   
91   95   13   -30   stun 4   
96   100   14   -35   stun 5   
101   105   15      frenzy   
106   110   16   -40   frenzy   flee
111   115   17   -45   frenzy   flee
116   119   18      dead   
120      19      dead   

Better table:
HitsPenaltyConditionExtra-19-101-9021103112042130531406-541507-1051608-15stun 161709stun 1718010-20stun 2818511-25stun 2869012stun 3919513-30stun 49610014-35stun 510110515frenzy   10611016-40frenzyflee11111517-45frenzyflee11611918dead12019dead


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