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RMSS/FRP / Re: Q: Draconian race
« Last post by EltonJ on October 05, 2024, 10:25:50 AM »
Yes, page 75.

Thank you, a lot.   :)
Rolemaster / Re: Defenses against Teleport
« Last post by Thot on October 05, 2024, 03:21:00 AM »
  game enviroment which cannot reasonably come up with a fix for EVERY situation.

But as you can read in this thread, the game system HAS come up with a fix, in Treasure Law and, by extension, in chapter 5 of Spell Law.
Rolemaster / Staffs as in "Rings Of Power"
« Last post by Thot on October 05, 2024, 03:18:59 AM »
So, the magic in Rings Of Power is heavily dependent on having a "Staff", which is not really an enchanted object, but something else. This does not really enable the magic, but helps to control it.

Rules-wise, how would you model this?

I'd say, spellcasting is generally at -X, while having found a proper staff gives you a +(X-n), with each staff having its own "n" there, the best staffs having n=0.

What's your take?

Spacemaster / Re: New Spacemaster Setting?
« Last post by Rose on October 04, 2024, 11:49:32 PM »
Agreed on the SM1/2 setting. Never could get into the SM;P setting. Just ran the older setting with the newer rules.
Rolemaster / Re: [RM2/RMC, RMSS/FRP] Q: Spell Mastery
« Last post by katastrophe on October 04, 2024, 10:38:55 PM »

Though the rules for Spell Mastery doesn't really make a lot of sense. Things like splitting spell effects and such as part of the spell casting looks cool on paper but we never really made it work right in practice.
Rolemaster / [RM2/RMC, RMSS/FRP] Q: Spell Mastery
« Last post by EltonJ on October 04, 2024, 03:25:20 PM »
Something jdale mentioned sparked a question.  I wasn't sure if it applied to RMC or RMSS.  So, does the spell mastery skill -- if sufficiently learned (Expert or above) allow complete mastery over a spell?
RMSS/FRP / Re: Q: Draconian race
« Last post by jdale on October 04, 2024, 02:51:50 PM »
Yes, page 75.
ICE News and Discussion / Re: Director's Briefing - September 2024
« Last post by 5th Knight of Xar on October 04, 2024, 02:21:04 PM »
Try joining the ICE Discord, the ICE team is active there answering questions on a daily basis, they'll let you know first hand.

Discord can burn in the enteral pits of hell.

ICE News and Discussion / Re: Director's Briefing - September 2024
« Last post by lordmalachdrim on October 04, 2024, 02:09:19 PM »
Try joining the ICE Discord, the ICE team is active there answering questions on a daily basis, they'll let you know first hand.

Discord can burn in the enteral pits of hell.
RMSS/FRP / Re: Q: Draconian race
« Last post by EltonJ on October 04, 2024, 11:45:48 AM »
It looks like the 5e dragonborn does have dragon breath and also damage resistance of the matching type, but no flight. Also no natural armor, claws, bite, etc. Personally I would start with Sohleugir to get some of the physical traits that a draconic entity ought to have (even though dragonborn don't), maybe omit some things (maybe you don't need nictating membranes for example), and add the dragon breath and an appropriate elemental RR/DB bonus.

Good idea.  I think sohleugir are in the Races and Cultures book, are they not?
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