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hi, liking the app a lot and created 2 characters neatly & quickly.
  • is there a document showing how to modify a Variant profession ? 
  • specifically, i want to change the base spell list for a monk variant.
  • can be done during character creation, but want to tried using <FavoriteSkills> within the variant-prof.xml, but it fails to load.
  • And is there a specification for sample image as the 'angry fighter' example works fine but not my base64 encoded image
No news about Creature Law?

It's being worked on, ref Discord.

So, another year? Five years?
Try joining the ICE Discord, the ICE team is active there answering questions on a daily basis, they'll let you know first hand.
Oh, additional question: Are there plans for further RMU products?

Yes, Creature Law 2 then Character Companion (1?), beyond that, not sure but probably yes.
ICE News and Discussion / Re: Director's Briefing - September 2024
« Last post by Thot on Today at 03:51:10 AM »
Oh, additional question: Are there plans for further RMU products?
ICE News and Discussion / Re: Director's Briefing - September 2024
« Last post by Thot on Today at 03:07:09 AM »
No news about Creature Law?

It's being worked on, ref Discord.

So, another year? Five years?
Rolemaster / Re: Defenses against Teleport
« Last post by Thot on September 19, 2024, 06:36:06 PM »
you need some very specific rules for something that is essentially something you need to hand wave?

So in other words, you just made stuff up. Dude. How do I tell you this… I was already aware of that option.
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Suggestions for a monster balanced to fight 4 level 20 adventurers?
« Last post by EltonJ on September 19, 2024, 03:35:34 PM »
Here's one for you, for future reference. The Carac'rin.

The description is on C&T II, page 43. The stat block is on page 45.

Isn't the carac'rin in Creatures and Monsters as well?  Also the Black Reaver from RoCo I and Creatures and Monsters make for excellent final boss fights.  And I'm sure the Moloch demon and the Ordainer demon have been mentioned also.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by Hurin on September 19, 2024, 03:10:50 PM »
I do know that there was discussion about whether to use color art for RMU. So it was something that was debated, at least.
Someone like Sulthon or Andraxx would be able to take them on I am sure. You could use them as a model for making an opponent. Particularly if they were using some of the more nasty upper level spells along with their natural toughness and abilities. The biggest issue with playing at that level is the spells available and the possibility of stun against a single opponent.
RMSS/FRP / Re: Hybrid Power Point Calculation
« Last post by netbat on September 19, 2024, 12:46:01 PM »
RMSS race abilities table T1.1 states that Hybrid PP progressions are calculated by taking the lesser of the Hybrid spell user’s two realms’ progressions in the note at the bottom of the table.
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